°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

Kasey my midwife gave me the form to fill out and send off at my booking in appointment and it came about 2 weeks after I'd posted it X
The moving is a mega mission isn't it! Will your hubby's company pay for all the relocation, so you can at least get packers in? We still haven't sold our car since before we moved, which is a bit shit. I wouldn't worry too much about your maternity exemption certificate - you won't need it/be able to use it in two weeks anyway! If you have any prescriptions in the mean time just sign the form to say you have it - I've never been asked for it - ditto at the dentist, always got my free treatment no questions asked...
Wow! The girls have pulled way ahead!!

My scan is in a couple hours and honestly I'm hoping to stay :blue:...just because that's how we've gotten used to thinking about him! But a healthy baby is the most important thing!
sorry not posted we're having a bit of a rough time at the moment, yesterday i started bleeding and passed a clot, then contraction pains started so ended up at the hospital maternity assessment unit, luckily we seen a lovely doctor checked on baby, baby is fine and healthy and staying put, my cevix was closed and waters intact, they gave me meds and also painkillers and then took blood and urine, they are unsure what it was so they allowed me two choices, go home rest with the painkillers and be on complete bedrest, or stay in hospital, i chose to come home as least that way can be with my OH and be little comfortable and relaxed instead of being in the hospital. they thought it was suspected premature labour but wrote on my case notes suspected threatened miscarriage, i have to call them every time i have a bleed, but otherwise everything seems alright but now on bedrest... they called me back earlier to come back in have more bloods done and get a dose of Anti-D as my antibodies were starting to go up. so even though i had anti-d 3weeks ago they gave me it again, my arm is pretty much dead but on plus side baby is still hanging in there and keeping strong, will be 19weeks on friday thankfully, the doctor said as long as i get to 24weeks then they can start really doing stuff.... i have my 20weeks scan next thursday so they hope to find out if anything extra there although he doesn't know were the blood or clot came from.... anyways sorry for ramble.
Sorry to hear Lynne- how frightening. Glad baby is a fighter and still doing well though. Take it easy, hugs xxx
The moving is a mega mission isn't it! Will your hubby's company pay for all the relocation, so you can at least get packers in? We still haven't sold our car since before we moved, which is a bit shit. I wouldn't worry too much about your maternity exemption certificate - you won't need it/be able to use it in two weeks anyway! If you have any prescriptions in the mean time just sign the form to say you have it - I've never been asked for it - ditto at the dentist, always got my free treatment no questions asked...

It's just all the form filling that is a complete nightmare - from removals forms to US health insurance to tonnes of HMRC Tax forms and student loan overseas financial assessment form and international driving licences. I have had quite a successful day have done quite lot of form filling plus photocopied all the manuals for our house as will be letting it out whilst we are away. We are really lucky as husband's company is paying for all of our possessions to be shipped by container to the U.S plus several boxes are going to be air-freighted over. We have been asked to move overseas a couple of times (first time to Canada and second time to Hong Kong) by husband's company (both placements fell through unfortunately) and so had done quite a bit of research on what the company should offer us in terms of a relocation package. With regards to the mat exemption certificate to be quite honest I wouldn't have bothered applying for it as you said it wouldn't be much use in the US but unfortunately was then prescribed with two lots of eye drops and was asked to produce my mat exemption certificate at the pharmacy so would like to claim back the £15 that I paid. I don't think I am going to get it in time as won't be seeing MW until next Friday- but going to call birth centre tomorrow as last resort to see whether I can track MW down before next week. xx
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't been posting a lot this week, I'm back at school now and the pressure is definitely on! I have exams coming up so I'm now doing a lot of prep for those. Cora and I are fine, I hope you all are too.

Lynne, I'm thinking of you. You haven't had the easiest time at all with this pregnancy so I hope you get the rest you need and feel better soon.
thanks all this pregnancy has been easier than my pregnancy with james so almost feels normal lol i am coping alright been given painkillers called tramadol but not taking them just using water therapy showers and baths lol baby still seems content so not tooo worried although really hope that real labour holds off till least 30th week.... time will tell all this and i bet still go full term lol
OMG Lynne, how scary. I'm glad that baby is ok and they've let you go home. I hope everything runs more smoothly for you from here on out. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Glad you are holding up Lynne. Hope labour holds off! xx

Goodluck with your exams Jessy and goodluck with the move Kasey!
Thanks for your contribution Jessy, I am on facebook and put some of my sessions up.

Mrsine, are you on Facebook? That's always a good way to get new clients or so I've seen anyway. Create a 'like-able' page for yourself if you haven't already.

I second everything miss malteser said, especially about packages for families. Perhaps contact local schools and see if they'd need a photographer for upcoming events? I know I'll want as many pictures of my daughter as possible, even if it is something as her at a school event such as a fair. If the school produces publications too it might be worthwhile advertising yourself in there (school magazine for example) and I'm sure it'd do the school great publicity if your photo's were published elsewhere, which they'd appreciate. I know you said you'd prefer to stick to a more niche market of newborn/maternity portraits but it may be worthwhile looking into expanding.

As for the main influences on choosing something like a photographer -- I'll initially see if any friends or family can recommend someone (again, FB is a great way of making yourself known) and then I'd look at the quality of the shoot and what is/can be involved in the session. I'd rather pay more for high quality pictures that I'll cherish than try and save money for not so nice pictures!
Wow Lynne, how terrifying. I'm glad you can stay at home and that baby is doing well. :hugs: Looking forward to hearing how your scan goes.

AFM happy to say we are still expecting a boy! :happydance:
Glad you're still :blue: I'm sure it would of been a shock to have been told other wise lol x
thanks all for your kind wishes i am soo uncomfortable but glad to be home, really missing my son he's staying with his great grandma about 30miles up the road, he's coming home tomorrow hopefully although he's a handful hate being without him. unsure though how much rest i will get with him on toe lol
Name (just first)? Courtney

How old are you? 23

What's your EDD, how have you figured that date? September 17. I figured it to be September 20th according to calculators online but my doctor gave me the 17th.

What # child is this for you? It's our first!

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? We know it's a boy :)

How many months were you TTC? One. We were so very blessed to have gotten pregnant on our first try!

Are you on any meds to help support your pregnancy? Just prenatals!
I have my scan tomorrowwwww, cant wait to see baby, feeling decent kicks now aswell xx
Go my 20 weeks scan in less that 24hrs, I'm sooo excited that I probably won't sleep a wink tonight. I'm glad this is a morning appointment unlike my 12 week one where I had all day to wait.

Still undecied if we're finding out the sex or not, I really don't know what to do. I always said I wouldn't want to know, I'm worried I'll be disappointed in myself if I find out. I'm just desperate to know, I think it will give me a stronger bond to baby :shrug:

I guess I'll just have to see how I feel once I'm there and they ask the question!
Thanks a ton :D Let us know if you wait or not! It's such an awesome concept and I envy those with the patience, I just had to know :p My husband couldn't wait either though, lol.

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