Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

Who ever lived their before us, was quite frankly an idiot! Lol. To the extent the extractor fan in the kitchen had the vent blocked up so when they were using it, it was blowin grease all over the kitchen. They made the kitchen 4 inches SMALLER by stuffin all plasterboard behind the cupboards?? The house is built on a hill, so u need steps to get to the front door and the garden wouldve been a total incline... Well to 'solve" this, they dug out a big deckin area, put a 7ft wall all around it and dumped the earth around the top and side of the garden, with steps leadin up there. No railin. Total death trap. Hense diggin it all out! Been mega expensive... Took it back to the brick, ceilings and floors out and redone, Restored as much original features as we can afford ie, ceiling roses, coving, picture rails etc... The tiles in the hall are still there and a beautiful! Would 1 day like to do the fire places but just not an option now...

Our parents had to remortgage for a deposit and to pay for the work. House went for £79g which is dirt cheap! Dread to think how much we spent... Need to start payin it back wen we can tho. Joy!! Lol.

Sorry for ignoring things, I'm always on my phone so not easy to scroll back... U asked what type of wedding I would like? 1 abroad! Nice quite do, any1 who wants to come can fit their own bill. My sister is plannin a big do as we spk... A lot of money for 1 day. I'd rather buy an Audi! Lol. Way OH is behavin today, he's lucky if he lasts the week never mind marrying him!!

My days been ok. Worked, done 2 gym classes (yuk) had a sunbed... Not normally my thing but my skins been terrible lately, and I feel all fat and pale and spotty... And my hair needs doing! So thought I deserved a pick me up :)

How's ur day been?

Oh, n the witch seems to have been gone! (TMI but...) I put just a pad in for the gym and there was nothing on it. Periods are not supposed to be this light I'm sure. Might make a Drs appointment! Everything else seems spot on tho, according to my chart... How's ur flo? Gone yet?

What's SEMP? I do the same with OPKs! Cheapies and my CBDT for :) confirmation! Lol.
I'm with u on the taking it easy if :bfp: its exhasting! Especially the TWW and u find reason behind every twinge and every sneeze! Gonna get busy with the Con Plus. Lots of that, then going to (try) put those soft cups in... Going to start drinkin Green Tea. And Exercise is supposed to be good! We can do it, I'm sure!!

Oh Hello MessyMommy! Have u met my friend Bean? Hehe.
Aww sounds like u've had a rough time of it bless u :( I really hope it happens for u soon!! :dust:
Sound like u've tried it all too, so I shall definitely be hitting u up for advice on those cup things! Hehe. What's that baby in a bottle thing u said about? Never heard that 1! Welcome new friend #2 :hug:

Jeez that's 1 loooong message :blush:
Wow long message. I use my mobile too, gets a little confusing.

Your house sounds like it's going to be amazing. Very jealous. 79k is amazing. That wouldn't even be a deposit for a 3 bed house in London. Wouldn't even be anywhere neat enough for a studio flat.

Wedding abroad sounds like a plan. I don't get spending £££ on weddings.. We only had 12 people in the day and hired a bar in the eve and had a party with 80 friends. Great fun and no formalities.

I've had a good day thanks. Though feeling guilty as I should have cleaned. AF has pretty much gone. I have light periods too. Thought they'd get heavier when I stopped the pill but they didn't. Not complaining. A friend eventually convinced me to try a mooncup for AF a few years ago. Best £20 Ive ever soenr. Saved a fortune on tampons and only need to change it once a day.

The soft cups shouldn't be too bad, though not sure how you get them in without the little swimmers falling out. I think they are softer that the moon cup. Taking it in and out will become second nature. Oh the things we do!

SMEP = Sperm Meets Egg Plan. Basically you bd everyother day from cd8, dart OPKs at cd10. When you get a positive you bd that day and the next 2 nights. Have a night off then bd one last time for good luck. Hard going but good success rates.

Hey MesdyMum - it does sound like you've had a hard time. I'm sorry. SECAM be TTC buddies this month and bump buddies next month!!! What is baby in a bottle? Very intrigued!

Ok eyes are going square. Sorry for any typos!

