WHY did you get pregnant? *share your TTC story*

Wow, I am tearing up with the stories ladies.

You are all amazing to go through what some of you have and while our journey of being pregnant is coming to an end, the best journey is to come, having that little person in our lives!!

great to read your stories ladies, ive a naff memory for detail but i'll ava go!

when i hit 30 my partner of 9 frikkin yrs finally asked me to be his wife in front of all our friends in our local pub, to say i was happy was an understatement i can tell you as i thought my commitment phobic boyf was going to have to become a single guy very soon, we got busy (well i ) organiseing our wedding for the following sept followed by the best holiday we'd ever had in greece where for some mad reason we decided that in a yr we'd get my coil out and start trying for a baby!! up until this point really we hadn't really discussed kids as i thought chris had sweated enough working himself up to ask me to marry him and didnt want to push my luck adding a baby on top of this...yet!!

after a year i went to get my coil removed but it wasn't as straight forward as i thought it would be as it had embedded into my wall aswell as slipping furthr up into my uterus, i was devastated at this news and convinced myself in the 3wks before i coud go into hospital to have it removed that i would be unable to have kids, i was a mess! thankfully it was out in ten mins with no lasting effects yey!
so we then started ttc and tbh not really hard as if you ladies who have been with your partners for as long as i had and along with work commitments, money worries etc. we were hardly ever in the mood to have sex as we were allways nackered, but then in jan last yr my aunt was diagnosed with pancreas cancer and died very shortly after in our local hospice, my mum was devastated and chris and i focused on keeping mum on a straight path as she struggles with depression, then around april last yr my other aunt, my mums twin started to be ill and was quickly diagnosed lung cancer, that took her away from us in june and again this time my mum hit rock bottom, i can truley say it was the worst year of my whole life dealing with my mum, she was like a broken china doll. then a wk after the funeral i realised i had not had my period, i was bloody pregnant amist all this grief, we totally wasn't thinking of getting pregnant (tis the greatest way to get pregnant i think, if your not constantly thinking of it all the time imo) at all so i stupidly announced it to everyone espes mum to try and give her something to focus on, i even put it on fb as early as 4 wks. sadly at around 5wks i m/c my little bean, we were devastated in our grief but on that brave face went and i set about makeing myself well by eating well and focusing on getting pregnant again, wich i did within three months of ttc by charting my signs ie temps,cm etc.. i became a woman obsessed those three months and my DH will tell me now its safe to do so lol, that i was very hard to deal with as to him i'd not dealt with my m/c, i just seemed to be putting a brave face on and ignoreing my inner demons,but in the 14wks from finding out i was pregnant to finally bucking up the courage to go get my pregnancy confirmed ( i'd got it in my head that if i went to get it confirmed i'd m/c again as the morning that i was to take my pee sample to the docs the first time i had started to mc, so this time my head was telling me it would happen again) chris and i finally got all our feelings and emotions out and laid em on the table and i could move on and start to enjoy being pregnant this time!
so here i am at 33wks pregnant full of the joys of spring awaiting the arrival of my little boy, Thomas Alan Lawton aka Tom xx
doggy, wow what a story. Im so so so sorry to hear about your aunts. Cancer is a terrible disease. I hope you're mum is doing as well as she can be?

Wow you went 14 weeks from finding out to getting it confirmed? That's amazing hun! Did you have many symptoms?

Im so glad for you little Tom is on his way, its a great name. T'was on our boys list! :hugs:
thanks for that mrspop, yes mums great now she's a true survivor my mum is and battles on bless her, she's very giddy to be a gran espes with mine as me and her are very close!
i seriously can't beleive it now that i waited that long to go to the docs and i really only went when chris clicked that i'd not seen anyone medical and sat me down and gave me a good talking to, he's very assertive when he wants to be but norm a big laid back softie.
i had sore boobs from around wk 6 and morning sickness from around then till about wk 17, i was ill all day everyday, it was horrible and i questioned myself a few times as to why i was putting myself through this lol...i'll do it again in an instant if i win the lottery lol!
Here's ours:

We were on the fence about having more children. He has 3 already from previous marriages, I had one when I was very young and he is out of the house. I also have a grandson by my oldest son, who turned 21 yesterday.

When we first started dating, he asked if I wanted more children and my knee-jerk answer was "Hell no, mine is done cooking, out of the house and a father himself!" But as we continued to date, and I got to know this wonderful man and see him as a father, the more I thought "maybe...."

We dated for a few years and he kinda let the idea go, as I stayed pretty off about it.

