WTT Survey


4 on Earth, Many in Heaven
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
So I'm extremely bored and wanted something to kill the time. I think it's been a while since one of these have been done here, so I figured why not. This was originally posted by another member (in 2012 :haha: )who changed this from a TTC survey to a WTT one. Enjoy :flower:

1. Name of the future mommy to be?:

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:

3. How long have the future parents been together?:

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?:

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:

7. What does the future daddy want to have?:

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?:

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?:

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? :

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?:

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:

19. How many children would you like to have?:

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?:

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?:

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?:

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?:

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Spicy ;)

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:
DH ;)
3. How long have the future parents been together?: together 9yrs married 4

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: hopefully December, if not then January

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: the waiting!!

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: a baby! Girl would be nice but but fused

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: as above

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: September/October would nice

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:
Breaking the news to everyone

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Nothing

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:I like Jessica, Esther and Grace, no boys names

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: just like them

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?:
Maybe OPKs, track cm

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: undecided I have a pack so probably

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? Remind me why not yet

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: cross that bridge if it comes to it.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: not really something that happens the uk

19. How many children would you like to have?:2

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: no but Iv knitted some

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: Impatent woman's guide to ttc, what to expect before expecting

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: they don't know but they would be if they did

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:nope

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I'll be coming of bcp next week

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I dint do drugs but I'll drink a little until ttc/bfp

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:yes

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?:
Who is truly ready?! As ready as I'm ever be
26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:explore other options like adoption
1. Name of the future mommy to be?:

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:

3. How long have the future parents been together?:
Nearly 5 and half years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:
May 2015, maybe sooner

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?:
It was hardest when we didnt have a date and having no clue when OH would be ready

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:

7. What does the future daddy want to have?:

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?:
I do like having my birthday in the summer but Im not really bothered

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:
Looking at names and being allowed to buy things!!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?
Getting financially and emotionally ready

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:
Nope, I want to save that for when Im pregnant

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?:
I'd like to chart

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? :
Good question... lol

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?:
No, not at first anyway

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:
As Spicy said, not really done in the UK

19. How many children would you like to have?:
Rougly 3

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?:
Nope, not allowed and dont want to jinx it!

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?:
Started reading What to Expect Before youre Expecting, good so far!

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?:
The ones that know are!

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:
My close friends know itll be roughly March, everyone else knows I want one but no idea when itll happen!

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:
Starting to try and lose weight?

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:
Dont do drugs and barely drink! Need to cut down on caffeinated tea and coke tho.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:
Slightly overweight but other than that, yes

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?:
As ready as I can be? Now and again I ask myself am I really?? But I think thats normal!

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:
Ugh, I really hope that doesnt happen!!! Look into other options I guess?
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: T

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: J

3. How long have the future parents been together?: Friends for 15 years, "dating" for a year, officially together...two weeks. :rofl:

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:
Somewhere around a year from now. I'm hoping Summer 2015 but the official plan in Spring 2016.

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: waiting without a date (as I was before) and wanting so bad to add to my family and not being able to while watching friends and family get pregnant/have babies.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: a baby :winkwink: I'm not picky either way. Some days I want a girl, some days I want a boy.

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: a boy

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: I'd love a fall baby since I already have spring, summer, and winter babies.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?
: Experiencing pregnancy all over again, baby kicks, and starting a family with my OH

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Spending time as a couple with my OH

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: I have Iris-June picked out as a middle name for a girl and Michael as a middle name for a boy. No first names yet though.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Iris means rainbow and my next baby will be my rainbow baby, June is my OH's grandmother's name, and Michael is my OH's middle name and his father's middle name.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: I try to keep track of my CM now and will continue to do so when we TTC. I'll probably chart/temp after 6 months.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: I may possibly start using them once we've been TTC for 6 months

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : Reminds me that we have to wait. :dohh: But he also lets me talk about babies whenever I want, which is nice.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: If it came down to it, yes.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No and don't really plan on having one. I don't think they're that common.