2 gym classes?! You put me to shame. Gonna aim to go swimming tomorrow. Sunbeds are bad buy I think the occasional one does us good.
The "baby in a bottle" is another old wives tale about taking Geritol Tonic. It's known here in the US as the old people vitamin. There've been songs and jokes for as long as I can remember about old people taking Geritol. It's really just a liquid vitamin supplement with iron in it. You are supposed to take it daily instead of the prenatal vitamins for TTC. You have to add your own Folic Acid supplement though since this isn't made for women of childbearing age really so they don't put it in the tonic. It is gross tasting so you have to do it really fast and I chase it down with something else to drink with flavor. Today I drank iced tea after it and that seemed to get rid of the flavor. I found the Geritol tonic form at our Walgreens for $8.99 and it says it's got 24 doses in it. There's a pill form called Geritol complete but it's got different ingredients and like most things, you get what you pay for and it was only $12.99 for 100 tablets so that would be 100 days vs. 24 days. Seemed in the other online stuff about it for TTC those who got pregnant with it kept saying tonic, tonic tonic in their posts. So I bought tonic, LOL.
Damn phone keeps postin everything twice too!!

I'll forgive ur typos if u forgive mine? Lol.

I'm sure it will be... Just want to get in there now!!

Small weddings are definitely for me. I don't see the point in putting on a show - meanin of the day is totally lost then? I'm being a Bridesmaid for the 7th time for my sister... I'm never gettin married if the wivestail has any truth!

Oooh that SMEP sounds good. I might have to give it a go! Might stop him accusing him of 'baby f**kin' him then too if I don't tell him about it :rofl:

Yep! Did a Combat Class and a Triple Play class, which is step, weights and floor work. Learnt I'm shite at step!! Won't be doing that 1 again!! Lol. I did a Spin class yesterday roo, and off to Zumba 2moro! Got a wedding on the 15th and I've put on sooooo much weight that I really need to get fit! I miss wearing jeans and I want to set fire to all my leggins! :haha: I agree Sunbeds are bad but needs must! I need my skin to clear... Dnt know what's going on with it! :( depresses me big time tho!

Ooooh Messy, that sounds yukky! I think I might hold off on that for now... Lol. Hope it works for u tho! FX'd!! I take Folic Acid and I've got the OH on Zinc and Mulitvits... What can I give him incase there's issues with him? I seem to be doing everything to ensure we suceed and I feel he's gettin off lightly!! Lol
Thanks V much! :hug: back!

Fertile tea? Is that what its actually called or is there a brand name? I might have to invest in that too!!

Best of luck to u too! If ur ticker is correct... Hope ur gettin busy!! :sex: hehe x

ohh i miss my nettle caffeine free cup of tea :coffee: :hugs: i know when that nasty :witch: arrives it can be a huge knock down, but u soon pick yaself back up and think positive for next months ahead of a bran new fresh cycle ;) lots of :dust: :hugs:
Hello ladies,

Just a quickie. Gerytol sounds horrible! But worth it if it works!!

I'm bored of waiting to Ov! Only CD 4! Arrrrggghhh!

Men do get off lightly with this TTC. Hubbies on Zinc and not complained. Think he knows better. What else could we get them to do?
Again sorry for the typos in last message. Hope it all made some sense!

How are you ladies today?
Thanks for the encouragement Jaydee!! :hug:

Hey Bean.
I'm ok today. Decided I'm going to try to focus on losing this bit weight rather than on my cycle. Going to do another Spin class today! Yuck. I'm sure all this stressing over it doesn't help any of us does it! So by settin another goal, might keep me occupied!
OH is doing my head in mind... Don't all the kitchen before I went to work and come home to a complete shithole! I'm going on strike!!! Lol.

How's ur day gone so far? Only 4 days til u gotta start :sex: so its not long! I think the days fly by since I've started charting... Its like I'm living for that 5.30am alarm to Temp Take! Hehe

I have the opposite problem - AF 9 days late but all tests are negative :-(

get married in 8 days time and really don't want AF turning up then! And until AF arrives, i can't start temping etc so we do it all properly as thought i had caught the best times to BD
Has ur temp remained high or has it gone low? My period only lasted a day this mth, and was so light I'm not even sure I can class it as 1? My temp was right down this morning tho so I'm pretty sure I'm safe to start again? Hope it comes asap for u if its coming... And is gone again before ur big day!! Congrats btw :hugs:
WelshOneEmma - Fingers crossed you're going to get your BFP. Some ladies don't get a positive test for weeks. If AF doesn't arrive I'd head to your doc for a blood test. Congrats on the wedding!

Carlyjade - You really don't look like you need to lose weight. You look tiny in your pic. Exercise is good for fertility though but too much isn't. Don't go crazy.

