♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Blood pressure is perfect. They are so happy when my systolic is under 130 and diastolic under 70. So yours sounds Bob on. And as for the weight gain, you’re in the perfect range. A bit annoying your Dr lol. I’ve put on 11lbs! How I don’t know because I’ve eaten nothing but whatever I’ve fancied! I’m going to start toning it down now Incase I pile lots on at the end
I wouldn’t worry about the weight gain. Sounds like a normal amount. We don’t even weigh women in the Uk unless they have a very raised BmI to begin with.
Around 24lbs-32lbs is about normal. your blood volume increases by nearly 50% in pregnancy which accounts for a lot of weight gain too! X
Skye I can’t believe how close it is now! How are you feeling? I have soo much pressure already and am really struggling not sleeping now with my hips. I have a growth scan and see the consultant today. Roll on two weeks where I get my sweep lol, hoping it works.
Anyone still working full time ?
I feel at absolute breaking point today. Exhausted beyond belief. So busy I barely get chance to eat. Unfortunately can’t go off any earlier
Anyone still working full time ?
I feel at absolute breaking point today. Exhausted beyond belief. So busy I barely get chance to eat. Unfortunately can’t go off any earlier
No way I could work atm the way I’m feeling. What sort of job do you do?

I had my growth scan today. All is well, measuring on the 10th centile at 5lbs 14oz. Consultant didn’t really say anything. Midwife in 2 weeks for the sweep and if that doesn’t work back to the hospital for another growth scan at 39 weeks.
You look great @Rach87

35 weeks here too! Just exhausted… that’s my only feeling / emotion at the moment from the second I wake up to the second I go to bed!
im also super itchy. Didn’t think much of it because it’s not my hands or feet it’s everywhere else …. Going to get my bloods done on Monday though just incase! has anyone had obstetric choleostasis and been itchy every where but their hands and feet?…

Hello hon I've had ICP in my last 3 pregnancies. The worst I had it was with my 8 year old dd and all I had was a itchy belly. No itching hands or feet but my bile levels were through the roof. I was induced at 35+4 weeks because of it but I also had pre eclampsia with it too.

However my last 2 pregnancies I was itching all over. My whole body. After a few weeks of itching I then got itchy hands and feet.
But u don't always get that.

Hope if u do have it ure levels don't get too high. The itching is horrible.
I didn't have it so bad with my last pregnancy and I was only borderline ICP with bile levels at 14.
But with my 8 year old dd my levels were over a hundred and my 2 year old son they reached 60.
Icp is levels from 10 upwards but in some countries its from 14 and upwards. I'm in the uk so it's 14 and up here and thankfully with my last pregnancy my levels only reached a 14 but I was really itch.

Weird how I wasn't that itchy with my DD but I had ICP real bad.
Hope u get answers soon.

Eeeeek ladies u are all so so close.
Make the most of these final weeks because it really does go so so fast.
My little man is 10 weeks and 2 days old now and it's absolutely flown.
Blood pressure is perfect. They are so happy when my systolic is under 130 and diastolic under 70. So yours sounds Bob on. And as for the weight gain, you’re in the perfect range. A bit annoying your Dr lol. I’ve put on 11lbs! How I don’t know because I’ve eaten nothing but whatever I’ve fancied! I’m going to start toning it down now Incase I pile lots on at the end

I hardly ate when I was pregnant. My appetite went out the window just a few days b4 my BFP.
I gained 2 stone by the end of my pregnancy have no idea why because like u I only ate what I fancied. Was worried my boy wasn't getting enough nutrients but he was 7lb 3oz at birth so he was absolutely fine. Try not to worry.
Had my growth scan today, estimated 4lbs 6oz already! I’ve never had a chubby baby before! Couldn’t believe it. She’s no longer breech either. Not that it matters, my c-section was booked and consented today. MRSA swabs done, medications given to take a few days before. 11th December at 07:30 I’ve to be there. That’s 30 days away!! CTG was normal today too. Labetalol increased as BP had slightly crept up but still OK. So it’s 30 days max for me. 23 if BP doesn’t settle!
Hello hon I've had ICP in my last 3 pregnancies. The worst I had it was with my 8 year old dd and all I had was a itchy belly. No itching hands or feet but my bile levels were through the roof. I was induced at 35+4 weeks because of it but I also had pre eclampsia with it too.

However my last 2 pregnancies I was itching all over. My whole body. After a few weeks of itching I then got itchy hands and feet.
But u don't always get that.

Hope if u do have it ure levels don't get too high. The itching is horrible.
I didn't have it so bad with my last pregnancy and I was only borderline ICP with bile levels at 14.
But with my 8 year old dd my levels were over a hundred and my 2 year old son they reached 60.
Icp is levels from 10 upwards but in some countries its from 14 and upwards. I'm in the uk so it's 14 and up here and thankfully with my last pregnancy my levels only reached a 14 but I was really itch.

