Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

I am going to use the egg whites this cycle in addition to the Geritol tonic. I did notice the geritol tonic has alcohol in it, 12%. I asked the DH if that's a lot of alcohol and he said it's kinda a lot, it's more than a beer. I told him that Thursday I took it right before driving to town for groceries and I knew I felt funny. I hadn't drove in a week, no where really I needed to go so I thought maybe it was feeling funny to drive because of that and he told me I was probably slightly buzzed from the 12% since I never drink! I will not be taking that right before driving again. The warm feeling does last about 30 minutes or so.
i just stared using the soft cups last month. Im having a hard time determining if they r in the right place or not. I noticed when I use them with af they tend to leak a bit :( so thats not good. Practice makes perfect, right? I am seriously considering the egg white method this month with the soft cups. We have been ttc for close to 5 years. I have a son from my first marriage so I didn't think it was me. My DH has bad morphology. I also just started actually tracking my cycles with the siliva monitor and this month my luteal phase was only 6 days if you dont count the days I spotted. 4 if you count the days I spotted. So I am hoping that was just a fluke period.
Nice to meet you midg08, I'm also from IL & I have been using the soft cups for fertility but not for AF because I was afraid I'd leak all over.
Morning everyone. Sorry I've been absent all weekend.

Sorry witch has got you Emma but at least you know and you can have a fun wedding with a few drinks and as Carly say's have a honeymoon baby. You're IUD will affect you hormones slightly but they will settle and it's still possible to get pregnant. Just monitor your fertility signs and use OPKS.

so does the copper t iud still cause hormone problems? the whole point of me having the copper t was to avoid hormones in the mirena as i was taken off the pill due to having constant periods. Also thought it would give me 5 years to get the pill out of my system. Oh well, never mind.

It sucks doesn't it, desperate to get PG and never realised how hard it was!

How long have you all been trying? this was our first month, so we weren't expecting much (hoping for, but not expecting) and OH doesnt want to do all the charting etc yet, just wants to "have fun and see what happens" - give it 6 months and i will be charting!
Welcome to the group girls!! Lookin for 100% :bfp: this cycle! Do what u got to do!! :sex: lol.

Tryin anything new this up coming cycle??

I'm going to start charting and taking prenatals. Also gonna try to stop drinking so much soda and more water.
Morning everyone. Sorry I've been absent all weekend.

Sorry witch has got you Emma but at least you know and you can have a fun wedding with a few drinks and as Carly say's have a honeymoon baby. You're IUD will affect you hormones slightly but they will settle and it's still possible to get pregnant. Just monitor your fertility signs and use OPKS.

so does the copper t iud still cause hormone problems? the whole point of me having the copper t was to avoid hormones in the mirena as i was taken off the pill due to having constant periods. Also thought it would give me 5 years to get the pill out of my system. Oh well, never mind.

It sucks doesn't it, desperate to get PG and never realised how hard it was!

How long have you all been trying? this was our first month, so we weren't expecting much (hoping for, but not expecting) and OH doesnt want to do all the charting etc yet, just wants to "have fun and see what happens" - give it 6 months and i will be charting!

Sorry didn't read it right, I was thinking of the mirena one. Not sure if the copper one affects it. It shouldn't affect your hormones but I still think it can take time for things to normalise after having a 'foreign body' removed. Good luck to you.

This is our 3rd cycle TTC. Really hoping for this month as would mean baby born a couple of weeks before husbands 6 week summer holiday (he's a teacher). Hence we are going all out. May go for a more relaxed approach if we don't get a BFP soon.
Eggs whites? What does that help? I eat eggs a lot...

Morning All :hi:

so does the copper t iud still cause hormone problems? the whole point of me having the copper t was to avoid hormones in the mirena as i was taken off the pill due to having constant periods. Also thought it would give me 5 years to get the pill out of my system. Oh well, never mind.

It sucks doesn't it, desperate to get PG and never realised how hard it was!

How long have you all been trying? this was our first month, so we weren't expecting much (hoping for, but not expecting) and OH doesnt want to do all the charting etc yet, just wants to "have fun and see what happens" - give it 6 months and i will be charting![/QUOTE]

Possibly. I've never had it myself, tho I had the Mirena after birth of DS and my periods totally stopped! Had it taken out after 3 yrs tho as it kept makin me prone to BV, nice... :blush: - the Copper 1 can make periods heavier can't it? So altho there is no actual hormone, I would imagine that it would stir up the hormones already in the body tho... But that's just my theory so probably totally wrong!! We only get a 20% to get a sticky egg even if we are doing everything right, so maybe we just haven't been lucky enough to be part of the 20% yet? :(

I had zero clue about the science behind baby makin! I was sure that u had unprotected sex, u got pregnant. That's how it happened the 1st time!! I went out of my way to ensure no further 'slip ups' with pills and implants and 'dunkies' as they r called where I am from :haha: ... And since I had my implant out a year ago, we've had no luck! Were NTNP from Oct 10 - Aug 11 when I started Charting...