I'm in a bit of a grump today. Taking 1 1/2 hours to drive home from work didn't help. It's only 3miles! Crazy. Know what you mean about OH leaving a mess. Although I have my moments. I'm meant to be cleaning now as have guests coming Saturday and I'm at work all day tomorrow and Saturday morning. If I don't do it OH will have to Saturday. He'll kill me as he's working late tonight and I've had loads of time to do it.

Have you done another test? One day is very light, esp if not normal for you. Mine are light but have something for 3 days even if the first and last are spotting.

I started charting this month. Think it will help once I get another couple of dots on there. Looks very empty at the moment.

How was spin? I used to do it. Remember having to get a gel seat so I didn't get a sore bum.
No didn't bother testing, my temp went back down low this morning so I'm pretty sure I'm out! Think I'm going to book a Drs appointment tomorrow... We r supposed to have pre-conceiving chats with them anyway aren't we? It was only 2 days last mth and the mth before, I THINK it was around 3 days before that, and before that I still had my implant so was bleeding 3/4 weeks! Went for ultrasound and everything but in the end just had to have it taken out. They've got lighter n lighter since!

Thanks for ur kind words Bean, but I've piled on just over a stone since then! I'm very bottom heavy so its a struggle finding anything apart from leggings to fit me! Jeans are a no go coz if they fit my hips, they r too big on the waist and my bum falls out :blush: lol. Feeling so much better being back at exercise tho! OH used to get funny about me going to the Gym, so I stopped! Now he still gets funny but we've been toegtha longer so I dnt care anymore :haha:
Spin was HARD today! Didn't feel like I was going to throw up, so I did better than Tuesday. major Sadle sore!!Gel seat is on my todo list! Lol. Did Zumba straight after it and just out the shower now. Going to have an Omelette plain, and half a Tin of Chopped Tomatoes. Sounds lovely, right? Lol. Day off the Gym 2moro but LBT saturday morning, while I've still got the motivation! The dress I got for the wedding I bought in June... Put on half a stone since then :s

Aw traffic puts every1 in a bad mood, bless u! I know the feelin, he's gone to his parents to order a QUAD for xmas for DS... So left all his mess! I'm going to have to tackle it now and I really don't want too... Won't sleep if I know its there still tho!! Just give the bathroom a quick wipe over - hoover n duster will take 2 mins before they arrive :)

U chartin celsius or f? 1 or 2 after decimal? X
Omg I am livid!! Literally askin y am I even tryin to have this idiots baby?!?! The forementions 'washin up' that OH has left since last night, after he made himself tea and I had cereal!! He finished work @ 6 and came home an hour ago after playin on the Laptop @ his Parents house. I'd finished work @ 3, picked Elliot up from school, rushed him home to change for Football @ 4, Swimmin @ half 5 over otherside of town, went to spin @ 6, Zumba @ 7, picked DS up from my Mothers, put a load of washin in, showered him n got him to bed, had a shower myself, made Els packed lunch for 2moro, Ironed his and OH uniforms for 2moro, made myself an Omelette and sat down to eat. 10mins later, OH walked in, and said... "Hate u goin to the gym, u let the house go to pot!" Referring to HIS washin up!!!!!! Remaining PMT or within my rights, either way I feel like I want to stab him in his face :evil: - sorry! Had to rant!!
OMG I'd go mad. You deserve a rant. Men just have no idea sometimes. You're not his housekeeper. But deep breath. I always find that if I shout he takes the high ground.


Not got time to write more now but will tomorrow am. Think you're light periods maybe from you readjusting after the implant. No harm in having a chat with doctor though.

Sleep well.
Its all coz he don't like that I'm out and about without him. He won't admit it but I know he hates it coz he always finds fault! Like last weekend wen I went to cardiff with my sister, and he had a sulk coz I took my car?! Idiot like!! And he wants a baby!? Yea, only so he knows where I am 24/7. Well he can f*k right off! I aint ever gonna b a skivvy like his mother is so he need to get it out of his head!!!

Called me selfish too, sayin I'm not givin Elliot a stable life by leavin him with my parents while I'm at the gym - with my parents mind, not @ a Crackden with a load of junkies!! How effin dare he! Elliot loves going there so what's the harm? They lived with him most of his life and now hardly see him so I think the odd evening isn't going to do too much harm to my childs upbringing?! He wasn't even home anyways - he went to his mothers!

