THE TESTS ARE HERE!! haha. The only thing though, I got offered a position as a senior nurse in the UK. GREAT package, still have to negociate the salary but if I were to take it I would possibly have to postpone TTC, not sure though. Even so, I don't think I'll take it this year because I would have to enrol in another college for next year.. etc and it would be too much hassle.
Hahaha, congrats on the arrival of the tests, Molly!!
Congrats on the offer! What else besides enrolling in college makes you doubtful about taking the position? Would you not be able to take your maternity leave? How likely is it that you will have it offered again if you don't take it now? Are you guaranteed to have the chance again in another couple of years?
The main, and probably only cons I see it the fact that I don't see feasible starting year 2 of the MSc in September if I was to move to the UK within the next few months. I mean, I found had to think of a question for my thesis for my current job because I only started here in January. I'm doing my final assignment at the moment, but the second I finish I need to start with a proposal letter for the Director of my service because I need aproval by July and should have the lit review and the paperwork done for the ethics committee by august. So yep, definitely not happening this year if I move.
The other con is TTC. I would need to delay the start if I want to get any maternity leave (have to be employed for a year by the time I start taking time off), it would only be a few more months though. However, in this job I get my full salary for 6 months of maternity leave (then I can get a few more week unpaid if I want to). Overthere I think I get 8 weeks with full salary and 18 with only half, then the optional weeks as well. But as fas as I know the father is entitled to 2 weeks paternity leave (unlike here).
The thing is if I want to continue with college, and can't realistically start this year..I will have to wait probably over a year to start TTCing. So I'm pregnant during the course but don't deliver until I'm finished (like I plan to do now, only delaying it at least for another year). I hope it makes sense because its a bit of a mess.
Now, I probably will be able to get as good of an offer next year. The shortage of nurses in Ireland and the UK is unbelievable. I get phone calls and emails a few times a week asking me if I want to move jobs, and I'm not even applying to places. They send me a contract on friday and an offer with it. It was a lot more than I earn now (I took a huge paycut when I changed jobs in January, but it meant better hours and closer to home). I declined because the basic salary was slightly less than my previous jobs (I told them I was looking for something higher than that), when the allowances the hospital gives are included it was quite a bit more but I wasnt convinced.
DH is all for it now, but I need an offer that motivates me haha. It'd be a big hassle to move now and very unexpected. So I emailed them saying exactly that... now I'll have to wait to see if they make another offer. I'd say they will but I'm kinda hoping they don't so I don't have to think about all of this until next year as planned.
I fail to mention, but this all started when my sister and DH convinced me to meet with the 2 reps to get a information package for next year. They thought I was going in for an interiew. Once the mistake was cleared they asked to do the interview anyway (to get the job its meant to be a long process with a few interviews). Since I was already there I accepted, I didnt prepare and wasnt even dressed appropriately but at the end of it they said they wanted me on the team and here we are.