19. How many children would you like to have?: 5 total - my son, daughter, and angel baby plus two with my OH

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: I bought a onesie that was adorable (and on sale) but other than that, no. I'll wait until I'm pregnant.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: What to expect before you're expecting

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: They don't really know but my mom does support my OH and I having kids in the future :)

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?
: Not really, they know I want more kids but not that there are any plans to TTC

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Not really. There hasn't really been much I'd have to change.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don't do drugs and I only drink on rare occasion, so I'll quit drinking completely when I get my BFP

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Yes I am

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: I certainly hope so since I'm already a parent :haha:

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: I would look into other options like adoption.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: D

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: N

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 6 Years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Mid APRIL 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: wanting to have a child soo badly/be pregnant... & knowing you just need to wait!

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: GIRL!! but i will b happy with any blessings!!

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: BOY!! FUTURE DADDY BELIEVES WE WILL HAVE 3 BOYS, AND HE ALWAYS SAYS THAT!!! hhhmmm... hahaha

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: NO

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Buying all the baby items- clothes, furniture... The excitement and close bond i will have with my husband (knowing we have created something together is special)!!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? more time to save money for baby #1, and to detox my body properly from cigarettes!

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:YESSS i actually know my GIRL names (3 of them, first and middle names) and my husband will choose the BOYS names (he has 1 boy name already, for our first child)... BUTT this is a secret- - - -!! sorry i can not share that info...

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: The names i have chosen for my future girls--- all connect them as 1*** and my husband has chosen for our first son, his grandfathers first names... as our 1st child's first and middle name! :)

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: i want to conceive naturally... so nothing!!

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:NO!

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : reminds me that i need to stop smoking cigarettes for months in order for us to start trying for bb#1... so that all the bad toxins will be released from my body!

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: YES!

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:NO

19. How many children would you like to have?:4

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: i use to... but stopped!

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?:no not yet!

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: sometimes!!

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: No

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: i have quit smoking cigarettes (hopefully for good)!!!

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: i do not do drugs and i hardly ever drink.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: in weight i am not... but other than that im fine!

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: I do... but i know it will come with challenges!! :)

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:hhhmmm not to sure, maybe think of other options!
This is a fun idea! :)

1. Name of the future mommy to be?: bakedbean

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: bean

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 3 years and 7 months

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: october 2016, but will probably (hopefully) move forward to january 2016 :)

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: hmmm, the waiting! Lol. seeing everyone else with their newborns or pregnancy photos when i want to hurry up and get on with it too lol

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: 2 girls and a boy

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: a boy but doesn't mind too much

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: autumn or spring would be nice

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: being a family and having something that me and my OH created, being a mother, sharing the news with everyone, indulging in my cravings!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? I'v been able to discuss a lot of things with my OH and i can find out and do a lot of things beforehand due to our planning

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: yes, although OH doesn't like them!

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: No, i just like them and they're unusual

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?:
chart maybe? :wacko:

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:
possibly, not sure yet.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : Not much? Lol. He discusses things with me about their future and how we will be as parents etc which is nice :)

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: if i need it, yes

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:
Never heard of that so...no?

19. How many children would you like to have? 3
20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No, still got quite a while to wait and i think it might tip my OH's nerves over the edge lol

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: No, but iv read a lot of internet articles and watched lots of documentaries

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: My mum is, but that's all

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: No, it's something we want to keep personal, though my mum knows we talk about future children a lot, so i think she might have an inkling!

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:
No, but i will be exercising more and eating more healthily when im ready to start TTC

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don't take drugs. I will abstain from alcohol when i am ready to start TTC but don't drink much anyway

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I should hope so!?

