zombiedaisy that was it! baby Braden is here


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2012
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So at 39 weeks on Thursday I went in for my routine ultrasound and stress test. the ultrasound went great but I expressed to the specialist I was nervous about how far dilated I was and how far I lived. she said if I wanted she would call the hospital and have me deliver that very day if I wanted. I agreed it was probably better, so while she called I text DH asking him "do you want to have a baby today" lol. he was beyond excited.

I had enough time to drive home and grab my bags. knowing it could be a long process, we grabbed a bite to eat as well and then headed into the hospital. we got there right around 1pm. it took a while but they got my IV started (after several attempts) and started my antibiotics since I'm gbs+. shortly after they opted to try pitocin instead of break my water so we would hopefully have enough time to get both doses in. let me tell you, penicillin burns like no other going in, especially the first dose. about an hour into pitocin I was contracting every two minutes but they didn't really hurt and I was talking through them no problem.

finally around 630pm after starting my second dose of antibiotics, they broke my water. even with the contractions I wasn't dilating much past what I started at. it's amazing the difference different people will say in regards to dilation. my MW said 5-6 cm on Tuesday but here I was a 5, but funneling down to a 4.

after they broke my water they kept a close eye on me due to how fast I went with my daughter. things really picked up. I was breathing through the contractions, tried the birthing ball some more and then opted for a bath. it just felt cold, and wasn't helping. I stayed in for about 10 minutes and started feeling pressure. they had me get out and by then the contractions really kicked in and they still had the pitocin running. they checked me again and I was a 7 but 90% effaced and 0 station. I was determined for a natural, unmediated birth, but I won't lie, pitocin really makes your contractions more intense.

at that point I felt like I had to just push. within 10 minutes I went from 7 to 10. it was intense. my MW opted to gown up and stay and wait. With two hard contractions I pushed (and it was painful and I screamed and grabbed DH sweater). once his head finally came out, he slide out and it was such a relief. they delayed cord clamping like I had wanted. he was so perfect with an amazing set of lungs. they couldn't pull on the cord due to the vci, so we laid there skin to skin waiting. it took a good 15 or so minutes but both placentas came out. they took tons of pictures of it and I even looked and DH snapped a picture. they kept pointing out all the scary parts that were dangerous to LO. it was pretty shocking.

Mr. Bradens apgars were wonderful and after his assessment we breastfed for an hour. he latched on amazingly. I was clotting pretty heavily, but it stopped, but they were considering giving me something for it, but all is well now.

getting up out of bed is interesting.I feel so much lighter. it's strange. I didn't tear but I'll admitt the first bathroom break burns, but it's been fine since. Braden has spit up a few times with a lot of amniotic fluid but nothing abnormal. he's sleeping in my lap now, very content. I did take some Motrin an hour ago for some cramping, but that's it. although painful and the pitocin making things much more intense, I'd still rather have a pain med free birth any day.

so here he is ladies. Mr. Braden Markus. he weighed 7.5 pounds, by far my smallest, 20 1/2 inches long and was born at 8:05pm.


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congratulations hun,

Thank god your hubby didnt waste his days off and you all can spend time together as a family for a few more days.

Im so pleased eerything turned out well for you all and well done you xx
Congrats hun! He's gorgeous and well done mummy <3.
Aww he's so perfect! Congrats, it seems weird you've had him lol, seems like yesterday we were in second tri. Roll on March!!
Congratulations :flower: and what a fab birth story....bet you are so pleased you stuck to your guns re: pain meds. Enjoy every second od your new precious little man xx
Congratulations! :happydance:

He looks beautiful! And you look so tired but happy too! Well done! :D
Congrats Hun he's gorgeous. Glad your hubby got to be there with no drama of missing it :) xxx
Congratulations!!! Beautiful. Well done, you've been through so much. Glad all is well :)
OMG huge congrats, he is gorgeous and I bet it is such a relief to have him here safe and sound. Enjoy your lovely little guy!!
Finally you have your little man! Congratulations! And hooray for the sensible Dr, otherwise you could still be waiting!
I'm so happy everything worked out and you were able to deliver the way you wanted to, baby is so cute!! Congrats!!

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