Weird how I wasn't that itchy with my DD but I had ICP real bad.
Hope u get answers soon.

Eeeeek ladies u are all so so close.
Make the most of these final weeks because it really does go so so fast.
My little man is 10 weeks and 2 days old now and it's absolutely flown.
Thank you for your reply!
i had my bloods done which were normal bile acids were 9. They’re going to repeat them every 1-2 weeks just to check they’re not raising drastically. The itchiness is unbearable of a night time!! X
No way I could work atm the way I’m feeling. What sort of job do you do?

I had my growth scan today. All is well, measuring on the 10th centile at 5lbs 14oz. Consultant didn’t really say anything. Midwife in 2 weeks for the sweep and if that doesn’t work back to the hospital for another growth scan at 39 weeks.

unfortunately I’m a midwife …..
not a good time to be a midwife in nhs’ climate. Stressed. Short staffed. Beyond belief!!!
unfortunately I’m a midwife …..
not a good time to be a midwife in nhs’ climate. Stressed. Short staffed. Beyond belief!!!
Definitely not. I did over a year of my midwifery degree before I had to defer so I know what it’s like. How long have you got until your leave starts?
@Mummyto293 I’m a teacher and still working full time. Actually working extra this week as half my class is in quarantine which means I’m teaching both in person and doing online lessons. We also have parent/teacher conferences this week so I’m literally working from the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep. On top of that we have no kitchen at the moment due to renovations. Exhausted is an understatement haha
Ugh I’ve just found out I’ve had my second covid exposure this week ](*,) I guess at least I’ll know if my vaccine is working.
Thanks @Suggerhoney ! Hope little Harley is doing well :)

@Mummyto293 glad bile levels were normal. Hoping they stay that way and the itching eases. Only 2 more weeks then you can relax! I must say that has to be such an awful job being in awkward positions while heavily pregnant. Kudos to you for staying with it so long!

@Teafor2 that sounds exhausting! Hopefully after conferences you can have some nice relaxing evenings. Hoping you escape covid!
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Having some serious braxton hicks today. Tons and quite intense. Had a few mild cramps here and there too. Im so ready but so not ready for her to come now. 30 days left max but guessing more like 20-25. Yikes!

@IsabellaJayne thats my due date! Its such a cool date 12-11-21! Though I guess not as exciting if youre in the UK then its 11-12-21 lol.
unfortunately I’m a midwife …..
not a good time to be a midwife in nhs’ climate. Stressed. Short staffed. Beyond belief!!!

i thought NHS staff were still being made to go on medical leave/work from home from 28 weeks?

i am a teacher and have been forced into remote learning due to the RCOG and teachers unions wishy washy guidance of how safe it is for pregnant women to be public facing after 28 weeks. I hate it :(
So glad there keeping a eye on you hon. Yes the itching was always the worse at night. U can also have the itching for weeks b4 it shows in bloods.
So sorry ure suffering that itching is awful.

Thank you for asking hon. Harley is doing great. He has strated ditching the 3am feed now and has his last feed at 1am then goes through till 5:30-6am which Is great.
Just waiting for him to ditch the 1am now and then that will be him going through the night.
Because he dropped so much weight after birth (he dropped to 6lb 5oz and was born 7lb 3oz) I had to feed him every 2 to 3 hours day and night. That was exausting.
He has his first set of injections tomorrow which I'm dreading.

We have definitely decided we are going to try for one last baby.
Can't believe I'm Nearly 42 now but certainly don't feel it.
I'm thinking of stopping the mini pill in March and strat ttc April/may. We will probably do NTNP.
I'm already fed up with the mini pill I'm such a moody cow on it.
Dh said we cud stop it now but I'm to scared. He said we wud be carful but I'd be so worried about getting pregnant again so soon after having H. So I'm gonna stay on it for now.

My neighbour Sarah who is due Dec 24th hasn't been on here for ages.
She is fine tho and is 34 weeks.
She got her section date and I think it's Dec 3rd so not long for her now.
Just wanted to let u all know she's OK because I know one you asked how the other ladies are that haven't been on here.
We had lots of ladies go missing from the September group and the October group and I really hope there ok.

I'm hoping for a winter due date if we fall again. Being heavily pregnant in the summer was now fun.
I've had 2 winter babies both with Feb due dates and that was alot more comfortable.
So hoping for a winter due date next time.
But as long as we are blessed again esp with with me being old I guess I wudnt mind when the due date was.
Just have to wait and see but I'm excited we will be trying again.

The count down is on now ladies. November is flying eeeek

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