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: hm, who is? I think we will be good parents though :)

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:
I'm not sure...I might look at surrogates? but i'm hoping that won't happen
1. Name of the future mommy to be?:

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 11 years, married 7 next month

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: I think July 2016...though if we decide to go for a fall baby then it could be earlier or pushed back

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: honestly, with a 7 month old I am not very broody ATM- I love it just being him . So the worst part is using condoms again lol

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: healthy baby w/o my husbands heart condition

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: same as me ...though he said he wouldn't mind a girl. My DS refuses to cuddle with him (Charles is a big time Mommas boy and reserves all snuggles for me). He said he thinks a girl will want to snuggle up with him

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: we have all spring birthdays so I would love a fall baby!

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: all of it. I LOVED being pregnant and if I could would be pregnant all the time. The BFP, the scans, the gender reveal, the kicks, hiccups, the games playing with baby, the high of giving birth...looking forward to it all!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Getting all the time with my DS. I'm a SAHM and adore seeing him grow and getting to be a family of three.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: girl- Claire Therese; top contender for a boy is William Alexander but is not set

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Therese is my DH's moms name, who has passed away. The rest we just like. We like traditional names (DS is Charles Louis)

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: CM. I have always been very regular. I started ovulating 8 weeks pp and AF came back last cycle. So far it seems to have picked right back up. Will just DTD every day with EWCM

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: if we Dont conceive in 4 months will use to confirm O but otherwise no

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : not much...BnB takes care of all of it lol. We have a lot of other things going on that need his attention (getting ready to list house for sale in January)

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: yes but hopefully we won't need. Conceived on 3rd cycle before and come from very fertile family

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: my OB doesn't do them but would bring up any questions at my regular annual

19. How many children would you like to have?: 2 biological. Possibly adopt an older girl if we had another boy when the boys would.be in school

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: I have a whole basement of stuff given to us. The rest I'm just picking up as we need. I Dont anticipate needing much for the next one.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: not really. I had a book (pregnancy week by week) that I looked at each week while pregnant. Might read it again next time

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?:
They would LOVE more babies like yesterday :)

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: I think they know we want a 2-3 year gap and have down the math

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:
25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: yes

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: yes

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: not yet to two...but once my DS is weaned snd sleeping theouhh the night it would be a lot easier

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: either adopt or be content with one. I'm not worried about it at this point
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Kim

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Adam

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 3 years. Married just under 2 years.

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Feb 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Hmm. I think it's that knowing we really aren't ready right until when we start trying. It's hard to be so close and know we really do have to wait.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: I had been wanting a girl, to the point that I didn't even want to try at all if it wouldn't be a girl. But now, eh, I don't have a preference. I mean, in general I want our girl. But if we have a boy, that will be wonderful, and will turn a "maybe" into a "definitely" of fostering to adopt a few years later.

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: He has no preference.

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: Nope!

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: I'm not sure, but it will probably be in telling people. He/she will be the first great grandchild for both of my grandparents, and the first grandchild for both of our parents. I have a lot of anxiety over baby's health and miscarriages so I'm not sure how much excitement vs. worry I will feel about having a baby in me.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Watching my husband get excited.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Anastasia Paige is the definite for a girl, which no one can change :) The boy name we are thinking right now is Holland Arthur / Arthur Holland.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Anastasia Paige I picked when I was about 12. My mom wanted to name me Anna but her SIL wouldn't "let" her because that's the name she had chosen. My aunt ended up having all girls. I don't like Annabel, or Anna by itself and Anastasia came to me. I love it. There was a Saint Anastasia who was persecuted/tortured and eventually killed for her unwavering faith. She would be hurt in some way and miraculously healed. Amazing! My grandma had chosen Paige for a daughter's name but had all boys. For Holland and Arthur - we just like Arthur; it sounds nice and means strength of a bear. Holland - DH is half dutch (dad and grandparents are full). I stumbled upon it and we were both like, yes!

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: I have yet to look up the accuracy and science behind home ovulation tests. However, as of now my EWCM is extremely regular.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: I don't know.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : We just talk about the future in general.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No, I'm in the process of finding an obgyn here (moved from Phoenix this year) and doing that next month when my new insurance kicks in.

