why!? just a rant!


Pregnant with no6
May 21, 2011
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I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my 2nd baby. So many people comment on my bump size, everyone pretty much says "oh your so small" "where is your bump?" "So and so is bigger than u and she's not as far along" Christ, it's getting annoying, even close friends and family say it all the time.

I'm constantly being compared to my cousin and my best friend who are both 25 weeks. I recently had a growth scan but it was not because I'm measuring small ( I'm not) it was because midwife couldn't feel much fluid around baby, I seemed to be all baby! So my bump isn't even small.

I am wearing maternity trousers as my others won't fit, but everyone says " u don't even need maternity trousers ur tiny" what the!?! I do need them!

My cousins wedding is in 2 weeks, I'm b 37 weeks, family was asking what I was going to wear, I said that I having yet found anything in maternity range I like, to which they all say "u don't need maternity wear your too small"

All I get is " u shouldn't be that small" "u should eat more" it's really winding me up!!! I'm close to losing my rag with someone.

I know ppl get comments for being big ect and I'm sure that is rude! But I feel like ppl r being rude to me, it really is gettin on my nerves.

Thanks for listening!!!
Aw, peoples comments are so annoying. Why can't they keep their thoughts to themselves? For some reason people always have something stupid to comment on to pregnant women. I swear if they're not saying " your bump is too small". They are saying " your bump is too big" hmmmm some possible replies could be: "Good, I'm glad I didn't get fat, that much less to lose after the baby is here". "I see that you're an expert, would you like to take over for my doctor?" When they compare you to other women who are less weeks pregnant than you: " Yeah you're right. Also my belly isn't as fat as some people who aren't even pregnant.. What's their excuse?" Welll, hope this made you smile and cheered you up. You know you are just fine and that baby is just fine. I would just start to give it right back to people ( but that's my personality) you're almost there and you won't have to hear it anymore:)
Haha aw thanks :) I keep thinking I should say something back! Said to my friend yesterday that baby hasn't got much fluid around him, she said "that's why ur bump is so small" argh it is not even small!!! And she's 25 weeks but to be honest I can't tell she has a bump, but I would never say anything! Lol ppl eh x
Geeze the nerve of some people! I got the same thing. It's definitely annoying, some people just carry differently. I barely showed at your stage and I got those comments all the time and I was compaired to my cousin who has a much larger bump than me and is two weeks behind me. It was frustrating and jut cause me extra stress because I thought I wasn't eating enough for him, but at every visit my belly was perfect and he was perfect at growth scans. Now though I'm pretty decent size in my opinion but no one believes I'm supposed to pop any day now lol.
Ugh so annoying! I get told I'm massive, when I say that actually I'm measuring 2 weeks behind people respond with "well that's not right, your midwife has surely got it wrong!" OK, I'll definitely take your "expert opinion over a medical professionals" :roll: :haha:. I would say grin and bear it but don't, hit them with a wet fish instead, because you're pregnant and you can :haha:
I had the same problem my whole pregnancy. To make matters worse, my MIL works at my OB office and would bring me snacks every appt to make sure I was eating enough! Ugh I would get so annoyed and embarrassed. My bump was never measuring small, but everyone would say that. But hey, better then telling me I look huge or enormous! LOL.
Ergh it is really annoying! I get this although I have had a bit of a baby growth spurt now so have caught up a bit. Now it is 'wow, you look really pregnant now!' Well quite, I am nearly term! I also get random 'well that's definately a boy, my sister carried like that and she had a boy' etc etc and comparisons to my SIL who carried much wider than me, even though I am much taller than her and a completely different shape anyway! Worst thing is that I am a bloody midwife and people still insist that they know the gender or whether it is the right size or not from looking at me, even when I try to explain that it is rubbish! I know they mean well but I definately empathise. X

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