♡ January Snowdrops 2019 ♡

Oh Lexi bless you what an emotional roller coaster big hugs to you and your family! I’m so sorry to hear about Tobias and have got everything crossed for you for Abel. Beautiful names!
Hi ladies. I thought I would check in with an update for anyone that was interested in my story with the twins.
Unfortunately my boys developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome and at 25+5 weeks my beautiful twin 2 Tobias devastingly passed away. My twin 1, Abel had far too much fluid and his heart was under strain. I had to continue my pregnancy with both babies as long as possible to give him the best chance of survival. I managed to go a further 2 weeks before my waters broke at home and I delivered both babies at home into my husbands hands at 27+5 Abel arrived first and before an ambulance even arrived. It was terrifying but abel is such a fighter. He's now 17 days old and absolutely perfect. We have Tobias' funeral a week in Monday. Not sure how I'm going to cope with that but having my children at home and Abel fighting in hospital gives me the strength to carry on. I hope your all well and all your pregnancies are happy and healthy ❤️❤️

I'm so sorry for your loss, I pray for your little Abel to be strong and be healthy, and pray for strength upon you and your family.
God bless.
We're here if you need us :hug:
Hi ladies. I thought I would check in with an update for anyone that was interested in my story with the twins.
Unfortunately my boys developed twin to twin transfusion syndrome and at 25+5 weeks my beautiful twin 2 Tobias devastingly passed away. My twin 1, Abel had far too much fluid and his heart was under strain. I had to continue my pregnancy with both babies as long as possible to give him the best chance of survival. I managed to go a further 2 weeks before my waters broke at home and I delivered both babies at home into my husbands hands at 27+5 Abel arrived first and before an ambulance even arrived. It was terrifying but abel is such a fighter. He's now 17 days old and absolutely perfect. We have Tobias' funeral a week in Monday. Not sure how I'm going to cope with that but having my children at home and Abel fighting in hospital gives me the strength to carry on. I hope your all well and all your pregnancies are happy and healthy ❤️❤️

Oh sweety, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope and pray that Abel continues to thrive and grows into a strong little man and I absolutely wish you all the prayers and strength going forward *hugs*
A little update on my end. I've had some other moms from DD1's school talk to myself and my good friend whose daughter is my dd1's bestie. Turns out my daughter is being bullied by one little girl in particular, and it's not just my daughter she targets but ANY other child who approaches my daughters bestie whom this other little girl is obsessed with, and attempts to isolate from others in order to keep my childs bestie to herself. I'm going to be talking to her teachers tomorrow in hopes of finding a solution to this issue, as it also comes to my attention this bully child is also laying hands on my child which would explain why my DD1 is scared of going on the playground whenever this other child is around. I'd like to bring it up to her mom, but the mom has accused my child of hitting hers, which isn't true due to the teachers denying it ( I already talked to them about it the first time this mom accused my child of hitting ) on top of my child having aversions to being touched by this bully child and showing distress when she's around . It's not ideal, but at least I am getting some answers and I hope to get a concrete solution to this whole issue.

Dd2 is a little night owl, she loves to move around and kick at night, and has started waking me up with jabs to my cervix, which makes me jump a little. I can't believe in 10 weeks or so she will be here! It honestly hasn't even sunk in that she's coming and I don't have anything nearly ready enough for her arrival.
What a heart wrenching time for you Lexi. Will be thinking of you, abel and I'm sorry for the loss of Tobias.
A little update on my end. I've had some other moms from DD1's school talk to myself and my good friend whose daughter is my dd1's bestie. Turns out my daughter is being bullied by one little girl in particular, and it's not just my daughter she targets but ANY other child who approaches my daughters bestie whom this other little girl is obsessed with, and attempts to isolate from others in order to keep my childs bestie to herself. I'm going to be talking to her teachers tomorrow in hopes of finding a solution to this issue, as it also comes to my attention this bully child is also laying hands on my child which would explain why my DD1 is scared of going on the playground whenever this other child is around. I'd like to bring it up to her mom, but the mom has accused my child of hitting hers, which isn't true due to the teachers denying it ( I already talked to them about it the first time this mom accused my child of hitting ) on top of my child having aversions to being touched by this bully child and showing distress when she's around . It's not ideal, but at least I am getting some answers and I hope to get a concrete solution to this whole issue.

Dd2 is a little night owl, she loves to move around and kick at night, and has started waking me up with jabs to my cervix, which makes me jump a little. I can't believe in 10 weeks or so she will be here! It honestly hasn't even sunk in that she's coming and I don't have anything nearly ready enough for her arrival.

I know what you mean about being ready lol. It sunk in this weekend holy crap 9ish weeks left! Almost panicking lol
Had my 28 week appointment today, and all seems to be going very well. She is 2 pounds, 13 oz.