19. How many children would you like to have?: Ideally 1. But if we have a boy, then 2 with a girl foster-to-adopted (yes, you can choose sex). I'd like to foster kids later on.

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: No.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: In general, yes. MIL is ridiculously excited.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: They know we are going to start TTC next year. I think they think it will be late next year rather than February.

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I suppose. I finally got diagnosed with a thyroid condition which basically explains all my health issues. With that I've been learning about management and changed my diet by going gluten-free which has helped a lot.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I don't do drugs. I drink maybe one or two glasses of wine a week, which isn't too much for pregnancy anyway.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I don't know. I was a few months ago. I have to get my thyroid checked again (every 6 months). If not I'll just go on medication and be find in a couple months.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Absolutely!

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: Foster to adopt.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?:

2. Name of the future daddy to be?:

3. How long have the future parents been together?:
8 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:
Probably July 2015, if DH agrees.

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?:
This time around, the uncertainty over whether we will have another. In the past, just the impatience and feeling sooo broody.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:
If I got to choose I would have another DD, but I have been blessed with 1 of each already so I'm not "worried".

7. What does the future daddy want to have?:
No preference

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?:
Late spring or early summer would be nice (May would be ideal :haha:)

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:
The excitement of being pregnant, getting a bump, scans, kicks, birth and finding out whether we have another son or daughter :cloud9:

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?
My DD getting older and sleeping better :haha:

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:
I have a list (mostly of names which have been contenders before): Rupert, Albert, Julian, Wilf; Isobel, Emilia, Clara, Effie, Lyra...

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:
Just names that we both like, apart from Julian which was FIL's name (we like it aswell)

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?:
We will NTNP but I usually know when I ovulate due to ovulation pain and ewcm

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:
We haven't and I'd prefer not to, but if ttc took a while we might.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? :

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?:
Probably not

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:
We don't have those in the UK I don't think but I am high risk during pregnancy and have seen my doctors to get the go-ahead for a future pregnancy; as it stands I am in a good position to get pregnant again.

19. How many children would you like to have?:

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?:
Not yet because we aren't definitely having another, plus I have everything from my 2 already.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?:

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?:
My family would love for us to have another. My friends know how broody I am and also would like their to be anoter little baby in the group so they are keen too :haha:

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:
They all know that number 3 is only a maybe.

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:
Not really. I've been losing weight (or trying to!)

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:
I don't take drugs bar prescribed medicine and I'm not a big drinker- I got out of the habit through the back to back pregnancy-breastfeeding-pregnancy-breastfeeding cycle. I will have the odd glass of wine and when I go out (which isn't very often :cry: I drink a fair bit more :haha:)

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:
Yes; I do have a couple conditions which need to be managed but I'm in good shape atm and hope to stay that way :).

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?:
I hope so or my kids are in trouble :haha:

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:
Probably we would just call it a day.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Sally

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: T

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 4 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Sept 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: the broodyness!

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: girl as we already have a both but happy with either

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: ditto to above

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: early summer. Away from DS birthday but not too hot!

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: the kicks :)

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Getting myself healthy!

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Lily/poppy for a girl. Toby for a boy

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Lily after my nana lil. The others we just like.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: check cm and cervix but mostly just have fun! We did temps for one month last time we TTC but it was too much pressure for us.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: no unless it takes a while.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : listens to me ramble about babies and doesn't complain when I get upset and broody!

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: if necessary but we conceived fine with DS so hopefully wont need any.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: no

19. How many children would you like to have?: 3-4

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: no but we have some leftover from ds

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: nop

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: they don't know. Mil would be though she's begged us too!

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: no they don't

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I've made a big change with my diet to control my diabetes better.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: no. We still have a while off yet. I will have to change my diabetes meds before we ttc though.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: not right now but hopefully soon!

