Zoe's birth (photo spam)


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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It's been almost 3 months since she was born, but I'll try to remember as much as possible.

I went in on the 7th of August to be induced at 39 weeks. I had gestational diabetes and had the choice of waiting until 40w or being induced starting at 39w.
I was so uncomfortable and just ready to meet my baby girl so I picked to do it ASAP :blush:

I went in at 5am.
Had an IV put in, pitocin started, etc. I was told by everyone that I could ask for an epidural whenever I wanted. It didn't matter how dilated I was. I think about 1hr later, I started to feel really light discomfort so I buzzed a nurse and asked for the epi.

It was pretty weird. It was kind of painful when the doc was inserting the epi, but not THAT bad. And when he pumped in the meds.. that was strange. It felt like cool water being poured down my back.
Anyway, it started to work hmm.. maybe 30min later. I could still move my legs and feet, but the pain was gone. Very strange to touch your legs and not feel it lol.

So the hours went by and I was dilating VERY slowly. Everything looked good though. I felt like I was strapped to every monitor possible but the only one that annoyed me was that damn blood pressure cuff. That thing was so damn uncomfortable and it hurt like hell whenever it turned on to take my blood pressure.

Night time comes and I'm exhausted and just hoping something is happening. They've been slowly increasing the pit and my cervix is being a stubborn bitch.
This is when things start getting fuzzy and my times are off.
So I get checked and am at 8cm dilated and 95% effaced. BUT the baby isn't doing well with the higher dose of pitocin, so they decrease it for a bit to give the baby a rest and hopefully my body would progress.

A couple of hours and rolling over from one side to the other later... no progress. They decide to increase the pitocin again. Not as high as before, but just a little. An hour later and baby isn't doing well again.
After 24hours from the start of my induction... I was still only at 8cm and 95%.
My OB suggested to me a c-sec or to wait, but with how things weren't progressing and how the baby wasn't tolerating the only thing that was progressing me before... I agreed to it.

They prepped me, had me sign a few things and off I went to the OR.
The meds they gave me caused instant nausea and I threw up. Thankfully a nurse was there to catch it in a bag or else it would've been a mess. Surprised I had anything to throw up since I hadn't been allowed to eat anything or drink anything other than a little bit of water.
Also, the meds gave me the shakes... REALLY bad.
It was weird because I wasn't cold, but couldn't stop shivering.

DH finally comes in to sit by my head, and I think maybe 10mins later... there she was. I started crying before they even had her out of me lol. I think DH thought I was sad about having to get a c-sec, but I was just happy and overwhelmed.
I didn't feel anything with my c-sec. I know a lot of women say they felt pressure, but I didn't even feel that. I was numb numb and then some :p

Anyway... DH got to hold her, and I saw her a little bit. Honestly, I was shaking so much and so exhausted that I could barely open my eyes.
Anywho, she came in to the world at 7:30am weighing in at 7lbs 5oz and 19in long.

They took her out and started putting me back together. That took FOREVER it felt like. After the OBs were done, I was rolled over and my epidural was taken out. I was then wheeled to the recovery section or what I'd like to call the 7th circle of hell.

Why they take the epi out so soon.. I don't know but it SUUUUUCKED when it started to wear off. Nevermind that they have to press on your uterus to make sure that it's going down... one of the most painful experiences EVER. Holy crap I wanted to punch that damn nurse when she was doing it. I know it's her job but... damn.

Anyway, I think an hour or so later, DH came to see me and showed me the photos he took of our little Zoe.

We spent 2 more days in the hospital. By the time we left.. we were both so exhausted that I'm surprised we were functioning. Neither one of us had gotten more than 3hrs of sleep the entire time we were there. With visitors overstaying their welcome and the nurses having to check me so often.. getting sleep was impossible.
Even with that being said though, I did get great care and can't wait to do it all over again :)

Anyway, blahblah.... Zoe photos!!! From newborn to today at 3m :)

Our little gloworm. She had mild jaundice so had to wear this UV pad thing on her back to help it.


It's amazing how much they grow in such a short period of time.
Awwwww, shes gorgeous! Congrats!! Lol I too would've gone for the earlier induction rather than wait.

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