Wicked wacky cycles. Help support each other through each difficult cycle

Aww sorry Fallen. Hope next cycle goes better for you.
Afm- my temp took a huge dip this morning, I think the last 2 days were elevated because my cold had just started. Last cycle was just above cover line too so I still think I O'd. I wonder though, if its a bad thing that it's just above cover? Does that indicate a hormone problem like the progesterone isn't high enough?
@babyrogers, I've looked up the low progesterone thing at least 100 times for myself. If you have low progesterone, you'll have an LP defect (LP less than 10 days in length). Low temps overall, not just in the LP may indicate untreated (or under-treated) hypothyroidism. If you're having what appear to be lower-ish LP temps, but have a normal LP length and normal FP temps, chances are it's got more to do with when/ how you take your temps. I hope that makes sense. I'd been stressing myself out about the same thing for the two cycles before this one - this one my temp-taking has been so erratic and have had nearly all of the conditions which can skew temps occur... so I have decided not to worry, as my LP length is totally OK and my temps are all within a normal range, even though I know I have hypothyroidism, I also just had labs which agree it's not my thyroid function causing a temp issue.
Thanks Clandestine. Always helpful information. I guess I should get my thyroid checked because my average temperature is not within "normal range" and my lp is 11 days or at least it was the last cycle so hopefully that means I'm fine. Your temps are looking high :)
You're welcome, babyrogers! You may just have a slightly lower than average temp, but it wouldn't hurt to know that for sure, by getting it checked. I agree an 11 day LP is more than fine!

My temp went down a smidge this morning, but still above my coverline. Told my husband as long as my nipples are this sore, I don't actually care what my temperature is. And at this point, it's like the front third of my boob (just centered on the nipple) - both of which are also flushed-looking, so definitely an increase in blood flow. I normally get sore boobs/ nipples, but definitely more severe this time around... hopefully will know something by the time this week ends!
I saw that. Fx for you.
How are you doing fallen? I know it must be so frustrating to have to start at the beginning of a new cycle, I hope you ovulate this time.
I'm okay! So glad my af pains have gone thanks to acupuncture! Just waiting to see the doctor! Hopefully af will be gone by Tuesday! So can think about baby dancing again
I'm glad acupuncture is helping you. Hopefully it will help you ovulate and get pregnant too
Desperately trying not to read too much into today's temps - especially with daylight savings time change and freezing cold house. Almost thankful I'm going back to work in my office today, just to force a feeling of normal and where I cannot obsess over ttc-related things, without having to worry about being "caught" at my desk... why do I do this to myself every cycle???
Desperately trying not to read too much into today's temps - especially with daylight savings time change and freezing cold house. Almost thankful I'm going back to work in my office today, just to force a feeling of normal and where I cannot obsess over ttc-related things, without having to worry about being "caught" at my desk... why do I do this to myself every cycle???

Mine dipped today too. Hoping it was a combo daylight savings and early waking. Fx it was daylight savings and your cold house!
@LisK, it makes me soooo crazy! And I know better than to make too much out of a single temp! And most of my LP temps this cycle are from between 8-10 am (been really sleeping in late), where today's was 545 am (body still thinking it was 445 am). Feel less worried about it since I discovered the only real thing about one's LP is it's length - temps almost irrelevant (keeping in mind the coverline is an imaginary line and doesn't exist in real biology)... but I worry, anyway... must be post-crisis mode, blindly searching for something to stress out about??? Or a sign that I still have some sleep to catch up on before work backlog kills me?
Hope those temps both go back up tomorrow. Mine stayed close to its favourite post-o temp (36.38)
Massive plummet here, though boobs are still sore and no cramps at all. Not getting my hopes up for an implantation dip, as that seems to be more wishful thinking than actual science, anyway. It is whatever it is (or isn't) - if it's onto another cycle, I'd rather just it get started already to see if I can do a better job of charting, as no travel planned for this one!
Wow that is quite the drop. Mine didn't do that before af last cycle, it dropped steadily over the following days. At least if AF does get you, your chart will be a little more reliable. Mine took a small dip but that's not going to mean much at 8dpo unless its a small implantation dip but that happens in pregnant charts and non-pregnant ones so not getting my hopes up. Af is due on Saturday (according to my 11day lp of last cycle). If its not here then I will probably test whenever I get the house to myself after that.
Mine has never dropped this much in advance of a new cycle starting and still no cramps or anything, so I really don't know what to think. Just waiting... story of my life!
Mine went back up :) might test sometime between tomorrow and my original test date (18th), basically whenever I can get the privacy to walk downstairs with a cup and pee stick and not run into Mil or Fil. Can not WAIT for the house to be finished, I hate it here.
@babyrogers, you could totally wrap them in a towel and take it down when you're going to shower! Keep us posted, looks great especially since your dip was still above your coverline.
And somehow... I've not lost my mind yet. Temping compulsively... mid-day temp was still 97.9, even though it has no bearing on my 5 am (toilet-level) temp. Still no spotting or anything. I hate going to the toilet, expecting the party to be over and nothing. Feel like I have the most evil witch out there, who's now just playing games with me.
Haha yeah, I might have to do that. Sorry Clandeatine, hate it when af plays games, she even liked to when I was still on BCPs. I was like, it's a withdrawal, not a real one, stop playing games... I think she was practising
FINALLY started spotting this afternoon - at least my LP is > 10 days and I'm not going to get toyed with for a third week this cycle. I really hope the statistics about the likelihood of a BFP increases with each cycle are correct, because this will be the start of #6 for us and I'm just tired!
Hope this next cycle gives you your BFP. If af shows on the 16th I will be headed onto cycle three, month 5 in April

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