In August of 2010, we got a surprise BFP. And we were thrilled! We were not really trying, but not really preventing either.

In November of 2010, at nearly 14 weeks, we lost baby number one. It was absolutely devastating for both of us. It was the 8th baby DH had lost over the years and almost convinced him to give up (he has had 3 before this one survive, but lost 8 to get there). We did nothing for a week but lay in bed, cry and comfort each other...and miraculously, during that week, at some point, baby 2 (Liam, the one I am carrying now) was conceived.

I had no idea for 8 weeks that I was pregnant. He kept saying I was but I told him it was the hormones from the miscarriage. one day, we were arguing over the computer and I had picked up a test earlier that week, and took it that day. I was so sure it was negative I threw it on the table and forgot about it. Mid arguement, I picked it up and my jaw dropped. 2 lines!! HOW?

I told him while we were arguing and he said "I KNEW IT!! I KNEW IT!!"

He came home that night with flowers. And here we are, 28 weeks later =)
WHOOPS would be my theme as well...

About a year ago now I got engaged to a guy from London, our meeting was really by chance at a local sports game here in the Minnesota and we hit it off and had a long distance relationship for a while... it was kind of whirl wind and exciting. So anyways.... he came to Minnesota again to visit last spring and popped the question. For me, getting married and starting a family has always been a huge priority to me. I had ended a 5 year relationship not long before meeting him... and just kind of jumped in feet first with out really thinking things through... fast forward to a few months later, I started having serious doubts, but we were well underway with our plans for our wedding at Hever castle, it was so exciting and fairy tale like and I kept telling myself I just nervous... its normal to have doubts and such before getting married.

He came over right before Thanksgiving last year... and was planning on spending 2 months here... kind of our trial run before the wedding and he moved over for good. It took me all of about 2 weeks of those 2 months to know with out a shadow of a doubt that he wasn't the one for me and it was never going to work. I started wishing away the rest of the time... We went to Jamaica in December for a mini vacation... and sort of my last ditch effort to make it work. The whole time he was there I didn't want him touching me (obviously a HUGE sign that things weren't right) but after a day at the pool bar, I was drunk enough to finally give in, as he had been hounding me for weeks about it and I kept making excuses. Well needless to say that since I was drunk I didn't take all the necessary precautions to prevent an accident, but I never really thought anything of it... my ex and I were NTNP for 4 years and I never got pregnant, so I thought perhaps I couldn't even have kids, but being still fairly young, not married and so forth, I figured I'd get tested eventually.

The 2 months progress and I'm getting unhappier every day, so finally I sit him down and tell him that its over, its not going to work out. I'm very sorry and blah blah blah.

At this point I was late, but I figured from the stress of having to tell someone I didn't want to marry them and other things that was why. I kept having AF type cramps and I just figured I'd get it any day. So a couple days later, I figured I'd take the test... then I'd for sure get it and life would move on.

No such luck... I got a BFP. I was completely stunned. It never even occured to me that I would be pregnant. I called my mom in tears and I was like no no no... she was SO excited. lol

I went home after work and told the FOB (who was finally leaving in a few days) he was shocked as well, but instantly thought that it meant we'd be getting back together. So I had to basically break up with him all over again. I never ever dreamed of being a single mom, but no amount of wanting that happy family could make me love him and make the situation right.

So here I am... just into the 3rd tri. Things with FOB have gotten a million times worse, but I love this peanut more than life itself. I would do absolutely anything for him. The situation is by no means ideal and some days are insanely hard. The FOB doesn't understand that stress is harmful and piles it on day after day... but when I hold my baby... when I look at his little face and know that i made him... its all going to be ok.
Lady Hutch, Im so sorry about your MC :hugs: You've been through a rough time this pregnancy and it was lovely to read your thread today that little Liam is doing great. Definately keep doing what you're doing hon! :hugs:

Jocelyn Marie, I think I remember reading about your situation back in 2nd tri. Im so sorry thinks with FOB are so stressy. I hope it calms down and you have a stress-free rest of your pregnancy :hugs:
this is my 3rd baby, my first 2 were such surprises. My first was concieved very very fast even though i was diagnosed with endometriosis aged 15 and told conception may take a while or not happen at all. I then suffered a miscarriage (i was on the pill and anti-depressants at the time) then a few months later, whilst on a different pill i found i was pregnant with my son!

