♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

So been at midwife today (have been having twice weekly checks on blood pressure and urine) and she's sending me back up to the hospital as my BP was higher than its been today at 162/100 (usually hovers around 138-140/90 or thereabouts). Still have trace of protein in urine but doesn't seem to have increased so no one seemed concerned by it.
I wonder if it's just because I feel like I'm having a shit week? Son was sick on Monday, fine on Tuesday (didn't go to school until weds). Daughter went into school Wednesday and today but today was hard as she had meltdown before school (suffers with anxiety a lot and hasn't been in to school since September). SPD is playing up the last few days as is my carpal tunnel which seems to be getting gradually worse, hurts awake or asleep, no comfy position! Plus feel so tired, back has been aching and cramps down below. Urg.
Otherwise I feel ok! Did have hands swollen yesterday but haven't noticed it before at that time (sometimes they are swollen when wake up but disappear soon after ) although they seem to be ok this afternoon. But I wonder if that's not die to drinking enough or if it's related to the high BP and therefore something to worry about.
Urg. I am so done with this all now!
Sorry to go on for so long, think I just needed a vent.
So been at midwife today (have been having twice weekly checks on blood pressure and urine) and she's sending me back up to the hospital as my BP was higher than its been today at 162/100 (usually hovers around 138-140/90 or thereabouts). Still have trace of protein in urine but doesn't seem to have increased so no one seemed concerned by it.
I wonder if it's just because I feel like I'm having a shit week? Son was sick on Monday, fine on Tuesday (didn't go to school until weds). Daughter went into school Wednesday and today but today was hard as she had meltdown before school (suffers with anxiety a lot and hasn't been in to school since September). SPD is playing up the last few days as is my carpal tunnel which seems to be getting gradually worse, hurts awake or asleep, no comfy position! Plus feel so tired, back has been aching and cramps down below. Urg.
Otherwise I feel ok! Did have hands swollen yesterday but haven't noticed it before at that time (sometimes they are swollen when wake up but disappear soon after ) although they seem to be ok this afternoon. But I wonder if that's not die to drinking enough or if it's related to the high BP and therefore something to worry about.
Urg. I am so done with this all now!
Sorry to go on for so long, think I just needed a vent.

sounds very pre-eclampsia like to me. Did they do any PET screen bloods?
Having some serious braxton hicks today. Tons and quite intense. Had a few mild cramps here and there too. Im so ready but so not ready for her to come now. 30 days left max but guessing more like 20-25. Yikes!

@IsabellaJayne thats my due date! Its such a cool date 12-11-21! Though I guess not as exciting if youre in the UK then its 11-12-21 lol.

haha no not as exciting. Though back with my first daughter, her due date was 11th December 2013 which here is 11/12/13 - but she came on 24th November anyway haha
i thought NHS staff were still being made to go on medical leave/work from home from 28 weeks?

i am a teacher and have been forced into remote learning due to the RCOG and teachers unions wishy washy guidance of how safe it is for pregnant women to be public facing after 28 weeks. I hate it :(

no we don’t have to go off anymore at 28 weeks. I was still clinical as a nurse in A&E up until 31 weeks (left for mat leave early as had loads of annual leave to use and delivering at 37 weeks)
I am terribly awful at updating this group!.. We are 29 weeks today. Still Team green. Feeling really great. Its crazy! With my dtr (pregnancy #1) I felt fantastic up until I delivered at 39 weeks, weight gain was low, no swelling, etc. That pregnancy was also a winter pregnancy. With my son (pregnancy #2 - delivered in mid-July) I felt terrible from late 20 weeks til delivery. Swollen, hip pain, he was breech and flipping back and forth a lot, etc. So this pregnancy has definitely been much more similar to my dtrs pregnancy! The only complaint I have this time around is that I think I am definitely someone who would prefer to know what they are having. I am excited that my husband will get to be the one to tell me what baby is - and I think that moment will be awesome. HOWEVER - I am incredibly type A, and like to plan, and feel like I can't do a ton of that until we know what baby is. Also - I'm having a really awful time thinking about baby names and what not. Long story short I am extremely excited that we found out what #1 and #2 were before they arrived. Otherwise things are going well!
sounds very pre-eclampsia like to me. Did they do any PET screen bloods?

They took bloods at hospital but bp had dropped to a decent level so they think its literally the size of the cuff being used even though it's a large size and haven't had issues before with that one really. They sent me home before bloods came back as they were satisfied that all would be ok and will let me know in the event it's not. Tested reflexes etc and that was all ok so they don't think I'm at risk of pre eclampsia.

I did feel a little put out that the two other ladies who were in the triage area were going to be induced that night and here's me, not pregnant enough for that yet lol. Growth scan and consultant Wednesday where I imagine they will want a plan on when I will deliver, the earliest being 38 weeks. Which is in 19 days!
How are you today @aymz1983 ? Any word on your bloods? Hope it was just the wrong cuff :)

@kiki1234 great to hear from you! Glad everything is going well. Youre a trooper for holding out for hubby! Theres no way I could.

ugh rant sesh. Day 3 of incessant braxton hicks. I really hope this isnt the new norm. I have anywhere from 3-6 every hour round the clock. I had it with my ds from 20 weeks on but had a horrible flu and they started after a week of non stop coughing. This time I havent had anything to trigger my uterus being irritated besides I guess a big ole baby in there constantly punching it. *sigh* only a few more weeks I suppose.
On the bright side….36 weeks!!! So close. Had a quick maternity session today. Of course it was 60 degrees throughout the week and today 45 and windy. Michigan, amiright? Got a few nice ones though, so Im happy.

