

Mummy to Joshua James
Oct 11, 2007
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why is it that disposable nappy companys advertise so much on tv and in magazines and cloth nappies arnt.
i got my first bounty pack the other day and it had a pampers nappy in it but do they not think that what if the mother(me) dosnt want to use them and choose to use cloth nappies.
ive chosen to use washable nappies for the fact that there is so so many nappies being put into landfill each year.

why doesnt cloth nappies companys advertise their nappies to show people how cloth nappies work and what disposable nappies do to the enviroment.

it seems like me/us have to search for information on washable nappies and that the easiest thing to do is to just go into a shop and buy disposable ones.

sorry if some of you are using disposable nappies but i think cloth nappies should be advertised more so people have more of a choice.

sorry for rant. x
I totally agree with you
I found the ones that are advertised in back of baby mags are really expensive and birth to potty packs, no choice really

Its so confusing searching for them on net as well and i don't know about you but we don't have any shops near us that sell them other than toys r us who only sell bright bots in big packs, no singles to try out
Here Here. Your absolutely right. It seems disposable are rammed down our throats, and finding info on reusable is difficult, and prices mostly high, took me ages to find a decent value company.
yes toys r us do the bambino mio ones and they are the ones i like the look of. im hoping to get a trial pack in the bambino mio.

i think that they should just advertise their products.
if u count how many times adverts come on the tv for disposable nappies in a day u would loose count.
the cloth nappy companys dont even have any tv ads.

it makes me quite angry really.

im glad its not just me.
I agree too. I thought about them at first - I have one experience of a lady coming up to me in Boots and basically shouting at me to get her point about cloth nappies across. I was willing to listen, but when I explained I would be using disposables she got annoyed, my mum told her to piss off! (in a slightly more polite way) and I was left feeling pretty put off the idea.

The only reason I have not thought so much about cloth nappies is because I have no idea how it all works and don't want to complicate things. Disposables seem the convenient, quick idea and I think we should def be given more info on them from our Bounty packs etc.
I agree, I will be using disposables as I think they are the best option for myself but there should be more info and trial packs on reusable
I really wanted to use cloth but even with a few questions I asked I felt it was all so confusing and just wanted to think about loving my LO when she arrived. Was starting to get stressed over a couple of things. THere defo should be more advertising for cloth nappies, more support. There is support out there just many don't even think about it I know I was clueless so many people did it, so many nice nappies were available etc until I started forums I always thought it was an old day thing with a tea towel look bit of cloth round babies bum :blush: lol
is there nothing we can all do to get the cloth nappies to be advertised more.
even if its just a leaflet explaining them in bounty packs.
i understand why people use disposable nappies as the cloth nappies look complicated and some people wont have time to wash nappies if they work or have a busy lifestyle, but if there were advertisments out there it might just make a few people go and use cloth ones.

thanks for all ur interest. cheers.
I agree totally with what you are saying. We had a cloth nappy lady come to an antenatal class and that was really helpful because at least we got to feel different nappies and see how they worked.

The other thing that isn't widely known is support from your local council for cloth nappies. I got an £80 contribution (£40 each) from my council towards buying the nappies but they also did sample packs or a trial period with a laundry service.
So you have a dirty nappy - where does it go? I mean ours goe sin the nappy bin easy! lol Do you put one nappy in the washer or just one wash per day?
Same as you! Dirty nappies go in the nappy bins. I have two bins and I fill them both in a day. Both bins make a wash.
just recently i started looking into and learning about cloth diapers. My DH brought it up one night because he went with a buddy on a midnight diaper run :rofl: (his buddy has a 7 month old) and he came home to me saying we should look up cloth diapers for when we have a baby. I had a friend on a forums i go to who is a proud user of cloth and she gave me the inside scoop on it.

I totally agree that cloth is rarely advertised, i guess disposable is just more convenient. I know if i didn't have the friend there to tell me all about them, the different types, etc I wouldn't know the difference between a "fitted" or a "pocket". It seems the only advertisers are from the people who use them. I know if i didn't go out on my own to learn about them, I probably never would know.

I guess it's maybe hard to advertise that you have to do the wash! It's so easy with disposable to toss it in the bin and forget about it!