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: already am so yes.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: adopt? We had no issues with DS so hopefully we'll conceive fine!
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Heike

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: A :)

3. How long have the future parents been together?: just over 3 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: August 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?:
Seeing so many girls my age fall pregnant, having much less resources than we have when money is OHs main reason to wait. Obviously I know they're probably struggling a whole lot which I wouldn't want for myself and baby, but it still makes my heart sting :/

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:
Always knew I wanted a girl and coukd never imagine myself with a little boy... But for quite some time I have just had a feeling that we'll have a boy (even though, ttc is still months aways!) and the more I think about it the more I love the thought! Most importantly I just want to have a healthy baby

7. What does the future daddy want to have?:
I know he'f love having a baby girl

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: I think may and june are the perfect birthday months, but I would not limit myself and my ttc journey and only try for those months

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:
setting up a cute little nursery, buying super cute baby clothes, telling friends and family :)

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? my OH has been so supportive, trying to helf, trying to make me feel better whenever I'm feeling down, which unfortunately the past couple months it has been a lot.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Yes, I love Emma Charlotte for a girl (but feel that Emma has been getting so popular lately :/) and Mika Leon for a boy <3

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:
I just like them :) OH does too

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Not sure yet, probably start using OPKs. I have pretty regular cycles, so i might just do the math and BD a lot when I think I should be fertile. We'll see

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: like i said, probably. maybe when we're a couple months in ttc

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : ooh i could ramble on abhout that one, but i'll just say he is the best and tries doing everything in his power. He's the best :cloud9::cloud9:

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Not too sure i think that is something we'll start thinking about when we have to.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:

19. How many children would you like to have?: 2 or 3

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?:
No, but I love window shopping for baby stuff.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: no not really

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: They don't know, we're not telling anyone we're going to start trying

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Not yet. I'm trying to be more healthy when it comes to nutrition and exercise.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:
No. I'm actually a smoker, but Im going to quit that in like june/july. And I don't drink a lot anyways so abstaining won't be a problem.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I feel like I am. I was healthy enough to donate bone marrow a couple months ago, so nothing should have drastically changed. But I'll obviously have to get checked out.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Yes I do, i can't wait to finally be one. Sounds super cheesy but I feel like i was meant to be a mom!

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: Don't really know yet and I'm trying not to think about this situation a lot. I'll be 23 when we start trying so I'm hoping my age will be an advantage for that.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: me

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: him :)

3. How long have the future parents been together?: together 6 years, married nearly 4.5 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: January/February 2015... we just had a loss in Oct with d&c in Nov. So whenever I get a cycle again... we will start trying on the second one.

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: many of my other friends announced pregnancies while I was in the early stages of pregnancy and it really made me want to announce also! But I am glad we didn't because I did NOT want to have to share that we lost the baby when I was almost 9 weeks. It is hard now that we are waiting again to watch all of my other friends progress through their pregnancies and know I am not joining them.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: boy

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: boy

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: I have always said I want a late fall or winter baby. I'll get that if we conceive within the first 3ish cycles.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: carrying a baby to term... or just feeling the baby kick for the first time.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? We have gotten to do a lot of things we wouldn't have done if we had already had children.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: yes! We decided just a few days after I found out I was pregnant the first time. We are keeping the same names. Everett Scott for a boy. Finley Claire for a girl. But we have always said we will decide on something different if what we choose doesn't "fit" when the baby comes out. lol

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Scott is my dad's name. As far as every other name on there, it was like the only thing we could agree on! I love both names, but god help us if we end up with BB or GG twins. lol. Picking out a second name will be like pulling teeth.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: I just tracked my af. I generally have O pains, so I knew when I was ovulating and it lined up with my app, so we went from there... and got pregnant first cycle. Because I have had a d&c, I want to be sure I am ovulating like normal when we try again, so i will be using OPKs for the first couple months. I might try temping if we don't conceive after a few tries.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: never did before, but will because of the d&c for a few months

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : He has always been very supportive about the fact that I want kids and he isn't ready yet. He just reminds me how important it is that we will be providing a better life for our child by waiting. I am so happy we waited until now. We have a stable income and good jobs and a home of our own. I wouldn't have it any other way and I am grateful that dh was able to talk me through our loooooong wait.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: I don't think we will have to, considering how easily I became pregnant when we first started trying last time.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: sure. lol

19. How many children would you like to have?: 3, but dh wants 2. We will see how well we can keep up with 2 and go from there.

