Zinc for Men and More?

Hey girls, sorry haven't been on yet to tell story! I'm so in love!

I left home at 2am when they were still very regular 2-3mins apart and very intense. Got to hospital and was 4cms. Went up to birthing centre and bobbed about in pool for a bit, but they started to get very intense and very close together and I couldn't cope with pain and had a bit of a meltdown chewed my DPs hands at 6am Christmas morning.

Asked for pain relief and went down to labour ward and a marvellous anaesthetist gave me the magic epidural amazing relief. I was progressing well so the drs were happy to leave me to dilate while I read magazines and chatted to my lovely midwife who I had all to myself because it was so quiet.

Got to 3.15pm and was fully dilated and felt urge to start pushing as I let epi run out.

After 2 hours of pushing he was born with his hand up by his head (ouch). Me and DP in tears of joy. I will never forget his wet, slippery little body being chucked on my front -amazing. All the midwifes were incredible.

7lbs8 and perfect :cloud9:

We arrived home last night and opened our presents but he is the best Christmas present ever!

Good luch J and sweetie next! Can't wait to see your little ones! Amanda hope your boy is doing well too x
aww wow op!! thats amazing! cant believe you had to push for like 2 hours! omg! i cannot wait to experience that first glimpse of my baby boy! no matter in what way he is born! i can just imagine that there is nothing like it in the world!

i cant wait for the next 19 days to go by!! i just want to sleep all day so the time can pass a little faster.. lol! i'm so super excited!

i'm really glad you could get some pain relief, i don't think anyone understands what it is to experience labour or could explain the intense pain unless you have been there!

wel, enjoy your newborn op!! decided on a name yet???
Thanks hun :)

No, I could never explain the pain to anyone, it was like nothing on this earth! Epidural was great but I let it run out so I could feel when to push.

No definite name yet but were deciding

You'll have your son in your arms in no time :)
Hi ladies

Well, I can’t believe Zac is 2 weeks old today already! It’s gone so quickly. I’ve finally managed to sit down with enough time to write his birth story! So here you are!

We had been at the hospital for over 2 and a half hours that day, speaking to the doctor, the surgeon and the aneathetist about the cs. They had agreed to try to break my waters but if it didn’t work I was booked in for the cs. I had to be at the hospital at 8am. I’d had another sweep whilst at the hospital (probably about 4pm) and had felt a bit achy since then.

Then we were sat having dinner and at about 5.45-6pm I commented to dh that I was getting period pains! I didn’t want to believe it was actually happening in case it wasn’t! We weren’t sure what to do about ds, as it was nearly his bedtime, but after giving it another 45mins we called the inlaws to come and get him. When he had gone I was able to finally relax and by this stage accepted that I was actually in labour!!!! I couldn’t believe this baby had left it to the last minute!!

I decided to go to bed to try to get some rest at this point, and managed to doze for a little while. My contractions got more frequent and dh hooked me up to the tens machine which helped. We rang the hospital at about midnight I think and they said that because I was able to talk during contractions that I wasn’t far enough along. They suggested I go and have a bath. I didn’t feel like having a bath so we decided to stay in bed and watch an episode of Gavin and Stacy!!! Poor dh had to pause it every few minutes for me to have a contraction!

I then went to have a bath. When I got out my contractions really sped up and became much stronger so we called the hospital again and they agreed we could go in. It took us quite a while to get out and get there because I was stopping every few minutes to have a contraction! The journey was awful, every bump hurt like mad! And we only live 5 mins away from the hospital!

I think we got there at 2ish. They checked me and said that I was 5cm so I definitely wouldn’t be going home! I was so lucky that I managed to get the room with the birth pool (there’s only 1 in the hospital!). It took them a while to get it filled up so I asked for a mat so that I could be on the floor leaning over a chair. It hurt so much less for me in that position than on my back.

Because I had had a cs with ds, I had to have continuous foetal monitoring this time. They had a wireless heart rate monitor strapped to my tummy, but every time I had a contraction it kept losing his heart rate. The MWs were amazing – I had 2, a student mw and then her supervisor. They took it in turns to lean into the pool to hold the monitor in place! Definitely above and beyond their job description I’d say! But they were so keen for me to get the birth I wanted!

I was in the pool for about an hour/hour and a half I think. After what seemed like hardly any time from when they told me I was 5cm, I really felt the urge to push. I couldn’t quite believe that I needed to push so soon, so I decided to have a feel and could feel his head!!! That was so exciting to realise that it was all getting quite near!

Unfortunately they were unable to check me properly in the pool and lost his heart rate a few times so they said I had to get out of the pool. They got me up on the bed with my legs in supports! Very dignified!!!!

