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WTF is WRONG with people?!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Eating breakfast on the patio with LO this morning, neighbour pops his head over the fence to tell me I've got a flat tyre. I've been having 'one of those weeks' as it is so that put the cherry on the cake.

DH goes out and puts the spare on, then tootles off to the nearest tyre fitter to sort it out. 10 minutes later, neighbour's wife knocks on the door. Her tyre is flat too - looks like it's been slashed. Her's was on the drive, mine parked on the road. We live in a quiet little cul-de-sac, somewhere you'd least expect it to happen.

They would have easily seen that I had a car seat/baby on board sticker in the car. If I'd have gone out with LO before it had fully deflated, we could both be lying in an effing morgue now.

I really just cannot get my head around it. :shrug: It's only an old battered Fiesta so I can't even use jealousy as a potential reason.
Sorry Hun. It's awful. Some people are just really horrible :hugs:
Really is strange, isn't it? My hubby's mate had all his car tyres slashed for no reason whatsoever. His car is on a drive too. Could be worth reporting to police just so they are aware, as there may be other cases.
Happened to us just 2 weeks ago. We left out car outside a church after a funeral and when we went back it was slashed.
I feel for ya huni.
We had a spate of wing mirrors being knocked of cars and we were forever having to get new tyres cos some Moron kept on putting nails in them. These were reported to the police and we found out that it was happening in 2 or 3 streets within our area!x
we once parked our car outside someone elses house (on a public road - not in anyones parking space) cos outside our own house was full and some Chavvy little Shitweasle did this!!

Yep - that's PAINT!


We had our wing mirror smashed off MANY times, once it was about 4 times in a month, by the time ergot a replacement it happened again :(

It worried me to hell, because I'd wondered what the next move could have been
Makes me sick that people think its ok to do this kind of thing!
Bet they wouldn't like it if it happened to them!

That's awful!
Yes, I do think it's jealousy...some chavs don't appreciate others have to actually work hard to pay for these things.
Hope they catch the s**t!!
Theres a video going around on Facebook at the minute in my area, some young lad, must be 16ish riding a bike down the street early hours and hes riding past cars kicking the mirrors off and ramming the bike into the headights. Having a jolly good time of it too :growlmad: Theres one thing doing it, then another posting it on facebook in a bragging way.

Sorry this happened to you and glad it was noticed before you had time to drive. :hugs: x
Its probably mindless vandalism :( Its terrible because it causes worry, money, and can even cause an accident. I suppose they just don't think or don't care which is not a comforting thought at all :( :hugs:
Neighbour came round this morning to say that he'd been in touch with the police and gave us a reference number to ring up with. They reckon that if enough people report it, they'll send a patrol car round on a Friday night.

I was up the window last night every time I heard a noise - it was rubbish :(

DH had worked his bum off this month doing overtime for a holiday in September but it's had to be used to pay for two new tyres (apparently, another one had been damaged too) :( I swear, I could wring their necks.

I saw a thread on a cycling forum yesterday about cyclists who will slash tyres/smash wing mirrors etc.- what is the world coming to?
It's terrible Hun,
These people are brainless idiots.

Glad police are going to patrol the area. Hope they are caught
There are some weirdos out there! My mate posted a link to some news story on FB the other day............seems there was a guy who liked to slash bike tyres than masturbate onto the bike saddle as the tyre deflated................

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