We started to try for this one 2 years ago because we had settled into our forever home, i'd finished my college course and i just felt that pull. We didnt tell anyone we were trying, as it wasn't something we wanted the whole world to know. To me its private. We didnt do any charting or temping etc just stopped the pill injection and waited for nature to take its course with no luck, i was having a period every fortnight so i started charting and noticed my luteal phase was 4 days long. I went to the doctor and was just waved away, they did bloods and they came back clear. Then in august i had my BFP! Sadly it wasnt meant to be and i miscarried 5 days later. I went back to the doctors and they blamed my erratic periods on the m/c i was told to come back in the new year if things hadnt settled down. Well thankfully i didnt need to, my BFP came in early November and shes still in there going strong :) reviews of my bloodwork were done and it turns out i have a b12 deficiency and i dont absorb it thru the stomach explanining the Luteal Phase Defect. I feel so lucky to have concieved on my own with these problems. Ok so they r not as serious as some ladies fertility problems but problems all the same.

I've always wanted 3 children, my husband has rheumatoid arthritis and has had it since his teens so having kids young was felt to be for the best because we dont know how much he will be able to do over the years, he's still pretty active now so can enjoy our kids but the amount of areas affected increases all the time, we hope the steroids will help with managing that.

And thats basically it, i'm so ready to be mum of 3 and cant wait to meet my little girl. The final addition to my family, its quite sad to think this'll be the last time i'll ever be pregnant but in a way im glad. Its been a pretty confusing heartbreaking journey and i wont miss that.
Oh wow Lilwelsh, how did you manage to convince the Docs to look at your bloods again? I must admit, I dont know an awful lot about LPDs but I did try Vitb50 complex the month I conceived to get mine a bit longer, got terrible tingly feet with it!
Wow you ladies are an inspirational bunch! I am literally blown away with these stories.

Ours is relatively simple. We started trying for a baby a year after being married. I wanted to be comfortable in my career and have enough money although even at 29 I still wasn't sure I was mature enough. I honestly think if my husband wasn't 4 years older than me and extremely broody with all his friends having kids, we might have waited longer.

I wasn't really enjoying work but am very professionally driven so I came off the pill. I say we started trying but we didn't really, we just didn't always use contraception knowing that we would be delighted if I were to fall pregnant. After two months I wasnt surprised nor disappointed that i hadnt and I got head hunted for a new job. I went for the interview and got offered the job on 15 December with a 31 January start-date. We decided to immediately stop trying so I could settle into my new global role which was a huge promotion for me at a new company.

On Christmas day I mentioned to my Mum that my boobs felt a bit sore. Guess what!? I did a test and I was pregnant. It feels terrible to type but I was terrified and really upset. What about my new job? How could I let this happen? I must have conceived around 4th December, 11 days before my interview. Fortunately my new employers who I told after my week scan (3 weeks into my contract) have been AMAZING. My husband and I ARE delighted and once I got the work thing off my chest I felt that a huge weight had been lifted and that I could enjoy my pregnancy.

I say enjoy but I am still being violently sick. I have tablets so am not as bad as I was at vomiting 8 times a day, but once or twice is still a frequent occurrence. We do feel truly blessed though to be having our little girl and for it to have happened so quickly. This is life and I honestly believe things happen for a reason. Good luck to all you lovely ladies in the rest of your pregnancies. X
Chocolate Kate Im sorry to hear you're still suffering with being sick but you sound so positive and stoic, well done you!

And congrats on the new job!
Me and BF wanted to have a baby once we'd bought a house together. BF moved in with me at my flat 2 years ago and we were hoping to sell up and buy together last year. However the housing market started to crash, mortgages dried up unless you had a big deposit, so we had to put our moving plans on hold until we had saved a big enough deposit.

We therefore decided we would just go for it, even though we are still in the flat and it's not ideal. However I had just started a new job and if I got pregnant too soon I wouldn't get occupational maternity pay. SMP would be a big drop in income for me, so we decided to wait until I knew I had enough service to qualify for the additional mat pay before we started trying for a baby. It sounds cynical, but you have to be practical about these things!

I came off the pill at the beginning of August last year having worked out that was the absolute earliest I could get pregnant and get the extra pay. However we didn't start trying straight away. I didn't have periods when I was on the pill, so I wanted to wait until I had one so any pregnancy could be dated.

However after 4 weeks there was no sign of my period so we half-heartedly started trying. In reality we probably had sex about 3 times and then my period came in mid September. After that I suppose we officially started trying, although again we were a bit half arsed about it. We didn't do the deed every day like you're supposed to. We waited until about a week after my period and then DTD maybe every 2 - 3 days for about 2 weeks. BF was often really tired after work and I literally had to pester him some nights and highlight we were never going to get pregnant if we didn't do it!

