No need to say sorry honest I should have for appearing so blunt - just fuzzy headed this AM and now trying to catch up ....This included so will have a think. Its clear by poll (which are a good idea) that the idea is something many are interested in.
A sticky with no chat would bring questions ...hmmm
I'll think about it and poss even trial run something/a section. Don't hold me to that right now though. x
BTW do you mean a sub-forum within this forum?
Think its hard to understand people in writing sometimes, people misread me all the time and i have no idea why haha, I think my eagerness and energy comes across as bossy and i really truely dont want to, i just have ideas and get a bit involved in them too much....ney mind eh

Well with regards to the idea i think there is a choice of 3 solutions that i can think of, you will need to help make the decision as to which is best for your forum but i am happy to provide possible solutions.
Ok number 1 is the sticky example suggested. It would be good to have a sticky in a way since it would remain in the LTTC section where i suppose in a way it belongs, problem with that would be i suppose it cannot be broken into differnet types of success stories for people looking for something specific, say success after miscarriage, or success after IVF etc etc.
Solution number 2 is a seperate section totally on the index of the site as like the pregnancy forums and TTC forums. Section called Success stories perhaps with sub forums under it called TTC success stories (no treatment), unexplained infertility success (no treatment), IVF,ICSI, FET, Success after miscarriage, IUI, etc etc. Not sure this would work, or wether it warrents a totally seperate section but it does allow success stories to be broken down in to seperate threads??? Dunno would that work????
Just had another idea:
Solution number 3, same as above number 2 BUT i think you can set permisions on thread cant you so that only the person who started it can write on it? In that case it would prevent people writing on a persons "story" of success. It would then also allow the person to have multiple sections to their thread, say break it down by treatment numebr one that failed, treatment numebr 2 that failed, egg collection thoughts, etc, in the same way as a journal i suppose but with only that person allowed to comment and the story only related to a successful outcome.
GOD my mind is running away with me now, i hope i am making some sort of sense????
These are the only 3 soloutions i can think of right now??? Can any one suggest any other alternatives?
Also Wobbles:
1) Can we stop chat in the thread i think it would need to be kept clean with just stories ???? Although i like the journals sometimes the story gets lost with congratulations and entries from friends if you know what i mean? Can we use permissions some way?
2) How can we maintain the format ie make sure people try to answer a list of questions like, how many eggs, how many fertilised, how many attempts???
Sorry if i made no sense, i run aways with myself sometimes, hope the ideas are ok? x