Hello this is my first month TTC baby #4 second cycle off of birth control.
Last period: October 13th-19th
10-23- Ovulated, cramps left ovary, CP high soft open wet,
1dpo- continued cramps on left side, and slight cramping on the right
2dpo- watery CM, cold symptoms stuffy/runny nose, cramps at night, low abdomen/bladder felt heavy/full? Pulling sort of sensation
3dpo- Cramps, low energy- creamy white CM, backache, cold symptoms, napped for three hours(not normal but I was feeling very under the weather)
4dpo-EWCM with small amount of spotting, backache, bloating, sex was a bit painful & hard to get comfortable? CP - high medium,
5dpo- light cramps, backache, slightly dizzy, heartburn, creamy white CM, TEMP UP98.8*-99*F(maybe i'm just sick), CP high closed,
6dpo- light cramps, gassy, creamy beige CM, 97.9*
7dpo- gassy, irritable and emotional, dizzy from time to time, creamy white CM feeling "flushed" red cheeks
8dpo- 99*F & feeling very flushed, creamy white CM, appetite HIGH!, slightly dizzy
9dpo- way more dizzy (had to tell my honey to hurry up and pick out some coffee creamer standing still was making it worse??), 98.6*irritable, creamy beige CM, CP High Closed
10dpo- creamy white CM, CP- Medium-Closed-Firm,
11dpo- backache again, feeling tired, my cold was getting better now my glands feel swollen (tender to swallow), BFN with FMU (dunno why I bothered!) stabbing pains in breasts mainly the left, CP medium firm closed.
From 1 or 2 DPO I have had many many dreams! Every night, even if I doze off for 20 minutes! Anything from playing a saxophone(I've never been able to play music) to a horse in a basement, to killing a serial killer, my family being a bunch of freaky nudists, one dream.. I ended up with baby poop in my hair. Just very very strange vivid dreams.
From 3 DPO-6DPO I was very thirsty and couldn't get enough water, perhaps this had something to do with the cold. I never went to the doctor because most of the time my colds end up being just allergies.
My "normal" body temperature is about 96.8* at all times and it has been very elevated...
While we have only been trying for a month, I'm really hoping this happens for us soon! This is also my first time charting so many different things, I'm hoping... to get a good feel on everything so that I don't keep getting my hopes up. This way, I have something to look back on. Let me know what you think!
Baby Dust to all!!!!!