That sounds perfectly fine to me. When they're older (toddlers), they do need more socialisation once they start interacting with and playing with others. But at 5 months, really all they need is you and other family around them (whoever lives in your house). You can't create a clingy baby by spending lots of time with them - actually, it's the opposite. Babies who don't have one caregiver they are really bonded with and who they get to spend lots of time around, tend to be more likely to be clingy and insecure. It's that early attachment with you that will foster confidence and independence. At that age, my daughter and I went to maybe 1 group or social activity of some sort with other babies a week - if that. Mostly, it was just us, either at home or out doing something (like the shopping or going to the park or out for a coffee or running other errands, etc.). She hadn't even stayed with anyone but my husband or I at that point. She slept every nap on me, etc. It was pretty much just us. And she's incredibly outgoing, confident, sociable and not at all clingy as a 2 year old. The key really is just lots of interaction between you and them (or your husband or another close family member who might help out), eye contact, touch (massage is great for this), sensory experiences, and lots of talk (I used to narrate pretty much everything I did all day - if she was with me while I was washing dishes, I'd put her in the wrap so she could see what I was doing, and I'd talk to her about it). They don't really need to 'socialise' yet at that age. When they're older, yes. But it's not as important that young and you don't need to get them used to other people to encourage them to not be clingy (they'll do that on their own as they get older). But really it's about you - if you're bored and feeling un-stimulated and needing more social interaction than you're getting to enjoy your time with her, then yes, find it. Happy, stimulated mums who enjoy what they're doing are best for babies.