Worries about being pregnant and then risk of MC again?


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2010
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Anyone else desperatly trying again but still has worries about MC at the back of their mind?

I have had 6 MC before and i swear when i got pregnant with my daughter i just "knew" that everything will be ok. But i still kept going to the day assessment centre with every little niggle. I swear they were glad when i finally delivered!:winkwink:

With my last MC i was so excited again but then to be told it was a BO which took 8 weeks to pass.

It is so traumatising actually being pregnant when you have miscarried so many times!

I am not going to the EPU until at least 8 weeks when i get pregnant again. At least then i can imagine everything is okay for a while even if it isnt. And hopefully i can have a scan and see a healthy bean. I did this with my daughter. I was so scared i didnt go to get my pregnancy confirmed until almost 10 weeks.:dohh::dohh:

Sorry about the pointless post! Just thinking out loud!
6 loses how heartbreaking :(
I have only had the one, but it is enough to make me think if we ever fall again I am going to be panicking at every niggle, twitch, etc!
we would though, be getting it confirmed asap, though but not tell anyone for weeks!! :)
6 loses how heartbreaking :(
I have only had the one, but it is enough to make me think if we ever fall again I am going to be panicking at every niggle, twitch, etc!
we would though, be getting it confirmed asap, though but not tell anyone for weeks!! :)

Agree on keeping it a secret!

You will get there hun. I had 5mc before my daughter and had all the tests but they found nothing wrong! I was just unlucky!
so sorry for all your losses hun! im desperately trying to get pregnant after mmc at 22weeks, can only imagine what a nutcase i will be lol xxxxxx
Sorry for everyone's losses. I mc'd a blighted ovum a month ago. AF is getting ready to pay a visit then we are going to ttc again. I know I will be a mess for awhile. I found out about the bo at 12w1d and mc'd at 12w3d. We had already told people about the pregancy at 11 weeks because I couldn't hide my belly anymore. The next time I will not tell anyone except my parents until we are farther along.
Sorry for everyone's losses. I mc'd a blighted ovum a month ago. AF is getting ready to pay a visit then we are going to ttc again. I know I will be a mess for awhile. I found out about the bo at 12w1d and mc'd at 12w3d. We had already told people about the pregancy at 11 weeks because I couldn't hide my belly anymore. The next time I will not tell anyone except my parents until we are farther along.

Oh that must have been awful. It makes me so sad even hearing about others too.

I know what you mean about the belly. The sac keeps on producing hcg and the body still thinks it is pregnant. The boobs expand, teh tummy muscles loosen and you get morning sickness. I found out about my BO in May but didnt pass it until mid july. I know i would have felt worse having told people. It must have been tough!:hugs:

JoJO. I would be worse if i had MC at 22weeks:nope: Did they find the cause?:hugs::hugs:
I am so sorry for everyones losses.. i had lost one of my twins at 8 wks in 08 and i had a chemical in may... losses really do an number on ur brain bc even if u do get a BFP u cant be excited for the fear of another heartbreaking loss....i wish u the best of luck...im in the dreaded TWW...so we will c...ive had two very faint positives and 1 negative after so idk what to think....
Sorry for everyone's losses. I mc'd a blighted ovum a month ago. AF is getting ready to pay a visit then we are going to ttc again. I know I will be a mess for awhile. I found out about the bo at 12w1d and mc'd at 12w3d. We had already told people about the pregancy at 11 weeks because I couldn't hide my belly anymore. The next time I will not tell anyone except my parents until we are farther along.

Oh that must have been awful. It makes me so sad even hearing about others too.

