I'm sorry you're having such a hard time at the moment
@Rach87 it does sound like everything just hitting at once. I don't have any advice but I hope things settle down and you get a chance to rest up and relax a bit more.
As for me, had growth scan and consultant today. Baby doing fine, estimated 5lb 13 now. Not a very good picture could be taken as he was almost facing my back and thus not in the greatest position for measurements but she got there!
Same old story with blood pressure - higher than usual so again, back up to maternity triage where bp was taken And it did come down a bit. They took more bloods and urine and tested those using special tests to check likelihood of developing pre eclampsia. Urine test was borderline but bloods showed a 'significant' risk of developing pre eclampsia so I am being kept in overnight for monitoring apparently (have been here an hour after going home to pick up bits and haven't been seen yet!)
I think due to the constant issues with bp that keeps rising I am going to be induced at 38 weeks although the Dr did say earlier that if pre eclampsia was going to be an issue they would induce at 37 weeks but I won't know more tomorrow until I speak again to the consultants again.
I'm terrified to sleep on the ward as well because I've been so blocked in my nose recently my snoring has gone up a notch and I don't want to be 'that' person keeping everyone else awake lol.
Pic of baby for baby's sake and pic of fed up looking me on the way to my 'hotel' for the night ha. Didn't realise bump looked quite low actually. He's head down but not central to the exit station unfortunately!
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