Would this offend you?

I BF & even I would've been offended by his comment. It has nothing to do with him how you feed your child so long as your child is actually being fed!!! Try not to let it get to you. He obviously let his own opinions cloud his judgement by that statement & didn;t think about how it would make a person feel before he opened his mouth...
Just so you know, if you did want to try... it is possible :) Loads and loads of hard work, but there is a chance you could still breastfeed if you really really wanted to. Just didn't want you to think it was totally impossible. Some women who adopt through lots of hard work have managed to lactate. Most not enough to support their baby 100% but can give them the extra bit :) In saying this, it depends on more than you being able to lactate lol, baby has to know how to breastfeed and latch proper etc... and some babies refuse the breast after having bottles. I have the reverse there, my LO won't take a bottle, so we have been slowly trying to get her used to a sippy cup as she needs to eat something when I am not around... and after almost 6 months, I think a shopping trip alone would be a little bit nice :rofl:
How rude!!, it wouldn't hurt to write a letter of complaint, maybe they might have had the problem before?.

On the other side of this i took my LO for his 8 week check up 2+months ago to the doctors. He asked me how i was feeding him, so i said in a mouse like voice formula expecting a mouthful and having to explain why i hadn't BF, but i got something completely different back. He said that all 3 of his children had been formula fed and wanted it that way, so his wife didn't have to get her boobs out in Tesco's!!. I really didn't know what to say, he then went on to ask me if I'd been given any grief about not BF, if i had he would put a complaint in for me!! not what i was expecting!
I think it's such a shame that FF mums get such a bad rep for choosing not to BF or quitting BFing or whatever... :( In the grand scheme of things, why do people care so much??? So long as a baby is being fed & cared for, does it matter by what means? And the same goes for people who are BFing who get told they shoud FF if their child isn't fattening up quick enough... It seems like whatever a mother chooses for their child, SOMEONE will always have a negative opinion & feel the need to put in their 2 cents worth & make you feel crappy. GRRRRRR at the world! :dohh:
I think it's such a shame that FF mums get such a bad rep for choosing not to BF or quitting BFing or whatever... :( In the grand scheme of things, why do people care so much??? So long as a baby is being fed & cared for, does it matter by what means? And the same goes for people who are BFing who get told they shoud FF if their child isn't fattening up quick enough... It seems like whatever a mother chooses for their child, SOMEONE will always have a negative opinion & feel the need to put in their 2 cents worth & make you feel crappy. GRRRRRR at the world! :dohh:

I wish all BF mummies were as kind as you :hugs: some posts make me feel like the devil incarnate and I'm feeding him blood or something not a perfectly good way of feeding my baby. He wont turn into a over weight, delinquent child and not stand a chance of living until his 80's+ just because he has been formula fed!!.
I think it's such a shame that FF mums get such a bad rep for choosing not to BF or quitting BFing or whatever... :( In the grand scheme of things, why do people care so much??? So long as a baby is being fed & cared for, does it matter by what means? And the same goes for people who are BFing who get told they shoud FF if their child isn't fattening up quick enough... It seems like whatever a mother chooses for their child, SOMEONE will always have a negative opinion & feel the need to put in their 2 cents worth & make you feel crappy. GRRRRRR at the world! :dohh:

I wish all BF mummies were as kind as you :hugs: some posts make me feel like the devil incarnate and I'm feeding him blood or something not a perfectly good way of feeding my baby. He wont turn into a over weight, delinquent child and not stand a chance of living until his 80's+ just because he has been formula fed!!.

Exactly! I'm sorry you've had some bad experiences with some BFing mums. I promise not all of us are like that! :hugs:
When I get this kind of comments, I dont try to explain myself. When I went back to the gym, the trainer was so rude. She told me if I'd given bfing a try I wouldnt be having a big tummy that needs extra effort to loose & she went on & on explaining the benefits of bfing. I just smiled back & thanked her for her "advice". I didnt feel offended as I have my reasons. All my bfing friends & cousins r so nice & they never made me feel I'm doing sth wrong.
I would be offended too. We all know they think breastfeeding is better but for whatever reason some of us CAN'T bf or don't want to and at the end of the day we are the parents and shouldn't be lectured!
Maybe it's an internet thing though? All the BF mums I've met in real life have been lovely. We seem to manage to co exist at the mum and baby groups I go to quite nicely, don't see why sometimes there's such hostility on the net!

Kirmal12 - I had exactly the same experience with my Doctor at the 8 week check! was expecting to have to justify why I FF instead he said I hope you're not feeling guilty, told me I was doing really well then launches into a rant about how he's had some midwife come into his surgery and tell him to remove all reference to FF and he'd told her to get stuffed! He then went onto say that whilst BF is the ideal he is completely against the guilt tripping of FF Mum's and how he believes it's causing so much misery and depression amongst Mum's who are having Bf issues! I love my Doctor, he really helped me get over the guilt and realise I was doing well!!

