Hey girls, how are you all?
I didn't get time to come on yesterday as I was babysitting all day and then when I got home I felt really crappy so OH made me a bath and then insisted that I go to bed. Well it's now day 5 and still no sign of AF. I bought myself a couple of HPT's yesterday and I tested this morning and it was aI really shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, I knew I would and now I'm really upset as I also think that AF is coming, I just have a feeling it is. It might seem really stupid but I went back to bed after testing and cried. Thats the whole reason why I never usually bother testing in the first place. My OH doesn't seem to care that it was a
as he is already begging me to go out tonight and have a drink "to take my mind off it" and I really don't wanna go out. I asked him if we could have a night in with a movie and a takeaway and he tells me I'm causing a problem and yelled at me. I feel so crappy right now and he is not making me feel any better
Sorry to hear about you OH yelling at you ButterflySometimes men do what they think is for the best (by telling you to go out and have a good time) but most of the time, they get it wrong
lol. Hope things are ok now hun.
Kit, hope ur OH gets better soon so you get your tv back!!!!!
With regards to feeling "lonely" when TTC, i havent felt that yet, as this is my first month, but i can only imagine how some of you ladies feel who have been trying for agesI have told a couple of close friends, but none of my family. Will try not to tell them until 12 weeks when my
Hope you ladies are all ok x
Hey ladies, how are you all?
Thanks for the comments. My OH went out on Friday night without me. I stayed at home, ordered myself some Chinese food and watched a couple of movies, alone. All I wanted to do was have a snuggle on the sofa with my OH but he went out instead, oh well. So, did you all have a good Halloween ..onto firework night and Christmas next, lol.
Well AF still hasn't come for me yet. It's almost a week late and I've taken 2 tests and they were bothI think AF is coming though ..when I go the bathroom and wipe there is a brownish colour there now, so I think thats the start of it ..but it's so weird that I'm almost a week late, I've never been this late before. I've still not had any cramps or anything yet
Hey ladies, how are you all?
Thanks for the comments. My OH went out on Friday night without me. I stayed at home, ordered myself some Chinese food and watched a couple of movies, alone. All I wanted to do was have a snuggle on the sofa with my OH but he went out instead, oh well. So, did you all have a good Halloween ..onto firework night and Christmas next, lol.
Well AF still hasn't come for me yet. It's almost a week late and I've taken 2 tests and they were bothI think AF is coming though ..when I go the bathroom and wipe there is a brownish colour there now, so I think thats the start of it ..but it's so weird that I'm almost a week late, I've never been this late before. I've still not had any cramps or anything yet
I'm not too bad really, but I would say i'm possibly a little overstressed again lol. I have an important assignment due in tomorrow for my Business Management degree course and i've left it quite late because i've been working too hard![]()
I didn't do anything for halloween either hunI was at work until 9pm and then when I got back I had something to eat and then went to bed because I was up at 5am to go on a training course for work.
I'm really sorry about thehun. I suppose that at least if this isn't your month, it means you can get ready to try again. I know that probably isn't very comforting to you at all. I can't think of anything else to say though...
I'm sorry about being stressed hun. I hate being stressed, my OH always does that to me though, lol. Nah I didn't do anything for Halloween either and thankfully no one knocked on my door either which was good, so the sweets/candy we had bought for any kids if they knock me and OH sat and munched on them last night while watching TV, lol.
I don't know if thehas got me or not yet, it's weird ...okay so this might seem like TMI, sorry if it is ..but me and my OH have had a few hours ago and after we had done I went to the bathroom and wiped and there was still a little bit of brownish colour there and then I wiped again a few seconds after and there was the tiniest spot of red blood and I thought AF was gonna be for sure and then I wiped for a third time to see if there was gonna be more and there was nothing what so ever. I've been to the bathroom since and there was still nothing at all.
In the last few days I've taken 2 HPT's and they were both and tomorrow I'm going to be around a week late and I have no idea what is going on. If AF hasn't come by Tuesday I was gonna test again because I like to leave it a few days inbetween testings if they are BFN's. I only started charting last month thats why I figured that FF hadn't adjusted to me yet.
I've not had ANY AF symptoms yet. The only other things I've had but I don't know if they are symptoms or not are (there are quite a few); lower backpain, twinges in my lower stomach (but not like AF twinges), lots of creamy CM, sore boobs/nipples, a few dizzy spells, headaches, heartburn, feeling really tired and drained when I've not done much and it seems like I'm getting a cold. I've listed them all down so if I do need to see my GP next week, then I can tell them that I've had all those symptoms or whatnot.
hi girls im annlouise,25 and my other half is mark,33.
am i too old to join you??xx
aww yay thanks hehe little about me..
im annlouise (annlou to my friends) im 25 and my dp is mark,33. we have only been together for about 7 and a half months. we are both separated and in process of getting divorces. i left my ex hubby in jan...i was ttc with him for nearly 4 yrs...so wen i was nearly 21 we started...i had 3 miscarriages in those years. anyway things didnt work out with him and i got with mark in march and he is amazing i dont know wat i did without him
we decided early on that we both want a family so we decided life is too short and we have been trying since
we dont live together at the min so ttc is a little hard lol
but we manage and hoping our baby is gonna come along soon
cant wait for us all to get our bfps
ps sorry for looong post lol !! xx
NAME: Amanda
AGE: 20
ABOUT ME: Ive been married almost a year, December 28th. My husbands in the U.S. airforce. We just recently started TTC after a m/c in July, So far no luck but were just gunna keep going. =)
Hello all! I'm new to the site but I've been a stalker of them for quite some time now. Little about me... married to dh for 3 years (together for 7) we have 3 yr old ds and are ttc #2 before he deployes again in January. oh yeah, I'm 24 so I'm old here but all the others I'm young. go figure. I am currently 2 DPO so the tww is on!
How is everyone holding up this cycle?
Hi i'm naomi
I'm 22 (23 in jan) i've been married 4+ years. i actually have two kids and after a recent m/c (we weren't even trying) decided to ttc for #3.
I found out i was pg with #1 2 weeks b4 my 19th bday so i understand were you guys are now ( had # 2 at 21 hoping for a bfp by 23rd bday) don't let anybody get you down just becuz you're young. young people make good parents too.