I'm the same as Bean. Going to try hard to get a Summer Holiday baby, after that, will ease back off again... Too stressful tryin with 100% gusto! Hate havin 'planned' :sex: too...
Morning. I think the egg white are like conceive plus. An optimum environment for sperm. In the US you can bottles of egg white (i think?). I'm going to order a softcup today. When I use it I might put a little conceive plus in it so they have a nice environment to survive in longer.

I agree with your theory about the IUD. If it can make your AF heavier then it must affect something.

Glad your hear OH is pulling his weight and took the hit to tidy his mess. How's the diet going? Hope you are eating enough. Crash diets aren't good for baby making.

So new this cycle. Softcups and I've got some of that cough stuff, will use it if I think I need it. I haven't used a syringe with the conceive plus. Maybe I should? I know you are meant to with preseed.

Have you watched the Great Sperm Race? Worth a watch if you haven't.
Egg white is a Lube?? :rofl: I thought they were actually referring to Egg Whites!! What a dumbass :blush:

I plan to do that with the Soft Cups... If I work out how to get it in... Lol.

They do Con Plus pre-filled too, so I assume gettin it 'up there' will be beneficial? Give it a go anyways... Hehe

Diet is going ok... I'm still having my naughty treats, but I'm still gyming and having a healthy tea! Had a Chocolate Orange Cookie just now... Oops! Can't help myself tho... :( lol. Spin 2night to cancel it out tho!

OH has learnt his lesson! I need to stay away from the mothering trap tho... Save it happening again!

No not watched that? Where would I find it? X
Here is a link to The Great Sperm Race.

They are referring to actual egg whites LOL! Using egg whites, actual egg whites as lube!!!! :rofl: It is apparently the perfect environment for Sperm. Gonna stick with conceive plus for now. And i'm going to get a little syringe to help 'insert it'. There is a trend on eggs white if you are interested in trying it.

Have you watched the video on you tube about inserting a softcup? Doesn't seem too bad once you watch it. Ordered mine today. Hopefully they'll arrive tomorrow.

Well done on the diet. An occasional treat is good for us.
I'm going to try using egg whites this month too. I thought it sounded kinda gross but hey, if it works then I'm willing. Just think of me drinking that gross geritol daily and that's NASTY stuff. I can handle eggs for sure. I'm going to buy a couple of those baby medication syringes this week to get the egg white up there, LOL. Thank God my DH doesn't watch me do half the stuff for fertility. He did watch me use a soft cup last cycle and he was laughing at how it disappeared in there...ugh...men!
Messymommy, Im from Illinois also! I agree the egg whites sound gross but its on my to do list this month. My DH doesn't think its outrageous he read all the information on it before HE told me about it! :)
Messymommy, Im from Illinois also! I agree the egg whites sound gross but its on my to do list this month. My DH doesn't think its outrageous he read all the information on it before HE told me about it! :)

Oh wow! My DH sat next to me while I watched the videos from another thread about using the egg whites and just nodded his head and kinda did the "uh huh" thing. I think there was even a "great" in there, sarcastically though, LOL.
Oh wow!! Well I'm shocked at that, must admit!! Tho I suppose it makes sense... Think I'll stick to the tube stuff for now tho! Haha I'm such a blonde at time :blush:

I need to get on Youtube and have a look then! Dnt have the internet in my house coz I'd probably get nothing done, so will have to go to my mams... Hope she doesn't peak over my shoulder! She already thinks I'm bonkers doing the Charting. :haha:
Well when I told my dh this month when af showed up that I wanted to do the egg whites he did the uhh huh thing also but I just kinda raised an eyebrow and looked at him and he was like no thats fine! :) lol lol :)
Morning All.

Carly - You're not blonde, well you are but I was very surprised too. Seems very strange but does make sense. Midg80 and messymommy let us know how you get on.

Carly - Have you tried the soft cup yet? How was it? Mine should arrive today. Only got 6 but I think I will re-use them a couple of times. Hate waste. Well I'm CD10 today so more bding tonight with conceive plus and trial run of softcups and I can start peeing on sticks. All good! Feeling positive.

Hope you are all well today.
I used my 1st Softcup last night! I'm only on CD8 so it was really just a 'test run' while I follow the SMEP (thanks Bean ;)). I had no problem gettin it in, and I ASSUME it was in the right place coz I couldn't feel it, but I couldn't reach my cervix to check it was all covered up! I took it out this morning and there was a fair bit in there... But I suppose if my cervix isn't open, there would be, wouldn't there?? I also want to use it with conceive plus - how much should I squeeze in? Should the 'cup' be pulled down (unfolded?), or should I try to keep it flat to my cervix? - sorry, I like to complicate things :)

Can u reuse?? I gave mine a wash and put it back in the packet and left it by the sink... Glad I didn't bin it now!! Xx
I'm going to reuse mine. Can't see why not. Just give it a wash. I have a mooncup which yes is a lot stronger but is reusable up to 10years. I think the worse that could happen is that it'd tear.

Sounds like you used it correctly. I'm going to put a little blob of conceive in it. I think flat to cervix is best. Happy SMEPing!

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