•••January 2021 tww & test thread•••

You don’t necessarily know their stories. I know friends of mine felt the same because I fell pregnant really quickly and unplanned with dd. What people didn’t know was that I had two miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy before. Now, we have been ntnp/ttc for 6 months and nothing except another loss.

lots of my friends have just announced their pregnancies recently too. It’s annoying because we all planned to ttc together, I held off trying so we could be pregnant together and now they all are approaching second tri and I’m not even pregnant.
The thing is that I do, we've been going through the journey together, like those in here are. I know which ones came off contraception in November and got bfps in December, I know which ones have previous losses, I know which one only had her periods back 2 months due to breastfeeding her baby before she fell pregnant. They've shared their positive ovulation tests, and then the first faint positive pregnancy tests. I know which ones considered all their options. There should be 9 of my friends currently pregnant. In some cases I've known before their partner. So I know that none of them have a history of trying for more than 6 months, I know that those who had losses fell pregnant with a rainbow within the next month or 2.
As I say, I don't begrudge them their hapoiness, and my first I did conceive quickly so I'm not holding it against them. I would never wish on anyone to ttc as long as I have in the past. My point was that with my history I'm scared that there isn't another bfp in my future. Each of my babies has taken longer to conceive which means I could still be here in 4 years if I follow that pattern! So seeing people announce they are pregnant is hard. In my mind I'm still that girl who has been trying for years.
Schweppes those tests look evil,some of them I would definitely take as positives on their own, but others have run as you say.

I dont trust blue dye either, I remember a few years ago on here everyone was warning against them as they gave shadows so often
Schweppes those tests look evil,some of them I would definitely take as positives on their own, but others have run as you say.

I dont trust blue dye either, I remember a few years ago on here everyone was warning against them as they gave shadows so often

100 percent agree with you. I would never of believed pink dye could do this but I’m now not so sure at all!!! I hope you’re ok xxxx
1/2dpo today, I decided not to take my temp this morning. I am trying so hard to stay away from it. This month I used all my OPK and am not going to buy anymore. My cycle has almost gone back to normal now. If no BFP this month will jst try bd from cd14-cd19. I know I got my BFP with my son the month I checked nothing. Going to try not symptom spot but that’s the hard part. Only thing is if I conceive feb cycle wud be due near my birthday, we have a lot of birthdays from October and it’s our wedding anniversary too, I always wanted to avoid Oct but dnt want to miss a month of ttc. Sadly it’s a Sunday and we are in lockdown and nout better to do than cleaning the house lol. My son has blood draw tomorrow at the hospital which he never takes kindly to. We have had to get special permission to allow us both to take him as it takes two of us to help calm and hold him, he does go crazy about it. He has congenital hypothyroidism (tested in heel prick test). I also have it as well. Both of us diagnosed at 10/12 days old. He has been having bloods from 3 days old (due to me having it and my cousin). He is so scared, he doesn’t Know he is going yet.
1/2dpo today, I decided not to take my temp this morning. I am trying so hard to stay away from it. This month I used all my OPK and am not going to buy anymore. My cycle has almost gone back to normal now. If no BFP this month will jst try bd from cd14-cd19. I know I got my BFP with my son the month I checked nothing. Going to try not symptom spot but that’s the hard part. Only thing is if I conceive feb cycle wud be due near my birthday, we have a lot of birthdays from October and it’s our wedding anniversary too, I always wanted to avoid Oct but dnt want to miss a month of ttc. Sadly it’s a Sunday and we are in lockdown and nout better to do than cleaning the house lol. My son has blood draw tomorrow at the hospital which he never takes kindly to. We have had to get special permission to allow us both to take him as it takes two of us to help calm and hold him, he does go crazy about it. He has congenital hypothyroidism (tested in heel prick test). I also have it as well. Both of us diagnosed at 10/12 days old. He has been having bloods from 3 days old (due to me having it and my cousin). He is so scared, he doesn’t Know he is going yet.

