x <3 x New Year, New Me...A Start to A Happier Georgie :) x <3 x

Hiya hun,

Well done on the 7lbs loss but your right,your going to have to be very careful not to get stuck into your old ways and get carried away with the weight loss.You sound very focused and determined right now tho and I think you are in the right frame of mind.Im sure at WW they will keep a close eye on you too.:hugs:
Do you like angel delight type stuff??In Asda Ive found WW sachets of Strawberry mousse,you just make it up yourself with milk (I use skimmed milk) and it definitely satisfies that sweet craving (and only about 30p).Would be great if they did different flavors but have only seen the strawberry one so far.At your WW meeting they should sell weight watchers sweets,they are quite dear but yummy haha,I used to get my sister to get me some when she used to go.
Hope you have a good weekend x x x
O yeah I mentioned in another thread too that at Asda at the mo they are doing 5 Weight watchers frozen meals/desserts for £5.Just thought you might be interested and its quite a saving x
hi everyone!

hope you had a nice weekend! :)

i have done well eatingwise this weekend, but have had to up my portions a bit as am under the watchful eye of mum and dad..(by the way, all the people who i have on facebook...the reason i said i lost 5lbs on there is because my step-mum had a go at me for loosing 7lb is 4 days, and i didnt want the whole rest of my family on my case) i think of bnb as my escapism so didnt think you girls would be on my case but just so everyone doesnt think I am a liar...i hope some of you know me well enough out of bnb to not think that..

I had a lovely day yesterday...me and my sister went shopping and generally done girlie things, she went to disney today so I miss her a bit now :cry:

Diet went well yesterday! we had a roast...and I had NO Potatoes or Batter Puddings! :happy dance:

Today I have had;
Breakfast: Special K Mini Breaks
Lunch: 1 slice of toast, scrambled egg
Dinner: Rice and Chicken

I also had Jelly and Yoghurt :blush:

Had a general crappy day, just feel out of place and like evertone generaly hates me...but I see my councillor tomorrow night, so will have a chat with her about it...

Georgie <3
I&#8217;m still going to carry on with this journal if that&#8217;s ok with everyone..My councillor suggested I write all my feelings into a diary, but it&#8217;s easier for me to type online&#8230;a haven&#8217;t wrote in here for a while but I will me carrying on&#8230;thanks to everyone who is keeping up with me..

I went to see my councillor on Monday and she has referred me back to my dietician who I saw when I was ill&#8230;who I saw last night.

I HATED her, when she pumped food through a tube and stuck needles in me she was awful :rofl: but we had a chat last night and I can see she is and was only trying to help..I spoke to her about how starving myself thoughts were coming back and admitted I had made myself sick three times&#8230;she weighed me and I had lost 10lbs in 9 days&#8230;not good.

I told her how big I feel and that I would just like to lose a bit of weight so I&#8217;m down to 9 and a half, not nine, which my target originally was&#8230;after a long discussion she agreed I can lose it but I&#8217;m only allowed to lose 1lb a week from now on, and I am back on a menu, if I lose more than 1lb she will up my menu.

I&#8217;m quite proud that she trusts me to eat the set menu, a few years ago I would be straight away have any control taken away from me..I&#8217;m not fully there yet but it&#8217;s a start.

My spending diet starts this month too&#8230;I plan to save £200 a month so I can afford a new car for my 21st next year&#8230;it will me tough as imp a spendaholic but I am determined to do it, as I want a Suzuki Swift in Blue <3

Things with me and OH are still the same, not much to comment there&#8230;I am going to the cinema with the girls on Saturday to see &#8216;its complicated&#8217; so I&#8217;m looking forward to that..

I CANNOT WAIT till my hospital appointment on 26th&#8230;for people who read my posts in the GS know the pain I had before, it returned yesterday with a vengeance! I was in agony the whole day&#8230;its still carrying on today :( Just want to find out what it is now&#8230;my best friends coming with me..

That&#8217;s all for now...

Georgie <3

My Menu For Today:

1 Large Banana with Banana Flavoured Yogurt

11am; 1 pack of Caramel Snack a Jacks

One Medium Jacket Potato with half a can of baked beans and 1 spoonful of butter

3pm; a handful of grapes

Chicken Stir Fry with a handful of Rice
2 scoops of frozen Yoghurt
Hi Girls!

Hope you all had a nice weekend :hugs:

sorry its been a while&#8230;I forget I have this thing sometimes!

We had a major breakthrough with OH at the weekend, on Sunday he brought up the babies talk by himself, asking what we would do about childcare etc&#8230;talking about starting TTC and how I have got a feeling that it will take 2years+ for some reason etc.

Then I had the day off work yesterday and we spent the day together, had a really great day, we made cakes :blush: then as we were laying in bed, he said how much he didn&#8217;t want me to go back on the pill as he could tell how unhappy it made me..and today was a prime example of why he wanted to Marry Me&#8230;:happydance:

To those of you who don&#8217;t know, for him to say that was a massive breakthrough as he said he didn&#8217;t wanna marry me, and felt pressured into doing so before we was engaged, he said he will propose to me again but in his own time and when he has enough for a new ring (long story)and he will do it properly this time&#8230;

We agreed to get married in 2014, and start TTC in 2013, and if we do fall pregnant before the wedding its no biggy :happydance: so happy!!


