Will I get a home visit/assessment for HB?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2010
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I just had my 36 week midwife appointment and told her I have decided I want a home birth which she was very excited about and positive! Will I have a home visit beforehand or anything, I have the numbers to call when I go into labour but I have just read about getting a home birth pack etc but I havent been told anything else, my next appointment is 38 weeks?
I've arranged for the same thing at my 36 week appointment, the MW said she would drop off a home birth 'pack' at my house and do a risk assessment but no one has been in touch since. I have another appointment on Monday when I'll be 38+2 so I'll hassle her then. If something happens before then they'll just have to attend my home birth pack or not! At least they were excited for us both :) Good luck!
Not every area does a homebirth pack. Or indeed does a homebirth visit before hand.

If everything is alright and they are happy, then all you really need is a number to call in labour.
These visits are about 2 things really; 1 - to check that you live in a suitable home for birth - i.e running water, hot water, heating, light etc (there isn't too much that you really "need" and 2 - if there are any concerns that you or your MWs have with your health or history that need to be discussed further.
Having a home visit can be really useful. It can give you more time to talk through all of the aspects homebirth and what your birth plans are and get advice, rather than in clinic time, when your OH might not be availiable. As these visits can be weekends, or evenings.

Don't worry about the KIT - they can bring everything at the time (beleive me, we had loads of stuff!.. but I had no idea at the time, it was only when after my daughter was born and they were signing it all back in again!).
... but if you would like to have a home visit, just ask your MW to arrange one for you. It is never too late - we moved house to a different county and arranged and sorted our homebirth with a homevisit in week 37 in about 2 days.

Let us know how you get on, and what you decide you would like to do.
Thank you! I was just so relieved and excited that both midwives I saw were really positive I totally forgot to ask any further questions! I feel very secure in the fact that one of my midwives has been on a hypno course and knows my hypno practicioner so I didnt have to explain the whole hypno thing, its all in my birth plan anyway, Im more than happy for OH to be my voice and advise what exactly we are doing and that we want a calm and gentle birth to whomever attends our birth. I cant wait to be writing my birth story, I really hope I can inspire others like I have been by coming on bb! x
I have found (of course in general), that MWs are really supportive of homebirths. Their passion and some MW would say calling, is to support women in acheiving the birth they want, and they get to REALLY shine too.. this is what there job is all about for them - and it is much so more than a job as I'm sure that any MW would tell you.
We certainly had more than our fair share of MWs at our birth, but I think that one of the reasons for this, was that women who are home birthing are very much (sadly) in the minority, and they don't get the experience of HB so much and how normal birth can be. They were all very keen as me to be part of , (well mostly watch) the experience, also I'm sure that my birth did become part of the training and experience which will help the less experienced MWs develop their skills and feel confident in their important role at attendants to birth for future mums.
I really do have such high prases for MW - I know that some MW can become slightly jaded over time working in high risk areas and thinking that everything could potentially be an emergency... but at home you are really looked after. They are not going to leave you to attend another labouring women at the same time or be under pressure from their senoirs to find out what is happening with you and why you haven't got to X cm yet?, there is a totally different feel about it, and they do keep a close eye on you - and not an interfering eye either = baby and me were checked every 2-3 minitue in the final stages of birth.. and I didn't even notice. I have never felt so secure. My MW could stay wth me for 6 hours until her shift finished - she was amazing, read me really well, bulit up an fantastic rapor, (we hadn't know each other before). she held my hand, sometimes said nothing and cuddled me when I needed it, helped me to think about my movement, offered different positions, etc...
....even afterwards and reading my notes and the MWs obs, I didn't know what un-invasive efforts they were making to make sure everything was looking good. I doubt that I would have had that care in either a birth centre or my local hosptial as in effect I had 2 on 1 care... but still didn't notice them.
Sorry I've blabbered on - but you're right it doesn't really matter too much who attends you - feel the same way, I have never meet a MW that I didn't like yet! - they are amazing.
I told my midwife at 36 weeks I wanted a homebirth and she came on a home visit yesterday with the pack and we discussed things and she wants me to do a birthplan. She is very for homebirths and explained everything, I got to ask loads of questions as well.