This sounds like such a good plan! Next time I try I’ll do the same. More laid back approach. I hope the appointment goes well x
Schweppes - good luck when you test on Friday. Do you have any 'symptoms' that may indicate that you could have gotten BFP on the tests? What DPO are you?
Schweppes - good luck when you test on Friday. Do you have any 'symptoms' that may indicate that you could have gotten BFP on the tests? What DPO are you?
Honestly I don’t have any symptoms not even AF symptoms! When I was pregnant last two times I defo had implantation pain. I haven’t had that so I don’t think I’m pregnant.
I am 12 dpo I think I ovulated the 29th. I have 28-29 day cycles :)
@Schweppes I see a bunch of lines on your test, so I think it may be the real thing!

I went to visit a friend today that has a 5 month old and her little one was sick with a fever. After checking her temperature we checked our own just to see and mine was 37.3. That is super high for me. Usually with a temperature that high I’m having symptoms of a fever. It’s making me think me hormones may still be wacky after my chemical. I have my appointment tomorrow so I will see what the doctor says.
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Either 7 dpo or 9 dpo today and woke with much more tender breast! That made me so happy cause it was my first sign last month!! Hoping for some nausea today as that was my other sign. Can't wait to test in the morning!!! Good luck ladies!!

Schweppes i see those lines!! Can't wait for your next test
@Schweppes some of those looks promising. I would never have your patience, I’d have to run out and get more tests. Good luck.
@Lozb hope all goes well with your sons appointment. It’s heartbreaking when they get so upset.
CD 12 for me today. I’m not temping or even doing opks this month. Lots of ewcm during the night (was on a night shift) was also sick this morning which is very strange for me. I feel fine otherwise. Guessing O will be in the next few days.
@Schweppes i can’t wait to see another test! Yes half those look like clear BFP

@wannanewbaby sore boobs is a good sign for sure!

@Suggerhoney sounds like you BD at the right time! I have never tried the pencil but I want to! I did the ring and it said I was having 4. I have two so far so we will see. It did have the genders right of my first two.

@PinkCupcakes im so sorry the frer was negative! What is trigger if you don’t mind me asking?

@Rach87 being in limbo sucks so bad. At least you have the hope that you got such a late BFP with your DD.

Anyone testing today?

I am only 1DPO and excited to have a break from BD lol. Really hoping we caught an eggy this lonth
Just wanted to drop by and see how everyone is doing! Dee, Suggerhoney and PinkCupcakes I’m wishing so hard for you and keeping everything crossed!

DS3 is 8 weeks now and I still can’t believe my luck after 2 years of trying! I’m already broody again :blush: but not sure I can go through the rollercoaster of TTC again. It takes longer for me each time.
I’ll still be here to cheer you all on though!
@Schweppes oh you are so sweet, thank you! I really pray your lines keep coming and darkening!

@atx614 thanks. Hope to God I dont have to wait another week for 2 lines

4 days late. Still bfn. Each day I get maybe 3 min of mild cramping then nothing rest of the day. Still just lots of ewcm. I have been a little stopped up the last 2 days which is not normal for me either. It stinks my friend invited me over for mango margaritas tonight and I dont know what to do. I was so hoping 2 lines showed up this morning so I could just tell her. But I dont want to blow my ttc cover if Im not yet. ](*,)

its already the 10th. We need some BFPs up in here! Those 2 lines seem to be stinkers for everyone this month.
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I get it. I was 21 when I was first pregnant and it took me until I was 26 to have dd (although we weren’t trying throughout; we were also not preventing for big chunks!) and obviously I was young, non smoker, my bmi was 22.5, I exercised 5 days a week, barely drank, didn’t smoke and so on. Now I’m 31, which is still pretty young, but I’m overweight and don’t exercise, and I like wine (I don’t go out drinking but I have a few glasses a few days per week with the occasional “drinking session” for special occasions)

now, people who were pregnant with me when I was pregnant with dd have 4 kids. People who had their first kids when we started thinking about #2 are now pregnant with their third kids.
We waited until we were 100% ready for #2. Our pregnancy will be less stressful because we have done everything “right” (no debt except our mortgage which we are 6 years off paying off, our house and garden are done up, our car is perfect for a growing family, we both have good jobs, our physical and mental health is good, and so on)

none of these things were in place for dd and everything still worked out good. We should have started trying 3 years ago.