He still jokes now that it was under duress!! Anyway, despite being so half arsed about it, we got pregnant in that first full month of trying. I did a test 4 weeks after my period and it was neg, but then a week later I did another test and got my BFP!

It was incredible how quickly it happened and we're both really grateful that it happened so easily for us - we know plenty of people who have not been so lucky.

Most people at work seemed genuinely pleased for me, but I think there is some disappointment that I got pregnant so soon after starting work there, particularly as it was obvious I'd timed it just right to get the extra mat pay. I wonder if this is part of the reason why they are being so stubborn about not letting me go back part-time.
Wow! Everyone has been through so much to get where they are!

My story is pretty simple, I started getting mega broody after out wedding in May 2009 but hubby wouldn't budge on the trying for a baby until we had more money and more space. Although I knew deep down it wasn't the right time I couldn't help the feelings I had and really took it out on hubby. He was great through the tantrums etc and I eventually got over myself. In July 2010 he agreed we could start trying soon after and I *think* we started trying in September. With my son I fell pregnant straight away, no waiting about and expected it to be the same this time aswell. But September came and so did AF. Got to October, same story, AF caught up with me and it was then I realised that I had a 32 day cycle. I joined this site in October, I was convinced I was pregnant because I had 2 weeks of positive OPK and even started looking at prams and nursery furniture :dohh: In the beginning of November I started reading about fertility spells by a woman on ebay, who'd been featured in a pregnancy magazine and helped loads of women get pregnant. So I thought 'what harm can it do?! It's only £8!' and bought it.

AF caught me on the 7th November but I was feeling really positive since I'd had my spell cast and done my part (I asked for a girl spell since I have a DS, I've always wanted one of each) and never told my hubby, he'd have told me I was mad lol. Anyway, we figured that since we'd have alot of nights out already booked over Christmas etc that we wouldn't 'try' that month and I ended up with a bad cold and only BD once, and since we weren't really trying I wasn't too bothered that it was on my OV day (was still using opk's and had lots of EWCM and ov pain) and we'd only done it that once.

On the 3rd Dec I was off work because of the snow and couldn't get my son to his childminders, so we decided to sledge it to our toddlers group. Turned out no-one else could get out their house and there was only 3 other kids there :haha: but we mums sorted out the goodie bags for our Singing Kettle trip the next week. On leaving toddlers we crossed the road, into the Bakers for some lunch, into the newsagents for cigs and nipped into the chemist for a pregnancy test! Lol, it was pure curiosity because I hadn't had any symptoms but I knew with the snow we'd not get out for a while and it'd drive me crazy if I missed my period.

Got home and had lunch, then took the test. Got downstairs and looked at the test and could see the faintest of faint lines! I literally spun round the kitchen going crazy! I cracked open the test fast as anything and sure enough, there was a 2nd line :happydance: So I went for a cig :dohh: and texted a pic of my test to a friend to make sure I wasn't seeing things! She seen it too. When DH got in from work I handed him the test and he just said 'so does that mean.......' I said 'yeah' he replied 'ok, I'm going to fix your car :dohh:' I think he was in shock cos he knew we'd only had sex once! Obviously :rofl: That night I begged him to take me to the shopping centre to get a digi and it came back 'pregnant 1-2' I was hoenstly so shocked but so happy at the same time!

At 6 weeks I went to hospital with some bleeding and right sided pain and was convinced I'd lost my baby :cry: Seen the tiny heartbeat at 6+4 and burst out crying lol. Had another scan at 9+2 due to more bleeding then the next week I lost a huge clot and more blood. By this time my son knew about his baby noodles and was so excited, the thought of losing this baby after telling him it was gone sent me a bit loopy :wacko: But a scan t 11 weeks showed a very active baby :happydance:

Ever since then everything has been pretty straight forward apart from severe SPD and I cannot wait to meet my baby girl! I'm soo sorry, this is very long but I like to go into detail :rofl::rofl: You all are real inspirations :hugs: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
sw121, sorry your work are being a-holes about going back PT.

Hello Claire! *waves* I love the detail!!!!!!
I'm awful for it Mrspop, it takes me ages to get to the point of a story, and now with stupid baby brain, I usually forget what the damn point is :rofl: xxx
Haha! I can't help myself, I've always done it! I think if I miss out a tiny part of the story another part won't make sense so I cram it all in 1st time to save anyone any confusion. So I'm really helping you lot out :thumbup: :rofl: xxx

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