I know what you mean about the belly. The sac keeps on producing hcg and the body still thinks it is pregnant. The boobs expand, teh tummy muscles loosen and you get morning sickness. I found out about my BO in May but didnt pass it until mid july. I know i would have felt worse having told people. It must have been tough!:hugs:

JoJO. I would be worse if i had MC at 22weeks:nope: Did they find the cause?:hugs::hugs:

no hun they just said it was bad luck, they did lots of tests which in one way i was grateful for because at least i know im as healthy as i can be and it wasnt my body, they said it was most likely a chromosome abnormality!! i never realised the amount of women that have problems during pregnancy until this happened and i came on to this forum. it really makes me appreciate what a miracle pregnancy is and how precious it can be!:hugs:

really hope we all get our :bfp: soon girls xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I know they say sometimes it is bad luck but I still can't help thinking either it will happen again. I am healthy, exercise regularly, but I am 36 and DH is almost 39. My dr assured me that me being over 35 won't effect anything, but that thought is still in the back of my mind. Fortunately she said when I get pregnant again, she will do lots of blood work and early ultrasounds to make me feel better. Typically you don't have your first appointment until 12 weeks and they don't do an u/s until 20 weeks. I had 2 appointments before 12 weeks because I was a new patient and my age threw me into a higher risk category.

I am changing the subject, but AF started today so as soon as she leaves, we are ttc again. More like ntnp. I hope I get pregnant as quick I did the last two times. (I have an 8 yr old).
I know they say sometimes it is bad luck but I still can't help thinking either it will happen again. I am healthy, exercise regularly, but I am 36 and DH is almost 39. My dr assured me that me being over 35 won't effect anything, but that thought is still in the back of my mind. Fortunately she said when I get pregnant again, she will do lots of blood work and early ultrasounds to make me feel better. Typically you don't have your first appointment until 12 weeks and they don't do an u/s until 20 weeks. I had 2 appointments before 12 weeks because I was a new patient and my age threw me into a higher risk category.

I am changing the subject, but AF started today so as soon as she leaves, we are ttc again. More like ntnp. I hope I get pregnant as quick I did the last two times. (I have an 8 yr old).

Early scans really do help. I am lucky to have a local Early Pregnancy Assessment unit. And because of my history they are happy to see me just to assess viabilty, etc. It is a walk in clinic from Monday to Friday so it is always there for advice.

I also live in a very afluent area where woman are career minded and dont start to have families until their mid thirties. You will be fine hun! You are young having a baby under thirty around here!
Im so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby at 8-9 weeks last month that was hell for me cant image going through it 5 times. Im so sorry.

I think i will be at EPAS with everything they will be fed up with me! I was there the other day for scan to see i had passed everything from Misscarriage and they told me when i fall pregnant again to phone them and make an app for an early scan just to check everything about 8-9 weeks they said. So im pleased that they are offering to do that cause i know alot of places dont and your 1st scan would be at 12 weeks.

Its nice to have people to talk to with similar experiences. I came to this site for two main reasons, to talk about my anxiety about getting pregnant again after my mc almost two years ago, and also about the struggles have had with the depo-provera shot. :(
I know that two years is quite a long time ago and to still be feeling anxious after only one mc, but I can't help but think that when I do get pg again, my mind will be so wrapped around the thought of loosing my child again that it might happen. My doc said theres no such thing as magical thinking, but I think otherwise. The mind is so powerful. I've been looking for tips on how to stay relaxed and positive. Theres quite a complex story behind the whole situation...
I think about this all the time. It seems such a shame that we won't be able to have that normal excitement you should have when you find out you are pregnant. I am especially nervous because my last pregnancy was perfect, very little MS, everything felt fine, no bleeding or anything until my scan at 10weeks showed no heartbeat.

I also wonder about telling people. I know this sounds crazy, but I don't even know if I will be able to tell my DH right away if it happens. I just don't want him worrying. I know in reality I will probably tell him, but the way I feel right now, if I got a BFP this month, I wouldn't want anyone to know.

Sorry to hear about everyone's losses.
I think about this all the time. It seems such a shame that we won't be able to have that normal excitement you should have when you find out you are pregnant. I am especially nervous because my last pregnancy was perfect, very little MS, everything felt fine, no bleeding or anything until my scan at 10weeks showed no heartbeat.

I also wonder about telling people. I know this sounds crazy, but I don't even know if I will be able to tell my DH right away if it happens. I just don't want him worrying. I know in reality I will probably tell him, but the way I feel right now, if I got a BFP this month, I wouldn't want anyone to know.

Sorry to hear about everyone's losses.