By this stage I was really tired. I’d had gas and air when I was in the pool but when they got me out they said that I needed to fully feel it to get him out so they took it away!! I think my second stage lasted well over an hour (I’m not too sure how long it was). His head was crowning for ages!!! I was able to feel his head with my fingers which was great, although frustrating that he wasn’t actually coming out! At some point they called a dr in to assist and I remember her saying to me that they were going to have to do an episiotomy. That was obviously enough of an incentive for me as I managed to push out his head on my next contraction!!!! I have to say it was the most amazing and relieving feeling I have ever experienced! I was so happy! It still took more pushes than I was expecting to get the rest of him out and then they put him straight onto me!

I hadn’t even thought to look to see if he was a boy or a girl but they asked us if we wanted to see, and dh had a look and said he was a boy. He started suckling straight away and they left us for a little bit as I had asked for the cord not to be cut until it had stopped pulsing.

Unfortunately after they had cut the cord they were a bit worried about my blood loss and the placenta not coming out quickly enough, so the alarm button got pressed and I had 7 people in with me! I was giving the injection and put on a drip. It was all ok in the end. I needed some stitches too which the dr did.

I had questioned my decision for a natural birth a few times during the labour! But when he was finally born I was so so happy that I had done it.

Sorry that was so long!!

How are all you ladies doing? How are you getting on with your little man OP? Are you breastfeeding? Zac is feeding anything from 2-4 hourly at the moment. I’d forgotten how painful the first couple of weeks could be! But it’s started to improve now which is a relief. He’s currently fast asleep on my lap! He already seems bigger, and is definitely more alert and awake than he was.

Not long for you now J! So exciting! How are you feeling about it all? Are you all packed and ready to go?! Make sure you give us one more bump pic before you have him!

How are you Sweetie? I can’t remember, what’s your actual due date? Hope you’re feeling ok too!

Oh, I just remembered, I weighed myself today and weigh 1kg less than I did at my booking in appt at 10 weeks!!!! Hurrah! Having said that, I have eaten soooooooooooo much chocolate over the last two weeks that I really need to cut down or I’ll start piling the pounds back on! I was saying to dh last night that I need an extra 500 calories a day to breastfeed, and he very kindly pointed out that I had eaten nearly 800-900 in chocolate that day!! Whoops!

Anyway, well done if you’ve actually managed to read to the end of this! I’m clearly making up for lost bnb time!

Hope you’re all well. Looking forward to hearing what you’re all up to! Happy New Year to you all! x
wow amanda, what a story!! so, would you do it again?

glad to know that your weight is going down even with all the chocolate!! i'm an absolute chocoholic since i got pregnant and was told that i cant have any whilst breastfeeding because it upsets the baby's tummy?? i was bummed about that but does not seem to be bothering little Zac!

i'm super excited for my section! time feels like its taking forever to pass though! in the meantime i'm loving not having to go to work every day!! everything is packed and ready to go so he can arrive any moment!! i will try get a last bump pic on before he is born! he must have dropped as i'm feeling allot of pressure down there every now and then, especially when he is moving about. he is still a very active baby and his movements have not really slowed down.

wel enjoy your little Zac!!
Hey girls, glad you're doing well. We're great here, just having a lovely snuggly time with our boy. He's breastfeeding really well, probably the same Amanda, every 2ish hours but he sleeps a lot during the day. He wakes up a couple of times at night to eat but then in the morning has another long sleep so I get a nap. He's such a sweet little thing. It's amazing how his poop smells so sweet like popcorn because he's breastfed, DP said it was almost appetising :D

I definitely had some 'baby blues' a couple of days in as it all hit me, I guess I was still in shock at not being pregnant anymore and realising I had a real life baby to look after and I felt worried me and DPs relationship would change a lot and I guess I felt guilty for having those feelings, but me and DP chatted for hours and it really helped and now I just feel happy and confident.

Recovery wise - I'm feeling more normal now, still a bit sore but my tummy is almost back to normal and weeing doesn't sting as much!

I'm so excited for you J and sweetie :)
Wow op glad the breastfeeding is working for you guys :) and I think most woman experience the blues first time round.. I think I will too! It is a shock I imagine to grasp the fact that ur not pregnant anymore.. One day you have a belly and the next there's this little human who is totally dependant on you. I'm also a little uncertain as to how our baby will affect our relationship too! Surely allot to think about and go through all at once and the raging hormones doesn't make it any easier right!

I'm really excited for our little one but honestly think for me too it will be an overwhelming experience! Luckily we can talk about our fears and "blues" to people who understand and get through it :) and to remember that our OH's probably have their own insecurities and things to deal with after the birth!