Me again. Still with the braxton hicks - day 4 now. This morning they were every 2-3 min for a couple hours. Have settled down now but ugh! Im sooooo emotional these last 2 days too. Crying non stop. Lots of trips to the potty, even with having taken my iron pills the last few days. Really hoping this doesnt mean delivery is near. She needs to stay put until at least dec 1st. Nst tomorrow, will mention it then but they never seem bothered by lots of braxton hicks. Then work wednesday - last day but I’ll be alone 9:30-3:30 which sucks. Will probably just close the store for a couple hours until relief comes if Im feeling anything like I do today. Last growth scan thursday, then over to OB for nst and check up - first cervix check. Im so tired. (Sorry just needed to get it out)
No further word @Rach87 so must just be the wrong cuff size :)

Sorry the Braxton Hicks are frustrating you though. I've not had as many as you have but I've noticed an increase in mine! Hopefully everything else is more pregnancy niggles and not delivery being near.

I'm struggling at the moment with carpal tunnel which is really affecting my sleep, keep waking up a lot more often to change positions. Just as annoying in the daytime too and it's both arms and hands. Think I am going to have to get splints and see if that relives it. I know it can be common in pregnancy and j had it in last pregnancy too but it got worse after the birth not better!
Well my last OB appointment today (I think!)
Hoping she'll give me a stretch and sweep, or at least check what's going on down there.
Should get my induction date today.. eeeeek!
Well my last OB appointment today (I think!)
Hoping she'll give me a stretch and sweep, or at least check what's going on down there.
Should get my induction date today.. eeeeek!

omg how exciting!! You’re very nearly there!
No further word @Rach87 so must just be the wrong cuff size :)

Sorry the Braxton Hicks are frustrating you though. I've not had as many as you have but I've noticed an increase in mine! Hopefully everything else is more pregnancy niggles and not delivery being near.

I'm struggling at the moment with carpal tunnel which is really affecting my sleep, keep waking up a lot more often to change positions. Just as annoying in the daytime too and it's both arms and hands. Think I am going to have to get splints and see if that relives it. I know it can be common in pregnancy and j had it in last pregnancy too but it got worse after the birth not better!

glad your bloods seem to be okay :)
Me again. Still with the braxton hicks - day 4 now. This morning they were every 2-3 min for a couple hours. Have settled down now but ugh! Im sooooo emotional these last 2 days too. Crying non stop. Lots of trips to the potty, even with having taken my iron pills the last few days. Really hoping this doesnt mean delivery is near. She needs to stay put until at least dec 1st. Nst tomorrow, will mention it then but they never seem bothered by lots of braxton hicks. Then work wednesday - last day but I’ll be alone 9:30-3:30 which sucks. Will probably just close the store for a couple hours until relief comes if Im feeling anything like I do today. Last growth scan thursday, then over to OB for nst and check up - first cervix check. Im so tired. (Sorry just needed to get it out)

urgh I hate braxton hicks and I don’t even get them that often! Can’t imagine how annoying they must be so frequently! Not long now,
These last few weeks are so hard!
Me again. Still with the braxton hicks - day 4 now. This morning they were every 2-3 min for a couple hours. Have settled down now but ugh! Im sooooo emotional these last 2 days too. Crying non stop. Lots of trips to the potty, even with having taken my iron pills the last few days. Really hoping this doesnt mean delivery is near. She needs to stay put until at least dec 1st. Nst tomorrow, will mention it then but they never seem bothered by lots of braxton hicks. Then work wednesday - last day but I’ll be alone 9:30-3:30 which sucks. Will probably just close the store for a couple hours until relief comes if Im feeling anything like I do today. Last growth scan thursday, then over to OB for nst and check up - first cervix check. Im so tired. (Sorry just needed to get it out)
I have had the same with the BH and have spent lots of time the last few days on the toilet. The sharp lightening pains are so intense too.
@Tasha36089 I wonder which one of us will go first! I had my twice weekly nst today and had a couple bh while on the monitor and told the nurse Ive been having them a ton. Last night they were coming every 2-5 min with pain for like 2 hours and they were totally unphased by it. Oh well, guess I’ll just wait until Thursday for my next appt. :shrug: Thankfully they’ve calmed some today but Ive just been a hormonal mess these last few days and have felt like total crap. Doesnt help Im barely sleeping. (Which Im sure you all are in the same boat) Ahh the joys of being 9 months pregnant. **less than a month, less than a month, less than a month**

@aymz1983 carpal tunnel sounds miserable. I thought I was getting it as my hands would go numb at night but it went away maybe halfway through pregnancy so mightve just been a compressed nerve while laying or something. Hope braces help relieve some pain.
Had a sweep done yesterday, but not a very successful one because babies head is still so high. Little bugger. Still spotting now from it though.
Induction booked for the 23rd @ 4pm. Yikes.
Had a sweep done yesterday, but not a very successful one because babies head is still so high. Little bugger. Still spotting now from it though.
Induction booked for the 23rd @ 4pm. Yikes.

so exciting. Not long now! X
Slightly weird question but is anyone else all of a sudden finding they need to open their bowels more frequently? I’ve been very constipated all pregnancy but that last 2 days I’ve needed the toilet 3 times a day!

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