Hi ladies
I have had a very odd day!
The pains I was experiencing last night had got much stronger today, plus some dull shoulder pain (not tip, more under the blade). I called the EPU and they referred me to A&E. Went through A&E to EPU and had an internal scan. They cannot tell me much as too early (4 + 3) but did say my endometrium is thickened and smooth plus there is a discernible echo free structure - which the sonographer thinks could be the sac but couldn't confirm as too small. She couldn't find my ovaries or tubes but found the main veins / arteries.*
She did say that if it was a sac it looked like it was in the right place but couldn't rule out an ectopic.
I've since had bloods done and am
waiting on results, I think for hormones and HGC levels. Have also since seen the on call consultant who had done an internal examination, plus taken some swabs. She did say I had some redness but was perhaps from the earlier internal scan or recent smear. No bleeding and no free fluid on uterus.
I'm now waiting on bloods so they can compare HGC to scan. The consultant suggested I might be admitted which I wasn't expecting as all.
My blood pressure was high when admitted, ok now. Also pulse was high at 108 when admitted, now 89. Temp was also high 37.9, now 36.7
I feel ok, other than this on off shooting pain and dull shoulder ache. Internal scan was inconclusive. I'm trying to remain optimistic that sonographer said that if the echo free structure is the sac it looks like it is in the right place.*
Just waiting now! Will update as I know more. Hoping I haven't overreacted but thought better to check than not.
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