So there are good supportive Doc's out there!
I would be too; I think you should complain. He has no right to lecture you about a decision you made months ago, and he should respect your choice at that. I wouldn't have stood for it at all; I don't think I would be able to sit there while someone implied I wasn't doing the best for my LO. :grr:
Yes, I'd be offended. As it's a feeding related problem it's fair enough to ask how he's fed but that's it. I would complain. It's rude and unnecessary not to mention pointless when that ship has sailed! No wonder so many women feel such guilt when they can't/don't BF. Personally if it was me I would have asked him how many babies he had successfully BF'd and if he hadn't fed any (!!) would tell him to shut up!

1000% agreed! What a prick. :growlmad: Carmen's pediatrician is very supportive of BF and BF'd her own 4 children but she didn't give me any guilt or disapproval when I started FF my baby. She offered help with BF and pumping issues, and then helped me to find the best formula and provided me with (huge!) samples so I could find which one was easiest on Carmen's stomach- only after I had decided to FF for sure and told her that. I would have given that man a piece of my mind for sure!!
I had a similar experience like this myself!! my daughter was 2 weeks overdue and 8lb 14oz at birth, i had an emergency section and a huge blood loss, almost had a blood transfusion. Despite all this i was determined to breastfeed, so i tried, but failed. i then tried again but it was so painful and i was so hormonal that i had to stop. none of the midwives made me feel bad, they supported and helped me! ..ok so a fews days after being let home i had to be re-admitted. the male nurse i spoke to asked if i was breastfeeding, to which i say no, formula. he then asked WHY ? so i reluctantly explained that i had tried more than once but couldnt cope with it.. then he said that his wife (who had a tiny little baby delivered with no complications if i might add) said that it was sore but he said 'i dont care how sore it is, you have to carry on' ... way to make me feel pathetic and useless, i was already a wreck when i decided to use formula, let alone him making me feel bad. i was back at the hospital because i was in a lot of pain and hes lecturing me about breatsfeeding???? i was so hurt :(
Again, he lacks breasts so he can shut up. And what a lovely husband he must be to his wife! So supportive! He sounds a real charmer. I bet she's sleeping with his best friend, he he!
when i took mia to hospital cause she stopped eating and had silent reflux so didnt stop screaming.when the nurse saw her she said are you breast feeding.i said i stopped at 4 weeks which was a personal choice.she said!" who told you to do this.this is what happens when your a first time mum, u just dont know what to do!!!" i was so shocked!!! then she carried on to say"well what do you expect (about her reflux) when you take her off of something natural and put her on formula" i sat their gob smacked that she was basically blaming me that mia had reflux.
when i took mia to hospital cause she stopped eating and had silent reflux so didnt stop screaming.when the nurse saw her she said are you breast feeding.i said i stopped at 4 weeks which was a personal choice.she said!" who told you to do this.this is what happens when your a first time mum, u just dont know what to do!!!" i was so shocked!!! then she carried on to say"well what do you expect (about her reflux) when you take her off of something natural and put her on formula" i sat their gob smacked that she was basically blaming me that mia had reflux.

What utter crap!! Carmen had reflux on EBM, if they're gonna have it they're gonna have it no matter what they're fed! How can people get away with being so rude, it's unprofessional to say the least!
I would be very offended to. Its hard enough breastfeeding but breastfeeding a child in SCBU is so hard! I tried to breast feed the twins for 6 weeks and topped up with formula, I had to express every 3 hours for them and because of the magnesium sul[phate they gave me to stop me fitting before my c section my milk didnt come in for 10 days. I still feel myself feeling bad and explaining why the twins are formula fed. But our babies are well fed and happy and we should be happy to! xxx
yeah i would have been offended hun. I would def complain xx
Its a shame he treated you like that hun, I'd definatly complain. My best friends so was breastfed until 6 months and he had the worst reflux, so bad she'd have to take change of clothing for her & baba whenever they went out. Dont feel atall guilty hun, you made you'r choice and shouldnt be made to feel bad about it x
I combination feed and i would have been VERY offended :growlmad: It was a futile comment; he was achieving nothing by saying it so was obviously just trying to make you feel bad about yourself, but I really hope you don't because despite what narrow-minded Drs like this guy may believe, guilt and FF are not intrinsically linked. Complain; he may think twice next time and not stick his ore in. :hugs:
i think that was out of order, i would've been upset. (i bf but lo was ff'd in nicu as i couldnt feed him at first, a woman from sure start kept coming on to the ward and practically lecturing me on how i should be bf'ing him and how he shouldnt be having bottles, loudly and in front of everyone, i felt really stupid and upset as i was struggling to get my milk in).
he can have his 'opinion' but unless its medically relevant i shoudl think he should keep it to himself! bloody dr's annoy me the way they think they can dictate to people.

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