°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

well... i'm not sure who to talk to, my family is so help. so im sorry for turning my post into a whinge...

Sigh... i made the decision to leave OH, We have been fighting almost everyday, since before i even knew i was pregnant (pregnancy was unplanned). we are just too different people who want too many different things. He isnt very affectionate towards me, and he thinks cleaning the house, driving me to our antenatal appointments/scans, sleeping in the same bed and having sex, proves how much he cares for me. i disagree. because he does these things "for himself" he likes the house bleached clean, and he drives because he wants to be at the appointment. sleeping in the same bed, well i co sleep with friends and family if theres no spare beds and the sex... well he guilts me into having sex with him anyway, im not even supposed to be having sex (drs orders) and you can have sex with people and its meaningless.

Ive been thinking about it for weeks now, so im positive its not hormones... i just... i dont love him anymore, and i havent for a while now. The thing thats bothering me, is he didnt even try to fight for me, to try and give me a reason why we should make it work or anything. He asked me not to give up, and then he just said ok, and he'll pack his stuff up tomorrow and move out...

i just cant cope with the non stop fighting, everything is always my fault! i never do what he wants me to do and im not the Woman he wants me to be. i feel like ive made the right choice. infact i havent even cried... so to me thats a sure thing that this is right for me. We arent meant for eachother, and saying "i love you" is only words. there is no romance anymore, infact there never was any from him in the first place. i was a matter of convenience at the beginning.

ive sacrificed my family for him, my friends... and it simply just isnt working between us! im miserable! i never feel wanted, only used! i feel like a piece of trash when im around him and i pay for EVERYTHING... the house, the bills... EVERYTHING! i dont know what he does with his money and when i ask he says bills ... WHAT BLOODY BILLS!!?? He messages other woman also, fair enough he doesnt physically sleep with them, but the contents of the messages IMO is still cheating. im emotionally exhausted, and im scared of being a single mother to two but what else can i do? remain miserable for the rest of my life and have it affect my children? He told me there is no future for us anyway, that what we have now is how it will be forever... meaning he wont ever propose to me.... sigh

Do any of you think ive over reacted or that it is hormones? my family and friends arent being very supportive :-/
well... i'm not sure who to talk to, my family is so help. so im sorry for turning my post into a whinge...

Sigh... i made the decision to leave OH, We have been fighting almost everyday, since before i even knew i was pregnant (pregnancy was unplanned).

Sorry in phone so excuse the mess of this message...

Firstly huge :hugs: i am soo sorry your in such a hard situation and things are soo rough, you have to be strong and sure and stand your grounds in situation like this

Over 5years ago i was in the same place with my ex. I was 7weeks pregnant with james when i left him. That was the best decision in my life me and james got to have a happy settled life. My ex showed his nasty side when i left (he was nasty before but worse after i lefts) long story short james never met his biological dad and me and OH have good life going alot of stuff i have now i'd never have had i stayed. I really hope your family and friends come around. Here if u need anything xx
I have no advice for you mumsince2010, just big hugs :hugs: :hug:
I think your lack of tears does consilidate you've made the right decision though - of course it will be a scary prospect to raise two children alone, but I think it must be better than raising them with a man you don't love any more, in an unhappy household. Really hope your family rally round you now, but you know we're always here for you too xx
Mumsince - If you're really not happy right now then I'd say you were doing the best thing for you and baby. If you have doubts you could even just take a break and see how things go. So many people try and stay together for the sake of children but things just get worse because nobody is happy. If you're both going to be happier apart then you're doing the right thing. I would say give yourself time to think about what you really want because your hormones could push you to make rash decisions. I don't really know what other advice to give, I'm rubbish, sorry : flower:

I am sending you lots of :hugs: hugs: :hugs: though, can't be an easy thing to be going through right now. Hope whatever you decide is right for you and your family.
Hi mumsince. I don't have any advice for you, only hugs I'm afraid. I do agree with holywoodmum though, the fact you didn't cry does indicate you're happy with decision which means its the right one. We're all here for you :hugs:

I can't believe I'm almost 19 weeks! :happydance:
happy 19weeks jessy :D i was 19weeks yesterday now 19weeks 1 day can't believe it only 20weeks 6 days till my due date wonder how long baby will hold out
Two happy homes are better then one miserable one.