Glad ur okay now!
Oooh J, I hadn't heard that about eating chocolate when bf'ing. Zachary has been a bit windy so maybe it's all the choc I've eaten :-(. I'll definitely cut down and see if it helps.

I had a bit of bby blues too op. I found that I was feeling down for no obvious reason. I got irritated at dh about silly stuff and the problem was that he kept asking me what was wrong and why I was down. It was really frustrating that I kept trying to explain that there was no rational reason for it! I've been feeling better over the last day or so though.

I'm loving cuddles with Zac! He's supposed to be asleep now but having been asleep all evening he's now wide awake next to me in the crib! Fingers crossed he dozes off soon.

It's not long to go for you now J!! So exciting! How many days is it?

How are you getting on choosing a name op? We struggled to choose too! It's so hard cos it's such an important decision! We're going to register Zac tomorrow which is very exciting!
Thanks girls. I'm sure I'm still not fully adjusted but its good to know I can talk to DP and he's so understanding and told me his thoughts too. It's so important to keep communication open. Glad you're feeling better Amanda and great to be realistic and prepared, J :)

Yes, my midwife said no chocolate, oranges and grapes during breastfeeding as it causes wind. I've also avoided spicy stuff. I just don't want to upset his tummy as he's so young.

Yes we've decided on a name. It will be Oliver James. James after my father, grandfather etc etc and I always loved Oliver and it definitely suits him as a first name. Do you register them at the nearest town hall, Amanda? We've got to do it next week xx
Awesome! Love the names op :) we'll I'm sure you will adjust just fine op! And yes I'm a little OCD about how things have to be in my home and surroundings and the baby will most certainly challenge that!! They also say that ppl who are like that tend to suffer more with baby blues bcoz the baby changes so many things in your life. So I know I'll have to be realistic about that and also always talk to OH! They are our biggest support system!

There's allot of opinions on what to eat and what not when breastfeeding but I think most things if eaten in moderation should be fine. I'm going to also cut out chocolate and citrus fruits as far as possible but I'm sure a piece of chocolate every now and then will be fine.

I'm going to try breastfeed for at least 6 months! I hope I will be able to!
Ah lovely name OP! So cool that our two bnb babies are Olivers! I think it really suits him.

We looked on our local county council website and had to book an appt to register Zac. I guess as you're London, try looking on your local borough council website. We had to go to our local register office.

Zachary Oliver Saunders is now official as of today! Hurrah!

Re bf, I know Luca really suffered the one time I ate grapes. I had a few one day last week not really thinking and Zac was windy the next day. Same with a satsuma. So I'm avoiding both now and haven't had a chocolate since I saw your post J! You've helped my waistline!
Well I've finally changed my ticker!

I saw on fb J that it's only 8 days for you now! So exciting! How are you feeling? Are you all set? My one tip for a c sec is to buy some big granny knickers!! I found out afterwards that virtually all the waistbands on my knickers tended to be right across my scar. I had to send my mum out to get me some high waisted granny knickers!!! Not very attractive but well worth it for comfort!

How are you and Oliver OP? Happy 2 week Birthday to him! How was shopping?
Yes only 7 days from today!! I cannot wait!!

I'm all set yes! I bought allot of disposable undies that come up real high and I can throw them away. The are not that uncomfy either.

He weighs 2.9kg now and should be about 3.1kg at birth! So not a big baby at all.

Here is a last bump pic! Can't believe it will be all gone in a week!


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Wow J, great bump! It's still so neat and small! Sounds like your little man is going to be small too, so no wonder your bump is petite.

What day are you booked in for? I can't do the maths!!

All good here, beginning to get into a bit of a routine now. Although I prob shouldn't speak too soon cos it may well all change again tonight!
Congrats J! Hope it went well, saw on Fb. Was thinking of you yesterday x
Hi J, just scrolled back and found that you're booked for the 16th! I just wanted to say good luck and I hope it all goes really well for you! (unless you've had him early?!)

Can't wait to see some pics! X
Ps I can't understand a lot of your fb posts, hee hee!
Hi guys :)

Wel as you all know, my little guy was born on the 16th @ 9:46am. He weighed 3kg and is 52 cm and so beautiful! I'm so in love with him its unlike any type of love I have ever felt!! My section went extremely well and he was born within 5 minutes from when they inserted my spinal. She did a very neat cut and I was up and about on day 2! Feeling better every day!

Ethan has a little jaundice and we have to stay another night in hospital. Will hopefully go home tomorrow.

I'm having a great experience being a mommy so far and I'm so happy I made the decision to have him!!! Nothing compares to life with my little boy!

Hope you all are doing great!! Xx
Congrats J! Sounds like a great experience! Your little guy is gorgeous xx

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