Every pregnancy is different. With my son I had no ms, just fatigue, and had a super easy pregnancy. With my mc, I had ms, dizziness, and slight fatigue. With my son, we didn't tell anyone I was pregnant until we heard the heartbeat at 12 weeks. With the mc, we told around 11 weeks because I had such a belly (BO and mc'd 12w3d). It was hard knowing that others thought I was still pregnant. I wouldn't change it, though. The support of my friends has been great. I was surprised how many of them had mc'd too. When I get pregnant again, we will tell parents right away, but hold out on telling friends as long as we can. I will be having several early u/s, so I hope to wait until 12 weeks, if my belly doesn't get in the way again. It is a personal decision. I have always hated the first trimester and keeping the pregnancy a secret. At least next time I can talk to my mom about it and hopefully she will be able to keep me calm. I do feel like it will be more of a job than pure excitement since I will be monitored during the first trimester. Once I get to the second trimester, then I will probably be excited. I am looking forward to :sex: again a lot. I have my first period since my mc right now.
I know just what you mean tu123, I am scared in a way to see a BFP again - I've only had the one miscarriage so to be pregnant again after multiple ones must be terrifying! I admire your strength :flower:

When I get pg again I swear I am going to docs or EPU with every tiny niggle, I don't give a toss - last time I had 2 or 3 tiny tiny instances of spotting and disappearing symptoms and dismissed it as myself worrying, loads of people have spotting, it'll be OK, and of course it wasn't. Next time the tiniest pinprick of red or brown and I am going to get scanned! xx
I think about this all the time. It seems such a shame that we won't be able to have that normal excitement you should have when you find out you are pregnant. I am especially nervous because my last pregnancy was perfect, very little MS, everything felt fine, no bleeding or anything until my scan at 10weeks showed no heartbeat.

I also wonder about telling people. I know this sounds crazy, but I don't even know if I will be able to tell my DH right away if it happens. I just don't want him worrying. I know in reality I will probably tell him, but the way I feel right now, if I got a BFP this month, I wouldn't want anyone to know.

Sorry to hear about everyone's losses.

It isnt crazy. I have thought the same. I wouldnt want him to go through the upset again but i also know it is daft to go through it alone. But i totally get what you are saying.
I am sorry for your losses!!! It is hard to be hopeful for a baby when you have experienced so much loss. I just try to go one day at a time. Each day I am pregnant I am happy for that day, because on that day I am pregnant. With the baby boy we just lost, I had a feeling from the start something was not right, but we got past my first trimester, and all was well, so I let my gaurd down. When we lost him, I was devastated, and still shaken up about it. But with the next baby, I will be happy for each day I have with them. That is how I deal with the "what ifs." GL to you, and your future!!! Hugs!!!
You are so right, pregnancy is a miracle, and I too didn't realize how many issues there were with pregnancy until I had my miscarriage the 25th of June.

Tu123: I'm so sorry for your losses. I'm also worried about having another miscarriage, but I'm willing to risk the pain because I want a baby so badly.
I also wonder about telling people. I know this sounds crazy, but I don't even know if I will be able to tell my DH right away if it happens. I just don't want him worrying. I know in reality I will probably tell him, but the way I feel right now, if I got a BFP this month, I wouldn't want anyone to know.

I know exactly what you mean about telling people. Unfortunately we ended up telling all of our close friends at my birthday party because we didn't want to lie about why I wasn't having a drink and we figured it could be a celebration :happydance: since they knew we were trying. Well of course when we lost our baby we had to tell them all and that was so difficult. :nope:

I will not make that mistake again when we do conceive. I am also worried about telling my DH. I worry that I will be too scared and not have the same excitment as I did the last time.
So sorry for all your losses x we told the world, being my 4 th pregnancy I didn't even give mc that much of a thought until last month I'd never even heard of a mmc then I found out i was having one at 12/3 baby stopped growing at 6wks I was 15/1 before I eventually mc'd, telling my 4th old daughter our baby had died was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life! So I would def be keeping quiet my worry is sickness though if my daughter sees me will she remember that's what happened when mummy had a baby in her belly before? I can't wait til the day I can tell her she's gonna be a big sister x baby dust all round x

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