Then going back to the house work, he chucks in "when U work 60hr weeks... Blah blah" Yea I'm part time and I dnt expect him to hoover or clean the bathrooms, and I cook 95% of the time and wash up straight after I cook! but on the rare occasion wen I don't cook, I expect him not to leave his washin up for me! Ooh n I left the bag from the toilet rolls in the bathroom after my shower n went and made my tea. It was there an hour! He said 'don't moan I dnt do it wen u haven't done it urself' - I said here's the difference, I might leave summit, but I will eventually get to it. U leave stuff and its still ME who clears it away! Therefore, I am entitled to leave stuff without havin U moan and I'm entitled to moan wen u leave stuff! N how dare Especially if hes going to moan about me not puttin a bag in the bin, then I go upstairs and the bag he moaned about, he hasn't even touched!!!" Argggghhhh!!

Just pisses me off that he'll moan about that rather than understand I'm tryin to lose weight and to encourage me for my gym efforts. I've worked hard this week like, n been good with my eatin - he's quick enuff to say 'diets goin well then' when I'm eatin what I shudnt be!! Honest to god I have so much anger towards him at the moment. He's really upset and annoyed me. And if u ask him, its coz I'm a moody bitch wen I'm dietin!! Not becoz he's an insensitive, unsupported f*ktard!! He's seriously makin me think, "do I really want another child with another idiot?" I don't like feelin like this... Like I'm doubtin our future if he can't learn to chill out and stop being so uptight with me? I really struggle to shrug him off like I used too...

Anyways... Rant over. Was another long 1 wasn't it! Sorry about that, just need to vent... :(

How's ur day been? I worked today, which I don't normally on a Friday! DS is at his fathers for the weekend from 5 today, so going to have a good clean of my house and I'm sure I'll feel better! Donated Blood today while I was @ work - some guy fainted on me while we were sat waiting for a bed... Cud only happen to me :rofl:

My implant was taken out a year ago this mth... Wudnt be from that still would it? X
Hi, sorry I've been gone all day.

Rants are good. Get it off your chest. Have to say I couldn't cope with that. We tend to share chores. I do a little more but I work a bit less. He does say something when the place us a mess and I've been in all day but I would too. It's usually cause I've wasted the day on the Internet.

Think you need to talk to him and explain how you're feeling.

Hole you're feeling better. I've had a good day thanks. No your hormones should have settled by now.

Hey all! I'm looking for some ladies who need a buddy for the Oct cycle! I just got my af today......I'm down, but excited to go through the next 28-30 to BFP with you ladies.
I also wanted to know what everyone is doing to help increase their chances?
Hey, thanks for readin my drivvel! Lol.

I had a good clean and destressed a bit. There's no talkin to him about it. So I just dnt intend to talk to him at all! :) I'm sure it will all blow over by 2moro, once my blood stops boiling! Lost 3lbs this week so the gym is payin off! Lol, that's all that matters!

Glad u've had a good day! Enjoy ur weekend with ur guests, shall leave u be till Monday! Haha. Xx
I also wanted to know what everyone is doing to help increase their chances?

I am trying the Geritol tonic old wives tale this cycle. I also take Vitamin E, Folic Acid, fish oil/borage oil/flaxseed oil caps and baby aspirin daily. The husband is taking the same fish oil/borage oil/flaxseed oil caps, Men's multi vitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc. He's been switched to boxers since March as well as we're both on NO caffiene since about April. Our coffee is all decaf except during the week DH is drinking 1/2 caff coffee since he gets up so early and drives a semi. We want him awake!!! I don't use any artificial sweeteners as of July. I quit drinking diet soda and using splenda in my coffee. I also am working on my diet to be healthier and to lose some weight hoping that will help us. When it's time for BDing near O, we're using Pre-Seed and softcups too. I started charting my temps last month also. I am not going to take Clomid this cycle as I don't think it's helping us and I ovulate just fine on my own. Can you think of anything else we can try?
Hey Canada! Welcome to BnB!
Sorry I didn't see u post before I posted my last...
Have u been TTC for long?
I'm on my 3rd cycle of Charting.
I'm taking Folic Acid and Multi Vit. OH is on Zinc and Multi Vits.
I'm taking my BBT every morning, using cheapy OPKs from day 9, and Clear Blue Digis for comfirmation.
This Cycle I will be tryin Conceive Plus Lube and SoftCups (if I ever work out how to put them in!! Lol)
Also from this Cycle, I am working on my Diet, like Messy above! Tryin to get fitter, slimmer and overall, more healthy! :) x

Messy, what is half of that for? I'm curious as to what else I could be taking to maximise chances! But I have no idea what any of it is supposed to do...?
How u feelin today? Had a good week? X

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