The eating is going well&#8230;I lost 1lb last week and am right on target! :D

Todays Mean Plan:

Breakfast : Porriage with 1tbsp Honey and a Banana
Lunch: Ham and Cheese Sandwich with 1 Snack a Jack
Dinner: Shephards Pie (she let me substitute it for the suede version) Peas, Carrots and Brocoli

Snack 11am: Yoghurt &#8211; Vanilla
Snack 3pm: Jelly Pot
hi G. only just found this journal! will be checking in on your from now on! :hugs: for everything.your an amazing strong person and dont you foget that for one second. so happy things with your oh are great! :happydance:
Morning Girls, thought I would update this morning as I won&#8217;t be around this afternoon, the company I work for are moving offices and we are all going to have a look&#8230;the new office is closer for me, its situated right my Bank Tube Station, London so will cut my journey by half saving me around £50 a month.

I&#8217;m not interested in moving at all as I still really don&#8217;t want to be here&#8230;my life would be perfect if I could get a new job that I enjoyed (don&#8217;t necessary need to enjoy it &#8211; just not be depressed about going) this place is really getting me down and is the only thing I get stressed about recently.

I am doing well on my savings! I get paid in a week today (also the day me an OH have been together 4 years :cloud9) I have £310.00 in my paypal account, £100 is for my sister but then the rest is going to my savings account&#8230;I booked in to have my hair professionally done at the hairdressers this month&#8230;that will be £50 but I really need it!

Eating is going well, I caved and hat a little cupcake that I made at the weekend, last night&#8230;it was scrum but I did get that guilty feeling after which I&#8217;m hoping will fade away at some point. I just hope that I can stray on track at stick to loosing that lb this week..:nope:

I had a really strange dream last night&#8230;very detailed :blush: but I won&#8217;t go into that now! :rofl:

Georgie <3

Meal Plan:

Breakfast: Oatybar Chocolate Cereal Bar
11am: Banana and Custard Yoghurt
Lunch: Pitta with Chicken Wrap (not sure how I will fit this in around going out)
3pm: Nuts
Dinner: Salmon Salad :)( do not like this, will have a chicken salad probably)
ooh what r u doing with your hair?
what was the dream of?!!

good on you for saving!
im going to have an all over colour of chocolate brown and have i bit of a trim...drastically needs it!!

It was about Olly Murrs from X-Factor...seems to be recurring haha!
Sorry I missed yesterday!

Diets going poo this week, I know I haven&#8217;t lost, I have had no time to exercise at all, and I had 2 cupcakes and chips yesterday (not together) I have my dietician Monday :cry: I&#8217;m doing everything in my power to not make myself ill, I can feel heaviness in my stomach and I just want to bring it all up..I&#8217;m sick of fighting this&#8230;I need to find someone who has recovered from an ED to help me, I&#8217;m really struggling.

Im missing weighing in today, as I know ill make myself ill if I have put on&#8230;

On a high note, its Friday, and I haven&#8217;t got to come in this hell for 2 days :happydance:

What is everyone doing this weekend?
:( sorry your having a hard time hun.. i hope it gets better.
weekend-work :(
I had my Hospital appointment yesterday :growlmad: I was really nervous as I knew they would make me have an internal and I hadn&#8217;t had one before&#8230;it went ok though, I was scared but it was over within a couple of minutes.

He said he couldn&#8217;t feel any lumps or swelling but it was obvious that it was causing me discomfort, I have to go back for an internal scan and an ultrasound on Saturday morning, they also took blood test to test for hormones, then I have to go back to see the consultant on 9th Feb..

I was in a right mess last night, cried to OH for 2 hours, due to the internal my belly was agony and I could barely move again. I was just so fed up and frustrated with being like this and no one knowing what is going on :cry: Hopefully now I&#8217;ll get some answers.

Anyway, Its mine and OHs 4 Year Anniversary today :cloud9: it seems much longer, and I can&#8217;t remember life without him really as we have been through so much, but at the same time, doesn&#8217;t feel like yesterday when we started going out&#8230;We are going out for food tonight, then just going to probably watch a film at home&#8230;was meant to go out yesterday but didn&#8217;t because I want well :(

The foods going ok, I can&#8217;t be bothered to see my dietician this week, just not in the mood, I went out for food yesterday with my friend and had Pizza and Garlic bread and I&#8217;m going out tonight and will have Spaghetti, and have also had porridge this morning so, ill just leave her stupid eating meal plan till I see her next Monday.

Georgie <3
Had a lovely evening with OH yesterday :cloud9: he took me out for a meal and we had a looooong old chat about how much he hurt me about the engagement and stuff.

I told him how I felt about him being childish and not wanting to grow up and have any responsibility (I have got my very own Peter Pan :nope:) I said he knows what I want and that I love him to death but if we don&#8217;t want the same things in life there is no point us being together, (this is all in the middle of a restaurant :blush:) he said he wanted to get married to me and what he said was just spite, as he lost my engagement ring he said his going to have to save for another better ring but he wants to set a date, he said that we should aim towards getting married in 2014, so we agreed on 27/1/2014 (our 8year anniversary) he also said to me that the TTC date is not &#8216;set in stone&#8217; which had me panicking thinking I&#8217;m going to have to wait longer to TTC, he said if we are financially stable (if we both secure new jobs and our flat) then we can bring the TTC date forward :D :cloud9:

He said the he does want to marry me more than anything and we went around the shops after looking for rings so he has proven himself to me now (I think :haha:)

Im a Happy Chicken today!

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