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: yes, due to the last pregnancy. We didn't have an ounce of baby related stuff before I was pregnant.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: I bought the mayo clinic guide to pregnancy and found that very informative and helpful. I also own the very cliche what to expect when you're expecting. I like it, but actually like the mayo clinic book better.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: Our families were both beyond thrilled when we told them we were expecting because we had been married more than 4 years and nobody knew why we didn't have kids yet! lol. So yes, they will be super supportive and excited whenever we start trying again.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: they didn't last time. and we don't plan to tell them when we start trying again. That's creepy.

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I had been eating healthy for months before becoming pregnant and that all went out the window really quickly. I'm actually convinced this is part of why I became pregnant so easily, so now that we are approaching time to start trying again, I should probably start treating my body better again!

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: now that we aren't ttc and I am not pregnant anymore, I have had a couple drinks. When I get my first af (and we won't start trying again until after the 2nd af), I will stop again.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I certainly hope so.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: yeahhhh. about freaking time.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We will go from there. Not sure. My cousin is adopted, so I am more than happy to adopt. I will love that sweet baby just as much as my own flesh and blood. I just won't get to feel baby kicks from the inside. :(
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Caite

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: N/A

3. How long have the future parents been together?: N/A

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Hopefully next spring

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: The fact that I've had to postpone it many times

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: I would be happy with either, but secretly - a baby girl

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: N/A

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: Not really

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Other than becoming a mum, I'm looking forward to telling my family. Whilst they wouldn't necessarily approve of the way I will have achieved and I won't tell them about it, they will be so excited

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? I don't know

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: I've got loads of names picked out. I've a big long list of them!

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: I want the middle name to be a version of my nan's middle name, if I have a girl, and the middle name to be my granddad's first name if I have a boy (it couldn't be a boy's first name as my cousin has used it for his son)

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Being as I plan to go the IVF route, I guess it'll be scans and whatnot

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: I don't think so - it will depend on what I'm told

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : N/A

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: I'm planning to conceive by IVF, so definitely!

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No. But from what I've read, all the usual booking bloods etc will be done prior to IVF. However, I already know they are all fine as I had them done for work-related reasons recently. I'll also need a recent smear test (dreading that), and I guess they'll do height, weight and BP before IVF, too

19. How many children would you like to have?: I would love to have 3 or 4 children

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: I've finished a midwifery degree earlier this year, so everything I read on that course, really. I don't think I'll bother reading any pregnancy books aimed at parents

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: They've no idea

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: No

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Not yet. I started earlier this year, but then the date got pushed back, and I kind of became a little disheartened, and went back to my old ways. After Christmas I'm going to start again

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: The only drug I take is the odd Paracetamol, which is fine to take. I occasionally have a little bit of alcohol (as in the odd bottle of beer, or the odd glass of wine) and no, I haven't stopped this. I will, though, when I'm actually TTC

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I think so. I could probably do with losing 20lb, though, and I'm going to cut all the rubbish out of my diet, which I have started doing

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: I feel as though I have been ready to be a mum for years. I've been waiting for the right man. Of all the men I have dated etc I haven't been able to see one of them as being the father of my future children. Whilst doing it that way would be perfect, I would rather do it on my own than with a man I wasn't convinced was the father my future children deserved. Everyone comments on how maternal I am already

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: I'm trying not to think of that
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Chelle

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Dave

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 14 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Possibly February 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: The constant doubts whether you should or shouldn't try.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A girl

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: A girl

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: Any month other than September

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Announcing it to parents and feeling baby move.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Can't think of anything.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Have the girls name we didn't get to use last time and a new boys name.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Just like them.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Will use OPK's, they really helped last time and stopped me from taking tests much too soon to avoid disappointment.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: As above.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process?: Reminds me why it's best to wait.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Possibly as a last resort.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No.