I think the doctor said that was 81st percentile, but my internet searches suggest 55. Who knows?

I took the 1 hour GD test today also.

I confirmed that I am getting all the extra ultrasounds because of my blood clot gene, but luckily they didn’t see anything bad. :)
Lexi, I'm so very sorry for this difficult time of mixed emotions and loss. Sending a big hug and thinking of you, Abel and Tobias <3
Lexi: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss hun :hugs:. I hope Abel continues to do well. Keep us updated love, and take care of yourself <3.
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Miss: glad to hear baby girl is doing well and growing nicely. Also happy to hear you figured out what the extra scans are for. About percentile, could it be based on the area you live in and not necessarily the country as a whole?
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Lexi: glad to hear baby girl is doing well and growing nicely. Also happy to hear you figured out what the extra scans are for. About percentile, could it be based on the area you live in and not necessarily the country as a whole?

I'm sure you meant me. :)

Thank you. No idea about the percentile thing other than the calculator I found made me enter weight in grams (could UK babies be bigger? I somehow doubt it)
She was 51st percentile only 4 weeks ago, so this is either a big growth spurt, or perhaps these estimates just aren't very accurate! It will be interesting to see how big she ends up being. I think I'll hear about the diabetes test tomorrow.

Hows our little NICU baby Cleo doing, Nova?
I'm sure you meant me. :)

Thank you. No idea about the percentile thing other than the calculator I found made me enter weight in grams (could UK babies be bigger? I somehow doubt it)
She was 51st percentile only 4 weeks ago, so this is either a big growth spurt, or perhaps these estimates just aren't very accurate! It will be interesting to see how big she ends up being. I think I'll hear about the diabetes test tomorrow.

Hows our little NICU baby Cleo doing, Nova?
Oops I did mean you, I corrected it lol.
Did you enter all measurements? Because I believe it's femur length, abdominal circumference, head circumference and weight all calculated together that gives the overall percentile?:shrug: but really glad baby is doing well!
I'm just coasting along, really happy I'm in third tri and a bit of so close yet so far away feeling! But got my youngest birthday end of Nov which we are going away for, and Christmas first so focusing on them to have something to look forward monthly. Then when Christmas goes it'll be like woah Im due I'm a month!
Lexi I am so sorry for you loss and am also happy that Abel is doing well. You are a warrior mama. Having a baby in the NICU is hard all on its own but to also grieve another baby...I cannot imagine. Sending you my prayers and my love.

Baby Cleo is now 6 weeks old and doing fantastic. She weighs 1lb 11oz and is right on track according to the growth charts, even though she’s still so tiny. Considering she was only 400grams when she was born she’s gained a lot. We are still working to get her off the ventilator, but she’ll tell us when she’s ready. I can’t wait to hold her once that ventilator is out!
Once again I'm not getting notices for this thread :growlmad:

Linzi, my heart is so heavy for your loss. I can't even imagine. Such a relief to hear Abel is doing well. My thoughts go out to you all :hug:

Nova awww glad Cleo is on track! What a long journey...I hope you can hold her soon.

Cuddle I hated to think it butvwas wondering if she might have been the victim of sexual abuse based on your description of her sudden change in behavior, including not wanting to be touched. I'm actually a bit relieved to read it's actually a bully. I hope that bully gets taken down a notch! Your poor girl! Ugh and i hope bully's parents open their eyes. I hate when parents are in denial about their kids' behavior.
Did you enter all measurements? Because I believe it's femur length, abdominal circumference, head circumference and weight all calculated together that gives the overall percentile?:shrug: but really glad baby is doing well!
I'm just coasting along, really happy I'm in third tri and a bit of so close yet so far away feeling! But got my youngest birthday end of Nov which we are going away for, and Christmas first so focusing on them to have something to look forward monthly. Then when Christmas goes it'll be like woah Im due I'm a month!

No I didn't, and I can't really read those numbers all that well on the ultrasound photo. I'm just not going to worry about it until we find out how big she is 4 weeks from now! I don't know if she continues to be on the large side if that means the doctor would induce even before the planned 39 weeks. I know no matter what I won't feel ready for labor come induction day (except to be more comfortable and meet baby of course), but I just want to trust my experienced doctor to know what's best for us.

I feel like the last 6 months were at least a year, so I don't know how long the next 3 will feel!

Nova I'm so glad to hear baby Cleo is continuing to do well in NICU. Hopefully baby Abel is as well, Lexi.
Miss is this your first? I can't remember...subsequent pregnancies have gone faster for me, especially this one, holy moly!

Also you may find you're totally ready because most women get to a point where they're just like I'M DONE GET THIS THING OUT OF ME

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