In other news, I have finally got my own place and am moving in tomorrow! Nursery is all painted, my room's painted. Soooo happy!! It took me a while, but I have almost everything I need for her, a good job (I got promoted!!), my schooling sorted, and finally our own place. Take that, sperm donour. *sticks tongue out*
Hi ladies, quick hello from me, going to go back and catch up on the posts! Congrats to those who've found out the gender :D still 10 days to go for me! x
Hello ladies. Congratulations to those who have had scans and found out the sex. Hope you are feeling a bit better Lynne :hugs:

Well I am over 22 weeks now and I am still not feeling much movement, im starting to get a bit worried now :shrug:
Hope you are all doing ok
21 weeks 1 day! Cannot wait to meet my little prince! Roll on September 7th! <3 Feeling light kicks atm, cannot wait for DF to feel him too :happydance:
Two happy homes are better then one miserable one.

In other news, I have finally got my own place and am moving in tomorrow! Nursery is all painted, my room's painted. Soooo happy!! It took me a while, but I have almost everything I need for her, a good job (I got promoted!!), my schooling sorted, and finally our own place. Take that, sperm donour. *sticks tongue out*

Alex, sounds like you're pretty sorted, that's great you have your own place! Good luck with the moving today - make sure someone else does all the heavy lifting!
Good luck with the move Alex :) hope all goes well.
I haven't been on here much as had a manic few days - finally got a maternity exemption certificate form sent off and just caught the Thursday post so fingers crossed that it gets processed quickly. Also discovered I need a filling when I went to the dentist on Thursday :( first one ever - decided to have the filling as don't want to leave it and not sure we have dental cover in the US. Visited my old workplace yesterday- first time in 4 months since I left - was nice to see everyone and Ben had fun playing ball with my old colleagues as well as picking up all the bits off the floor in the various offices we visited - the cleaners will have an easy job on Monday. Also met up with all my post-natal friends and their children- was lovely to catch up with them but also sad to say good-bye to them. Then been a busy bee doing dump runs, dropping off stuff to charity shops and doing more form filling today. Also our car sold at the auction yesterday but for a pretty crap price - rubbish :(Hope everyone is having good weekends.
Lucy- re student loan - this is the form you need to fill in https://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_cons...en/@educ/documents/digitalasset/dg_078083.pdf you have to be assessed even if you are not working and provide supporting documents and evidence to show that your OH is supporting you financially whilst you are abroad - hope that helps xx
Hiya, loads to catch up on...anyhoo...I only read the first page I hadn't read then skipped to replying lol! I just cried my way into a purchase! Woo hormones! DH came home and I pleaded with him, that didn't work, so i cried! haha lol!

I will be breastfeeding, I fed DS until 26 months when he self weaned, it was hard, but it was what he wanted which was important to me!

How is everyone else??
Lucy- re student loan - this is the form you need to fill in https://www.direct.gov.uk/prod_cons...en/@educ/documents/digitalasset/dg_078083.pdf you have to be assessed even if you are not working and provide supporting documents and evidence to show that your OH is supporting you financially whilst you are abroad - hope that helps xx

Thanks for that (I think!)
Hi ladies, could I join in here?

I am due September 29 with my 5th baby. Gender scan in 12 days!

Please take a guess on mine nub! https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnan...623-12-week-gender-guess-new-photo-added.html
welcome unisex :)
my due date is the 27th of september (although it was the 29th at one point) oo cant wait to hear the results of your gender scan :)
welcome to the group and hope you find out the sex of your baby soon :D

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