19. How many children would you like to have?: Just one more to make it two.

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No, but have stored DS's baby things.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: No.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: They would love another family member.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: They don't know.

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: No, and didn't for previous pregnancy either.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: Don't drink much alcohol anyway, and don't do drugs.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Yes.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Already am a parent.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: Will settle with the one child.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Jessica

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: George

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 3 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: September 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Feeling like there is nothing you can be doing in the mean time to get ready for baby or speed up the process

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A baby :)

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: A baby :)

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: I work for the school system so I am hoping to have the baby during our summer break. This way I will have the whole summer off to get adjusted and spend time with baby.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Getting to tell my husband and parents!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Saving mass amounts of pins on pinterest for the future baby

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Not yet

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: I hope to incorporate family names when I choose names.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: I track my cycle with the "My Calendar/Tracker" App and plan to use ovulation tests when I start TTC

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: I will when I start TTC

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process?: NOTHING

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: If I had trouble getting pregnant I would but only after trying on my own first.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Yes

19. How many children would you like to have?: 3 or 4

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: A few outfits

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: I have not read any books on the subject yet

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: I am not TTC until next year and am not going to tell anyone we are TTC when we start

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: They will not know

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Not yet but I hope to loose a lot of weight before then.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I do not take drugs and only drink alcohol occasionally. When I stop taking my bc I will not drink at all.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I need to loose weight but other than that yes. Also I am trying to loose as much weight as possible by my TTC date

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: Yes I have thought about this a lot

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: I keep trying, consult a doctor and do all that I can
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Jen

2. Name of the future Mama to be?: Tiffany

3. How long have the future parents been together?: almost 2 years, married for almost 5 months.

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: 90% sure August-October 2016.

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Waiting. I want a baby now but we have so many things we need to accomplish until then.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: i don't care

7. What does the future mama want to have?: boy

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: May-July. I will be teaching. I want a summer baby. I'd prefer to have the baby in May to have the entire summer.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Decorating the nursery, buying books, outfits, baby gear, telling everyone.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? We are able to get ready financially, emotionally, and mentally.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Henry and Lillian

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: We like them

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: chart, cm

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: I will

16. What does the future mama do to help you with WTT process? : We both have baby fever. we talk about the future a lot.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: We are gay so we already have to go either an ICI or IUI. I will go on meds if it doesn't work after a few cycles

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: not yet. i'm worried that i have endometriosis

19. How many children would you like to have?: 2

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: we have a onesie

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: yes. i've ready a few for lesbian parents

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: they don't know

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: no

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: not yet. we are just trying to get financially ready by having me complete my degree this May. we only have one income right now, so we are barely making ends meet.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: for the most part. I rarely drink.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: no. I need to quit drinking so much caffeine. my goal for 2015 is to get healthier.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: absolutely not...which is why we are waiting until 2016.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We are open to adoption. I have always been open to it and find it beautiful, since my sister was adopted.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Vicky

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Ry

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 2.5 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: April 2015 hopefully

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: not talking about baby stuff too much and annoying him.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: Girl

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: Boy

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: fall but not picky at all... I just want a family :)

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: SHOPPING!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Knowing it's coming...

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: No, we had arguments about naming the dogs... It will take time!

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Don't know yet...

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: No

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : Not much...

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Yes, specialists was recommended because oofmy job...

19. How many children would you like to have?: 1 for now, this could change... Don't know yet!

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Goodness no, he would freak out!

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: None yet.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: Momzy is :)

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: Only momzy dearest...

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: started prenatal and boosted lacking vitamins. Gym for 1 hour 5X per week.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: No drugs, very little alcohol.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: To be determined by specialist...

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: I hope so!!

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: seek a live in surrogate
Well I'm finally doing this, not expecting anyone to read it, more just for my own reflection/I'm bored and broody..bad combo.