It did scare me a bit when I saw the big yellow bucket for the placenta, it all seems very real now.:thumbup:
I've just had my home visit but the only thing they drop off here before the birth is the gas everything else they bring when you're in labour xx
My midwife has said we'll go into detail about the plans at my 36 week appointment, after that one of them will come round for a visit (think this might be my 38 week appointment as well). Think it depends where you live whether they will drop anything round before or not.

Haha can't wait to see my big yellow placenta bucket though, will look lovely on our nice wooden floors/fluffy brown carpet!
My midwife has said we'll go into detail about the plans at my 36 week appointment, after that one of them will come round for a visit (think this might be my 38 week appointment as well). Think it depends where you live whether they will drop anything round before or not.

Haha can't wait to see my big yellow placenta bucket though, will look lovely on our nice wooden floors/fluffy brown carpet!

My friend was told to provide an empty ice cream tub for the placenta! Would that even fit! Its about the size of a dinner plate isnt it, I guess it can be folded up tehee, interesting!
My OH will go spare, plastic ice cream tubs are what he takes his dinner to work in! :rofl:

Then again, he's quite keen on keeping it and I'm really not. I know what a great job it does in there but really, I want a managed third stage and find pictures I've seen of it do turn my stomach :wacko:
Hahahaha.. imagine if he took it to work for lunch by mistake!?!

Mine went on a bed-wetting pad, and once checked, was wrapped up in there and taken away in a clinical bag. I do regret no having a look at it in more detail. I'll try to remember this time. I don't have any special plans for it, yet.
I got my kit yesterday, and I only got a little yellow bucket for the placenta! But I plan on burying it in the garden anyway. I now have a big yellow 'property of the NHS' bin bag thing sat in my lounge with 3 canisters of entonox, next to my pool in a box. Party anyone? ;)
These visits are about 2 things really; 1 - to check that you live in a suitable home for birth - i.e running water, hot water, heating, light etc (there isn't too much that you really "need".

Out of curiosity, just wondering if those ^^^ things are actually required by midwives in order to have a homebirth in the UK?
I got my kit yesterday, and I only got a little yellow bucket for the placenta! But I plan on burying it in the garden anyway. I now have a big yellow 'property of the NHS' bin bag thing sat in my lounge with 3 canisters of entonox, next to my pool in a box. Party anyone? ;)

LOL I'll provide the balloons!!!! :haha:
These visits are about 2 things really; 1 - to check that you live in a suitable home for birth - i.e running water, hot water, heating, light etc (there isn't too much that you really "need".

Out of curiosity, just wondering if those ^^^ things are actually required by midwives in order to have a homebirth in the UK?

They can't be because in my area they dont do a home assessment :shrug: I asked my mw would she be coming to do one and what they would do....she said we don't bother....I told her I thought maybe she would be running her fingers along my shelves checking for dust...she then went on to tell me shes delivered babies in all kinds of homes....once with a large pet snake free in the room!!!:wacko:
These visits are about 2 things really; 1 - to check that you live in a suitable home for birth - i.e running water, hot water, heating, light etc (there isn't too much that you really "need".

Out of curiosity, just wondering if those ^^^ things are actually required by midwives in order to have a homebirth in the UK?

They can't be because in my area they dont do a home assessment :shrug: I asked my mw would she be coming to do one and what they would do....she said we don't bother....I told her I thought maybe she would be running her fingers along my shelves checking for dust...she then went on to tell me shes delivered babies in all kinds of homes....once with a large pet snake free in the room!!!:wacko:

Yikes! I don't do snakes! But I did attend a birth in which there were several birds freely flying around :wacko:
I'll take the snakes you take the birds!! I hate birds!!! I'm always imagining them pecking my eyes out!!!

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