I am due March 5th. I also had an early scan at 6+3 weeks and was able to see and hear the heartbeat, and see my little bean and the yolk sac. I wont lie I shed a tear or two. I looked over at my DH and I never saw him in such a daze, he just couldn't believe that something so small could already have a heartbeat. I had to remind him that we created that little heartbeat. I wish all you ladies a happy and healthy nine months!!! I felt sick before I even POAS, but this week my nausea and vomitting has quit on me, and my breasts are not nearly as tender. At first it concerned me but I've read that it is very normal for symptoms to disappear and reappear as you get used to the added hormones. As far as prenatal vitamin I take it at night right before I go to bed so I just sleep through any ill feelings it might give me. But this is the third one I have tried and it has been the best one for me. It is the meijer brand one, for those who live in the US. Another wierd thing is all I was drinking was ginger ale, it really helped settle my stomach and I have ALWAYS loved ginger ale, even before I was pregnant. I went to have a glass the day before last and could barely take a sip, so I think my taste is changing. Has that happened to anyone? And homemade soup has been my saving grace, and it will also help me maintain a healthy weight. So thats all I have for now. Sorry so long. Nice to meet all you ladies.
Carly & Bean!!