i still feel like i should have names my LO something else and seriously considered changing her name but i dont think i could now. (I know i technically COULD) but you know what i mean. but i am thinking about adding a middle name. i just cant shake the feeling its not right! and shes 5 months now. :wako: it drives me insane sometimes but i guess ill just have to learn to live with it!
Yeah I feel its 'too late' now too...abigail is 6 months and it still doesnt exactly sit right with me still...
I completely understand what you mean by the COULD, change it but just feel like you cant. All her cards when she was born are in the name 'abigail', everyone I know (even ones I dont know from school YEARS ago from word of mouth) know her name...and it would just be far too complicated to change now...more for having to explain myself a million times, and people telling her when shes older 'Oh you used to be called abigail'...etc
I just hope its not going to bother me this much in 5 years time
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