1. Name of the future mommy to be?: A

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: D

3. How long have the future parents been together?: Married for 2.5 years, together for 6.5 years

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: February 2015 when we go on a trip.

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: The heartache of being ready and yet not ready.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A healthy baby!

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: He's never made a preference known, we both want at least 1 of each eventually

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: I'm open to any time of year although would prefer to avoid August/Sept due to hot summer in late pregnancy and way more Moms delivering around then = stressed out health care workers.

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Having an excuse to have pregnancy and parenting books, plus picking out all the stuff I want for baby! (may have already started looking...)

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?: Hearing DH talk about having kids, it warms my heart and puts a goofy smile on my face. That and the ability to enjoy our time as just us.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: I have a list of names I like, although I have more female than male names. I'm hoping he's on board with a few I really like but hoping he has some good suggestions.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: A few are actual or variations of family names. The one I really like for a girl is a variation of his deceased Mom's name so I'm hoping he likes it.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: I'm currently tracking CM and BBT but hoping to have an idea of ovulation so I can stop BBT when we start trying so that it's less stressful.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: If no luck in 3 months I'll restart BBT and if no luck in 6 months I'd try OPKs.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process?: Nothing in particular as of late as he's been working out of town but he did send me flowers when I was feeling down and he lately said that we can try whenever I'm ready but I want to wait for our trip so that I can have a few beverages while we're there.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: I'd like to avoid it as I don't think it is necessarily great for long-term health but never say never.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: I've had a recent physical and my doc gave me the go ahead to start when I'm ready (this really kicked the baby fever up a notch)

19. How many children would you like to have?: At least 3, hopefully 4. DH wants 3. We both came from families with 3 children but I like the dynamics I've seen in 4 or 5 children families. I figure we'll see how having 1 or 2 goes first though.

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No but I've definitely started doing my research.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: I feel weird buying books about pregnancy before I am pregnant but that's more because I have a pretty good understanding of the basics and then some due to my job.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: Everyone I've mentioned it to seems to support it, nobody has objected so that's exciting.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: I've mentioned casually that we may try next year.

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Over the years I've tried to take a more natural route with my toiletries, cosmetics, cleaning products, diet, and although it's not perfect it's a gradual process and I hope to continue on that path.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: No. Most people won't agree with me on this because of the information that is shoved down our throats but based on my knowledge from reading credible research I believe that small amounts of certain taboo substances are likely not harmful to the fetus. I only have a few drinks every few weeks however I do use marijuana daily for anxiety (better than pharmaceuticals for me). From the research I've done I don't feel that it is a huge risk to the fetus when used in moderation. I will try to decrease my use when pregnant and likely abstain from drinking.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I think so. I could stand to lose a few pounds but I eat a diet of mostly whole foods and get at least a half hour walk in 5-7 days a week. I'm hoping to get into a weekly routine of yoga as I'd like to do prenatal yoga once pregnant.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: As ready as I'm going to be. I don't think you can truly ever be ready.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We will find another way to have kids. If need be we would definitely adopt. In the past I thought I'd rather adopt children but then of course the hormones kicked in and having my own seemed like a better idea.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: H

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: M

3. How long have the future parents been together?: friends for four years, a couple for ten months.

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: April 2015

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Waiting.....

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: I have one of each, one of whom is a teen girl, so a boy!!! I cant go through THAT again. lol

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: prefer a boy but either.

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: no, after a full term pregnancy( lost two prem babies so thats a worry)

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: being able to tell the love of my life im carrying his cild.

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? all the practice...... ;)

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: yep.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: family names

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: already using charts to find when most fertile.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: yes

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : working hard to save for sterilisation reversal in march.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: yes

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: yes as i have to have my sterilisation reversed

19. How many children would you like to have?: one more.

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: no.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: no.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: yes.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: coming off prescription medicines for me. quitting smoking for dad to be.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: yes

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: yes

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: i already am.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: we will continue to be in love and happy and raise my two kids together.

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