Hi babe.....https://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n86/no1tam/remoteImage-48.gif
Good to see ya about
Good luck with going private babe, I think it is ridiculous how much it costs to get these tests done https://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n86/no1tam/remoteImage-86.gif but I wish you all the luck in the world babe, and really hope it all works out for you! xx
Welcome back. You are soooo amazing you are being so positive. It is so annoying that the NHS will not pay for the tests. I really hope that everything works out for you and you and Oh go on to get what you want. We are all here for you any time. Take care baby
Welcome back Charl, I'm so so sorry. I can't even begin to understand all the pain and suffering you and OH have been through these last few months
I know you will get your wish one day and I really hope it's soon.
Hopefully when you move you'll get a better Doctor and better hospital support.
We've all been worried sick about you and it's good to hear from you trying to put a brave face on because we all know you must be hurting so much.
Take Care of yourself and if there's anything you need please don't hesitate to shout We're all here for you.
The hospital really ought to be offering you some serious counselling after everything you have been through. You need time to rage at the total injustice and unfairness in the world, grieve your lost babies and gather all your strength for the journey ahead.
We'll all be right here behind you when you take any or all of those steps 100%.
Not sure how I would cope without some of you sometimes
Helen I think if I go private I will defo see about counselling - I've been chatting on the CARE forum, lovely bunch of girls just CARE clinics are so far away
Welcome back Charls .... it's so lovely to see you posting again. You are so brave and strong, and you are an inspiration. I'm sure you don't 'feel' brave and strong, but you ARE .. you are amazing.
I was never going anywhere (I can't lol) Just felt like I needed to get my head together that evening than sitting on the PC feeling sorry for myself & knew you guys would ask.
I'll be fine I guess I expected a bad outcome I doubt I will ever expect a good one so maybe I will get a shock one day!
My bleeding is being pretty cruel though I must say & I was very uncomfortable all day yesterday I went back to bed until about 3pm then came on here with my coffee.
I have no idea where I am in my cycle I will probably chart again from tomorrow but maybe not knowing when will help us have a normal sex life this month & you never know the boost of hCG may help! You ARE suppose to have it prior O day anyway!
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