Why do some of us want names that are not popular?


Helena & Elliot <3
Mar 10, 2008
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I am just curious. Why is it such a big deal if the name you like is popular?

I chose Helena when I was 15, and I guess it is not popular, but I wouldn't say that was what made me choose it. I keep seeing a reoccurring thing about people being kinda mad if someone else chooses the name they like or that their may be another kid in the class with the name.

Is it a big deal to you? If so, why?

I kinda like classic names.
My first name it Thea... not popular at all lol. I hated it as a kid because no one could say it, no one lol. now that im older i kinda like being orignial. :) i think its all personal choice.
IDK, I just wouldn't want my child to be Elyse M. and also have Elyse P, Elyse A, etc. in her class if that makes sense.

I dated two Michael P's and two Daniel B's in high school :rofl:

I wouldn't get mad if someone else chose the same name as me because I introduced it to them and they liked it, I'd be flattered.. I will not use any names that are already in use in my family/circle of friends though. Just my preference!
We wanted a name that was unpopular but not wacky. I didn't want him to have the same name as many other boys in his class or whatever but also have a name he wouldn't have to spell out every time he did something.

George was another name we loved but OH's family is full of george's so ours would have been known as "richard's George" which put us off.

Basically, we wanted a name that wasn't too common but wasn't way out there.
I tried to avoid popular names just because it's a personal preference. My brother's name is Austin and there's about 10 different Austin's that I know. That's a big number considering I live in a really small town. There were four Austin's in my brother's class at one point. I never liked when someone was called Austin V. or Austin L. (with their last initial sounding like part of their name).
well we have a Jacob and the name has been #1 on the boys list since um sometime in the 90s so we sure didnt go for a unpopular name! we just go with what we like not what is or isnt popular. and I honestly could care less if someone (close or not) took the name we have chosen for this baby which is Lucas as it will still be his name I wouldnt change it...
My name (Leah) was not popular when growing up and i liked that. When picking my kids names its more what fits iykwim, but i didnt want them to have a name in the top 20 as i wanted it to not be too popular but not be to out there at the same time. Although both my kids names are now quite common ( Ella & Ethan) .. This baby is being called Freya and again its not too popular but not too crazy lol... x
I grew up with an unpopular name, Maxine, and much preferred being the only one i knew, rather than the zillions of claires, traceys, sharons, amys and so on, in my classes at school. I had three friends, rachael A rachael E and rachael H!

Its not really that I mind popular names, just that i dont like them, such as isabelle, os isla, or archie etc, they just arent names i really like. If i really liked a name and it was popular, then i would call my baby it no problem. But if its really common chances are I just wont like it. Its not special enough for my special baby :lol:
I also grew up with an unfamiliar name, and when I started to work, I was really ticked off when somebody else in the department had the same name. I felt almost cheated. We are in a hard position though, as we are trying to find a name for our little girl that works in three different countries, people wouldn't have a hard time spelling it and still something which is not so everyday that there would be many kids with the same name.

Isabel was my longtime favourite, but since in the last years, it has become insanely popular, I discarded it. Same with Lily.
Well popular names are good in that way, that you don't have 5 little mathews in the classrooms or 4 michaels.
Both my boys have popular names Daniel and Declan (Declan more in Ireland) I wanted them to have popular names because when I was growing up I was always the only Sabrina, I have only knowm 1 other Sabrina my whole life, I felt like the odd one out and people were always asking where it came from, was it from Charlies angels (which it wasnt) Then as I got older it was always Sabrina the teenage witch!!!!! Grrrrrr I wanted my boys to have names the fitted in and didnt stand out.
mmmmmm i am not sure!!!! the names i have chosen for my baby are not on the list at all and that makes me really happy. i guess you just hear the same names constantly and they get a bit dull? JMO.
when i was in shcool i was one of 4 sophies in my year 1 of them was in my class aswell.

i chose alys which isnt unpopular apart from the spelling (just wanted to be a bit different) beacause my mums name is allison.

i work in a nursery and if there are lots of children with the same name they get called by there full name all the time so u know who you are talking to thats why i wanted something not many people had

It's not that we don't like or don't want them to have the popular names. We just want to reflect an individual personality. I was always grouped in with the, at one stage 6 other Amy's in my class of 32 people!!Despite the fact that my name is spelt differently. My hubby is Andrew but he goes by Drew which really suits him and is unusual so people remember his name really easily.

I would like to think that the names we have picked out will show the individuality of the child and also not be too out there that they get picked on for them! We are very keen on the more traditional names that you don't see anymore. Considering we have a Diane, a Frances, a George, a Lisa and and Dennis in the family (Grandparents), we have a large pool to work with!! :rofl:
we're trying to keep stong names without risk of our children being Daniel H etc i think thats a big motivator for names, also dont want to repeat names already in our family as 1st names
I'm not against a popular name but I don't want one that's VERY popular. I'll probably give my kid a name that's in today's fashion while not being in the top ten.
I was an Annie in a class full of emmas sarahs and nickys and I hated it never met any one my age with the same name. Now though I love my name and love that its not the same as everyone elses.
I want to avoid situation where teacher says Kevin and 5 boys raise hands. My kids name were popular few years ago, so I decided they're okey.
I grew up with a popular name so I would like that my child isn't 1 of 4 children with the same name! Just a personal preference though!

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