Shae so weird! I wanted to comment on the SP email, but I can’t seem to find my results email! I do think it just said something like results are in. I remember especially liking the email because it didn’t display immediately. But I could be making this up. Technology has really come a long way!
Yeah we always wanted to get off early anyway because we’re not the lounging type, but I felt like some people took their sweet time. Definitely misremembering

. I know I booked the later flight time because of pricing/ being worried about not making the super cheap flights in the morning. I saw something about day use hotel rooms, so I did email one but they didn’t email back. To be fair, they said it’s better to call haha.
Aww Shae that’s so wholesome. I love it. And I feel like it’s easier to give up the premarital goods if you haven’t already have it or you’ve already gone a long time without it. That’s lovely you got to see her yesterday! 3 hours seems close, but it’s rough when she’s in school and you’re working.
Yeah I feel like we're either in for full TTC or an oops by the end of the year. I love that he's getting comfortable being a bit less careful. He clearly wants a baby, I get the sense from your posts that he just doesn't want to make that call and then hear from people in his life that it was selfish and reckless to decide to have a baby. I feel like people are so much more forgiving when you have an unplanned pregnancy and rise to the occasion vs coming out and saying we're trying at a time that they don't approve of.
Hopefully it works out that her partner can and will carry a baby. Adoption is beautiful, too. I'm glad that, while the path isn't linear, she will have options to be a mom one day.
Gigs ugh! I’m so sorry. That’s so frustrating when you are clear in your expectations and they still go way off. Especially on something that can’t be immediately fixed. But you’re right! It will grow back. Maybe even healthier if you’re saying there was quite a bit of damage. Is it really bad or like it’s just so different I don’t like it yet bad?
I wanted to try and set it up closer to the fire pit but there’s not room and it throws off the aesthetic. Only issue is I don’t have shade on it atm so it’s not always a fun spot to be haha.
-Cruise stuff that could stand to be more concise but I'm so tired-
Just keep an eye on the sales! The room itself isn’t usually bad. They get you with the onboard activities and shore excursions. I have too much anxiety to book anything not associated with the cruise line, but my mom used to be a travel agent. So when we cruised with her, EVERYTHING she books is through private companies and so much cheaper. But you have to do the research and vetting and then the anxiety of making it there and back on time…. We’re getting a family oceanview stateroom, so a larger sized stateroom with a window. I just cannot do a balcony especially just A and me. The room was $1k and then $600 for taxes, fees, and ports. But you factor in this includes transport to the Bahamas, nightly lodging, meals, and entertainment for 4 days. Like A and my tickets to Disneyworld (1 park a day for 3 days) was $900. So I feel like cruises can end up being a more affordable way to travel for some vacations, It would have cost triple/quadruple if I flew to the Bahamas and stayed at Atlantis directly. I know because it was one of the vacation options I was exploring before I booked the cruise. Even with my outrageous excursions, this is still cheaper than flying to and staying in the Bahamas.
And I finally got my airline credit card figured out. After ten years, I called to cancel and complain about the redemption and annual fee. So they changed my card to one that doesn’t have an annual fee. It doesn’t have many bennies, but I never cared enough to learn what mine were. I still get discounts with that airline and 2x points for groceries, so I use my cash back card on everything else and it for travel/groceries. Paid for our tickets there.
I’d say no kids first haha. Not that kids aren’t great but I think if you want to truly relax on a cruise you gotta go without the kids once. Flip side, you may not be able to relax with your kids not there. And there are the onboard kids club stuff.
AFM horse therapy was cancelled so A and I had a mommy and day. Breaky at my fav spot downtown, nap time, pumpkin patch with my mom (who came in clutch standing in line for us to do the water ball hamster wheel and then running around to get him a ticket when we realized it was not included), and then dinner with my mom and brother. We sat under a crow's nest, and they got pooped on repeatedly while the crows took no interest in A or me lol. I have no motivation to work. A is sick with a small cold. I think my body is trying not to be sick. But I need to email my parents and make sub plans.