On the other side, if we had ttc 3 years ago, by now I’d never be pregnant again. I love being pregnant (ask me again when I actually am pregnant though! I’ve romanticised it!)

Nothing wrong with having the odd glass if wine hon. I had a few over Christmas and still have a bottle and a half left that I mite have when the fancy takes hehe.
I don't smoke either.
I used to but I quit almost 2 years ago now.
I've even stopped caffeine and taken so many vitamins in the hope I wud get my rainbow but it just hasn't happened.
Its just losses.
I did my temp for the last time today im 3dpo so now just gonna try and relax and carry on without thinking to much about being or not being pregnant.
I've told myself that if January isn't my month then that's fine.
And I keep trying to tell myself it will happen when it happens.

I'm thinking I prob am already out because of the early ovulation. I just hope I dont ovulate early next cycle.
Hugs hon.
Really hope we get our BFPs soon.
1/2dpo today, I decided not to take my temp this morning. I am trying so hard to stay away from it. This month I used all my OPK and am not going to buy anymore. My cycle has almost gone back to normal now. If no BFP this month will jst try bd from cd14-cd19. I know I got my BFP with my son the month I checked nothing. Going to try not symptom spot but that’s the hard part. Only thing is if I conceive feb cycle wud be due near my birthday, we have a lot of birthdays from October and it’s our wedding anniversary too, I always wanted to avoid Oct but dnt want to miss a month of ttc. Sadly it’s a Sunday and we are in lockdown and nout better to do than cleaning the house lol. My son has blood draw tomorrow at the hospital which he never takes kindly to. We have had to get special permission to allow us both to take him as it takes two of us to help calm and hold him, he does go crazy about it. He has congenital hypothyroidism (tested in heel prick test). I also have it as well. Both of us diagnosed at 10/12 days old. He has been having bloods from 3 days old (due to me having it and my cousin). He is so scared, he doesn’t Know he is going yet.

Good luck hon.
I'm 3dpo but still not sure if I even stand a chance this cycle with early ovulation. Just hope I dont ovulate early again next cycle.
Wud love to get a surprise BFP but not feeling it.
I took my final temp today and its still high so definitely have already ovulated.
Cd10 I think it was and FF is saying day 10.
I think it was the evening when I had them pains so I was close to cd11 so hopefully that will be OK.

I'm taking any notice of symptoms this cycle unless they are supper obvious.
Not holding out much hope this cycle already feeling out but I guess only time will tell.
With my son I was in the Feb testing thread.
I got my BFP on our eldest sons birthday on Feb the 2nd and we conceived on Jan 23rd.
Think AF will be due around the 24th Jan this cycle because of the early ovulation.
I've stopped the B vitamins right after ovulation because I was reading how they can extend the luteal phase. So I've stopped them in the hole my luteal phase won't be as long.
Even if I cud shave of 2 days I wud be happy.
Good luck sweety be amazing of we both got surprise BFPs. I think I wud eat my hat in shock haha.

Either 7 dpo or 9 dpo today and woke with much more tender breast! That made me so happy cause it was my first sign last month!! Hoping for some nausea today as that was my other sign. Can't wait to test in the morning!!! Good luck ladies!!

Schweppes i see those lines!! Can't wait for your next test

Good luck hon. Breast pain is always a sign for me but with my son and daughter I remember them hurting about a week b4 AF was due and they just got more and more painful.
Had breast pain with all the chemicals to and sickness but the breast pain wasn't as tender with the chemicals as it was with my viable pregnancies.
Hope its a sign for you good luck.

@Schweppes i can’t wait to see another test! Yes half those look like clear BFP

@wannanewbaby sore boobs is a good sign for sure!

@Suggerhoney sounds like you BD at the right time! I have never tried the pencil but I want to! I did the ring and it said I was having 4. I have two so far so we will see. It did have the genders right of my first two.

