Why is induction bad?


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I have no experience with this, this is my first baby and even though my mom has had 9 children she has never been induced so she doesn't have any experience to give me either. I see a lot of women posting on here about how to induce labor naturally and how they are doing everything possible to avoid being induced. I guess I am just naive about it because I don't understand why induction is bad???
I understand completely wanting to go into labor naturally but if it doesn't happen and you are 42 weeks +, what are the reasons you wouldn't want to be induced?
I appreciate any advice, like I said I really have no clue so I feel like I need to know this information!! :)
Induction can be more painful (especially if you have the pitocin drip). You're more likely to need intervention (such as an c-section) if you're induced and there is an increased chance (but I don't know the statistics) of complications for LO or mummy such as fetal distress and passing meconium. These things are more likely if you're induced early though, and if you're not favourable for labour (i.e. no dilation, no effacement).
But induction doesn't automatically = horror story, lots of ladies are induced and have great deliveries (myself included :)) x
I've been induced with both of my little ones, and they were just fine.
I will be honest and say I don't know the reasons it is "bad", but I was induced with my first daughter. I was a week over due and while she had some issues with decels between contractions, it was overall a fine experience. Things moved faster than if I went naturally, but I was prepared for that. I would do it again if needed.
I've been induced with both of mine and will be induced at 38 weeks again but both inductions took 3 days from start to finish. It can put stress on the baby resulting in a section which is why some people want to avoid inductions.
If your body goes into labor on its own it is best however inductions are not all bad. They can be used for over term babies (a lot of people don't know that an overterm baby can have more problems than a preterm baby), for problems with maternal health such as preeclampsia, and to provide a safer arrival for baby. I have had some of mine induced because I go quickly and live an hour from the nearest hospital. I never like the idea of having my baby in the car when it is 20 below! I have worked as an OB nurse and can say most inductions go fine.
I will avoid induction.as much as I safely can because intervention leads to intervention.

Your body/baby is thrown in labour with no warning. The contractions tend to come on much quicker and harder which can lead to more pain relief which can lead to a csection.

Obviously there are medical reasons for induction which I wouldn't ignore but given a choice no way.
My induction went fine. You do get pitocin most of the time, but not necessarily. I wasn't given pitocin until hours into labor. I wouldn't say you are more likely to need intervention, I've actually never heard that. Induction is when your body doesn't go into labor naturally and needs help. Along with other reasons women get induced. I wouldn't worry though, I have known several women all of whom had inductions, and none of them had to have C-Sections, and everything went fine! :)
It is a fact that induction leads to more interventions than going into labor naturally. In fact you're 3 - 3.5 times more likely to end up with a c section if you're induced. I would avoid one if at all possible because I want as few interventions as possible.

This is an article about just one study on the subject. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120306131531.htm
Inductions are not bad, usually necessary if needed. I had one and my boy is perfect! Would not be bothered if had to have one this time too.
All the reasons the other ladies said... Ill be 41 weeks tomorrow and ill be given an induction date... Obviously I want my little girl to come on her own but at this point I've given up hope on that... I won't refuse an induction... I think there is a good reason they don't let u go too much over your due date so if she has to be induced it will be what's best for the both of us... So far the 'wait and see' approach isn't working for me
I was induced with both of my boys...my first I was induced at 39 weeks, and my 2nd a few days before 40 weeks. Overall, I felt they went fairly smooth. 16-17 hours of labor/delivery with each. I'd do it again...
Some people are also not fans of any sort of drugs and try to avoid them. When you get induced, they'll often use Pitocin. As with any drug, there can be side effects.
I don't think induction is necessarily awful but it's obviously not as favorable as going naturally and like the others said, it is often more likely to result in more intervention than if you went naturally. However I personally think the risks are such that I would've been fine with induction anyway, but I ended up not having a choice due to my blood pressure at 39 weeks exactly.

I nearly needed a c-section, but we used forceps because her head wasn't turned right (after 4 hours of pushing). I think a lot of it has to do with the hospital you go to because my doctors were SO against a c-section and willing to try everything before going to that extreme. They also used some weird balloon thing in my uterus to start the induction without drugs, I was the one who gave the okay for pitocin because I was worried about her.

I bled afterward so bad I nearly passed out and needed blood transfusions, but ultimately meeting my daughter made it a wonderful experience. She probably could've burst from my chest Alien style and I would've loved every second of it.
I've done both, induction makes it more likely to have interventions, foreceps vontouse c/s, it can also make breastfeeding harder as your body has not released the natural hormones that start the labour process and part of those lead to the release of prolactin and make breastfeeding easier.

I prefer natural, it's a nicer labour, not so intense and easier to cope with. In saying that I will likely be induced with these ones if hey go head down and I am fine with that as I will do what I need to keep them safe.
My labour wasn't progressing so I was induced. Unfortunately I then didnt get a break with contractions, so pain was pretty constant. It was a bit of a shock. I ended up with an EMCS about an hour and a half later due to Fetal distress. So I'm not a fan of induction..... But having said that... If it is needed, then it is needed. My daughter came into the world quickly, safely and healthy. Ultimately, that is what matters. X
I was induced at 39+2 with my DD and it went great...I had a drip to help speed up the contractions and I dealt with them fine, I did however take the epidural when I was exhausted and needed to rest, and it was bliss, I went from 4cm to 9cm without feeling any pains and slept most of the time! I was told when to push and was so calm and the birth of my dd was so wonderful and painfree, I never needed any forceps or c-section and didnt even need stitches as I never tore at all! I was up and about in a matter of hours having a shower as if I hadnt given birth at all, it was fabulous! I cannot wait to give birth again! Induction is not something to be scared of and there isnt always intervention required because of it, it is not always a horror story!
Here is some of the information from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

I was induced last time. I had pre-e and DD was born at 37 weeks. I had lots of complications and the whole experience couldn't have been any more different from what I had planned.

I avoided a c-section, which is something I was certain I did not want.

This time I hope to avoid an induction, mostly to experience going into labour naturally. I had the drip and monitors so once I was in the delivery room I wasn't allowed to leave the bed.

Ideally I'd like to avoid induction and a c-section this time. BUT if I develop pre-e again then it is worth the doctors taking some control if it is best for baby and me.
Your unnaturally throwing your body into labor when it's not time. It's much more painful, a lot of times longer and sometimes puts baby and mommy in distress. I had a good induction besides it was immediate full blown labor from start to finish instead of building the pain up. My cousin went naturally but they used Pitocin on her, and her baby couldn't take it. Her heartrate kept dropping and my cousins blood pressure went high.

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