Hey miss m, hope your ok? As dot lumps in your breasts, there are four different types so don't just think it's the worst! Hope they get you seen ASAP. and that heat sounds awful! Keep smiling and thinking of that baby! Is there no bumps and baby groups around to stop you from feeling lonely?
Sunshine how an you not test? Really hope you get that bfp
And you too Elz!
Almost, sorry to hear that news. Hope your both coping ok and keep positive
Had my scan today baby was a wiggler, and is due 2 Feb! So five days later than my lmp, but I knew I ovulated late so the dates are actually two days ahead that what I thought
Juat got to tel family before we announce.
Hope your all ok xxx
Miss Broody's baby is gorgeous!
Yayyy Jem!! You're just about 3 wks behind me!!