
~ I are a Nerd ~
Sep 15, 2006
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I just noticed...We have 600 members on BnB and only 56 active members....

Wobbles you should change that to 56 Hyper Active Members....:rofl:
Because of the new forum software that's 56 members active since yesterday... not bad for 24hrs :rolleyes:
WOW We have 56 Nutters chatting? Quick, Can anyone name them all?
*BabyBean*, Admin, Amanda, Anna, Arcanegirl, beanie, bexxie, Cat, DaD.Of.1, Destiny, Dionne, fluppyfrog, gaby, Helen, hypnorm, Iwantone!!!, Jade, Jo, Jo-anne, KX, Lauz_1601, Layla, lilshortass, little*red, loop, LynnieH, muffin, Mummy2twoplusbump, mummykay, Natalie&Karl, nicki, pinkish_angel, Rachel, shyfly, sophie, spacehopper, Spunky Cupkake, stephlw25, StirCrazy, Suz, Terrie, Tootsie, Trinity, TroubleSleep, TryingAgain, valentine75, Vic, vicky, weestar21, Wobbles, Yorkie, Yvonne

Here is 55 of the 56..... Who is missing!
*BabyBean*, Admin, Amanda, Anna, Arcanegirl, beanie, bexxie, Cat, DaD.Of.1, Destiny, Dionne, fluppyfrog, gaby, Helen, hypnorm, Iwantone!!!, Jade, Jo, Jo-anne, KX, Lauz_1601, Layla, lilshortass, little*red, loop, LynnieH, muffin, Mummy2twoplusbump, mummykay, Natalie&Karl, nicki, pinkish_angel, Rachel, shyfly, sophie, spacehopper, Spunky Cupkake, stephlw25, StirCrazy, Suz, Terrie, Tootsie, Trinity, TroubleSleep, TryingAgain, valentine75, Vic, vicky, weestar21, Wobbles, Yorkie, Yvonne

Here is 55 of the 56..... Who is missing!

:cry: *sobs in corner*

nobody loves me, everybody hates me i think ill go eat worms :cry:
I think thats because your hidden Yvanne!
Hey I just coppied and pasted the names from the bottome of the first page...

:dohh: I think you did it on purpose....:shhh:
lol well i musta bn sleepwalkin cos i dunno how i did it :rofl:
*BabyBean*, Admin, Amanda, Anna, Arcanegirl, beanie, bexxie, Cat, DaD.Of.1, Destiny, Dionne, fluppyfrog, gaby, Hazel&Reece*, Helen, hypnorm, Imi-Maddie's-Mum*, Iwantone!!!, Jade, Jo, Jo-anne, KX, Lauz_1601, Layla, lilshortass, little*red, loop, LynnieH, miss maternal, muffin, Mummy2twoplusbump, mummykay, Natalie&Karl, nicki, pinkish_angel, Rachel, shyfly, sophie, spacehopper, Spunky Cupkake, stephlw25, StirCrazy, Suz, Terrie, Tootsie, Trinity, TroubleSleep, TryingAgain, valentine75, Vic, vicky, weestar21, Wobbles, Yorkie, Yvanne, Yvonne

Bold were hidden users! :hissy:
:blush: I thought Tam Popped in yesterday for a peek...But I dont see her on the list...Maybe she is hidden too....

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