@PinkCupcakes im so sorry the frer was negative! What is trigger if you don’t mind me asking?

@Rach87 being in limbo sucks so bad. At least you have the hope that you got such a late BFP with your DD.

Anyone testing today?

I am only 1DPO and excited to have a break from BD lol. Really hoping we caught an eggy this lonth

Love all the old wife's tales gender things.
I had never heard of the pencil test either b4 but its spooky how it got all my kids and my first miscarriage and is saying I'm going to have one more a girl.
The last time it was done to me was a year ago so I wasn't expecting it to do the same yesterday. But it did.
It does give me hope that I will get my rainbow.
I'm not bothered about gender at all tho just want a healthy baby and thats it but it wud creap me out so much if I did end up having a girl lol.

Just wanted to drop by and see how everyone is doing! Dee, Suggerhoney and PinkCupcakes I’m wishing so hard for you and keeping everything crossed!

DS3 is 8 weeks now and I still can’t believe my luck after 2 years of trying! I’m already broody again :blush: but not sure I can go through the rollercoaster of TTC again. It takes longer for me each time.
I’ll still be here to cheer you all on though!

Hi hon

Oh wow can't believe he's already 8 weeks it really does fly by.
We have been trying for 11 month now and will be 12 months toward the end of Feb.
I'm getting really worried about my age tho. 41 now and it does worry me that its just not going to happen.
I'm not sure if last cycle was another loss.
For some reason I've ovulated early on cd10 and the last time I ovulated early was with 2 of my losses back in April and June.
Maybe just a wonky cycle who knows.
Just hoping cd10 isn't to early. Im already feeling out and only 3dpo.

Its good to hear from you.
Im still waiting on the blood results for my blood test to check overion reserve.
Hoping there won't be a delay because of covid.
Hopefully I will get good news and not bad.
Feeling quite anxious tbh.
Can u put me down for testing on 17th jan hon. Ill be 10dpo.
Pretty sure it will be BFN just not feeling it this cycle with this stupid early ovulation.

I'm gonna eat my words if I end up getting a BFP.
Especially if its a dark BFP which is really want I want because faint lines just cause me so much anxiety with all the losses I'm like a nervous wreck if I get faint lines.
Bleeding has started. :sad2: At least now I have an answer and can have my mango margarita tonight. Hubbies so sweet, gave me a huge long hug.
The thing is that I do, we've been going through the journey together, like those in here are. I know which ones came off contraception in November and got bfps in December, I know which ones have previous losses, I know which one only had her periods back 2 months due to breastfeeding her baby before she fell pregnant. They've shared their positive ovulation tests, and then the first faint positive pregnancy tests. I know which ones considered all their options. There should be 9 of my friends currently pregnant. In some cases I've known before their partner. So I know that none of them have a history of trying for more than 6 months, I know that those who had losses fell pregnant with a rainbow within the next month or 2.
As I say, I don't begrudge them their hapoiness, and my first I did conceive quickly so I'm not holding it against them. I would never wish on anyone to ttc as long as I have in the past. My point was that with my history I'm scared that there isn't another bfp in my future. Each of my babies has taken longer to conceive which means I could still be here in 4 years if I follow that pattern! So seeing people announce they are pregnant is hard. In my mind I'm still that girl who has been trying for years.
I know what you mean. We have been ttc number one for over a year and a half now and I only just got pregnant for the first time in December. It ended in a chemical. In that time I know plenty of people and friends that have gotten pregnant and given birth. I feel the same. While I’m happy for them it makes me sad too. I also worry about having future children. We want a bunch of kids but if they all take two years to conceive it will be hard to do.
11DPO 12DPT and more BFN today :( I think I’m probably out. I am however having mild cramps still and AF isn’t due until 14DPO really bad headache today too

@atx614 the trigger shot is a hormone shot they give you on CD13 to make your body O the eggs that the letrozole made mature. It’s a guaranteed O. Typically takes 24-48 hours for the egg to drop after the shot. It also causes HPTs to be positive so that’s why ladies test them out.
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