i thought af would have arrived either yesterday or today and NOTHING
she has gone AWOL...
got broke sleep again last night and I dont know why.. toddler slept through until 430am.. but woke to use toilet at 200am and took temp before doing so and it was 36.21, significant drop from yessterdays temp, but yesterdays 130am temp was only 36.31 so maybe i shoud input that temp in my chart not the 540am 36.69 one.. because now it looks like i implant dipped then went way back down the following day..
hpt BFN
dont know now lol..
she has never been late with a BFN before...
ALWAYS had a 28 day cycle with O on cd 14... who knows..
can someone enlighten me on their personal experiences please and take a look at my chart again
Skye cxoc
Well, I would say, something happened this month that delayed your ovulation and so AF isn't actually due today. If you always O on CD14, with a 28 day cycle, then AF isn't due for another 2-3 days, because you have a 13 day LP and that rarely changes, even if when you ov is different.
I had 29 day cycle this month, up from 26 days, because I didn't Ov until CD16, which is way later than usual (CD13 is my normal ov day). I think taking honey and cinnamon delayed ov for me, since it was the only thing I changed. But my LP didn't change at all. 13 days later, AF showed up, right on time.
It's not too late for implantation to occur, but the downwards trend of your chart makes AF look more likely than she was yesterday. Sorry...but if you put in your first temp, it's less of a drastic drop and that makes me feel like you could still be in with a chance. Hopefully your temp will increase tomorrow! I'll be keeping an eye out for it.
I saw you posted the question elsewhere, but I thought I'd answer too... You don't have to dip below the coverline to get AF. In fact, my past two cycles, I had a decrease in temps, but never below the coverline when AF showed up.