Cloth nappies are stylish, make your baby's bum look even more adorable, soft, comfortable, free of chemicals, good for the environment, and can even save you money over time as they are reusable and can be resold!
i considered cloth napies - thinking of the environment - but then spoke witha friend of mine who is very green and even she agreed thatenvironmentally speaking there probably isnt much between disposable and cloth ones - cloth ones need to be washed at a hot hot hot hot boil wash - think of the water, the electricity etc. Then there's the detergent with phosphates and bleach which would get into the water ways,, (OK, you can get environmentally safe detergent but would this doa good enough job on nappies??).
Then they'll need drying. I personally dont have space to air dry them unles it's a hot hot day, so again it'd be the tumble dryer - more electricity.

After all the electricty and the carbon emissions that'd create is it really any better for the environment?
I'm not on solar power so for me i'm not sure that the extra work and good intentions related to cloth nappies would be worth it...

are there any studies out there to prove they are better for teh environment?? I'd like to see..
i considered cloth napies - thinking of the environment - but then spoke witha friend of mine who is very green and even she agreed thatenvironmentally speaking there probably isnt much between disposable and cloth ones - cloth ones need to be washed at a hot hot hot hot boil wash - think of the water, the electricity etc. Then there's the detergent with phosphates and bleach which would get into the water ways,, (OK, you can get environmentally safe detergent but would this doa good enough job on nappies??).
Then they'll need drying. I personally dont have space to air dry them unles it's a hot hot day, so again it'd be the tumble dryer - more electricity.

After all the electricty and the carbon emissions that'd create is it really any better for the environment?
I'm not on solar power so for me i'm not sure that the extra work and good intentions related to cloth nappies would be worth it...

are there any studies out there to prove they are better for teh environment?? I'd like to see..

i disagree,sorry.
the nappies ive been looking at can be washed at 60 so its like a normal wash. if u wash every third day then u will have a big load of nappies to wash so saving on electric there and the bambino mio ones ive been looking at are an outer nappies that has a waterproof inner so they dont need to be washed every time and then there is a cotton sheet u fold a certain way,so when u come to washing them u just unfold them so they get washed better and they dry quicker as they are not thick.
im sure normal washing powder will work as good as anything else and as ur washing nappies every third day they get to soak for a few days so they dont need to be washed at a really high temperature.

i think people just get lazy when it come to cloth nappies, so they opt for the easy option which is disposable nappies.
A normal wash to me is usually on a 40 degrees wash.

Sorry to be a kill joy but I dont use disposables because im lazy, infact far from it. I personally do not have time to use cloth nappies, I have thought about using them a few times but im just so busy. Not only that again like most people I am a little confused by it all.

I also dont have the biggest house in the world so drying is an issue alone with just our clothes, so again it would mean using the tumble dryer constantly.

But I also think tinytoes has a very good point as to wether or not by the time you take into account the washing etc of the cloth nappies if you really are helping the environment?
I agree with baby bean, I also decided to use disposables as I wouldn't have the time to dry the cloth nappies and my house is only small so lack of drying space is an issue and as I don't have a dryer, I'd be relying on either a hot day or radiators, we have enough washing each day with my OH's work which takes up the space on the radiators. I have thought about cloth nappies but disposable just seemed like the more convenient option for me
i need to investigate this more...so...what do you do with the immediate mess? does this need to be scraped into the loo? Sorry If i'm being a bit thick...and what if I'm out and about - at the shopping centre for example?..

and then you say that if I do a wash every 3 days...so where are these smelly nappies kept for 3 days?

I'm worried about finding myself burried in wahsing, witha house that stinks.....selfish reasons but true....

I really am new to all this

I?m coming around to it....a bit...
Personal choice but disposables for me, good on you to everyone that is going to use cloth's tho! Its the same as breast feeding everyone has different needs and reasons.
the nappy I got to try is made of the same material as a fleece jacket. It is washable at 60 with non bio and not advised to soak or bleach. It comes out half dry (like a fleece) and was on my radiator rack for 2 hours before it was bone dry. We don't have a dryer, but we do have the radiator on for a couple of hrs timed am and pm. In the summer there is the washing line.
I def think this is better for the environment, just think how long it takes for a nappy to decompose, then its mostly in a bag and no-one flushes the poo out first with a disposable, so we have land fill site full of raw sewage wrapped up neatly for decades :wacko:
If it was goon enough for mum, its good enough for me, maybe even better with the advances

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