♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Ure comment made me giggle so much. Harley is a right gas bag to and always farting haha. Pretty impressive ones as well lol.

How are all u ladies and babies doing?
Hi all! Here's some pictures of my precious Aaron Anderson!
Everything went as planned. It's so different and calm knowing ahead of time you're going in for a c-section. Little man was 7 lbs, 4 oz and 19 inches long, bigger than the heaviest of my other 2 by a full pound. I was only in the hospital for one night due to Covid numbers. Speaking of which, yesterday my daughter tested postive for Covid, and it was assumed at the clinic that my dh has it too due to symptoms. DS and I also are starting to show symptoms. So pretty much the whole family. Not awesome timing, but in a way it's been nice for dh to get more time off work and my older ones to spend time with the new addition.
Aaron eats well (cluster feeding in the evening if though he's on formula,) and he sleeps sometimes, lol, although his preference is to do so in someone's arms. Has anyone had experience with warmies? There little stuffed animals that can be heated up so baby has some warmth beside them. I'm thinking about looking into it.
Five days post surgery, and I think I'm getting around pretty well, although the recovery pain kind of sneaks up on me, and I have to remind myself to take it easy. I think my hormones are starting to shift as I've been having some mood swings; I guess that's normal. Mostly though, I've overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness. Life is good, and my family is complete.
I have absolutely loved getting to know you all, even though I'm more of a silent stalker, and I love seeing all the updates and baby pics. I wish you all luck and happiness going forward with your little ones and any future babies you have.
Hi all! Here's some pictures of my precious Aaron Anderson!
View attachment 1105709View attachment 1105710
Everything went as planned. It's so different and calm knowing ahead of time you're going in for a c-section. Little man was 7 lbs, 4 oz and 19 inches long, bigger than the heaviest of my other 2 by a full pound. I was only in the hospital for one night due to Covid numbers. Speaking of which, yesterday my daughter tested postive for Covid, and it was assumed at the clinic that my dh has it too due to symptoms. DS and I also are starting to show symptoms. So pretty much the whole family. Not awesome timing, but in a way it's been nice for dh to get more time off work and my older ones to spend time with the new addition.
Aaron eats well (cluster feeding in the evening if though he's on formula,) and he sleeps sometimes, lol, although his preference is to do so in someone's arms. Has anyone had experience with warmies? There little stuffed animals that can be heated up so baby has some warmth beside them. I'm thinking about looking into it.
Five days post surgery, and I think I'm getting around pretty well, although the recovery pain kind of sneaks up on me, and I have to remind myself to take it easy. I think my hormones are starting to shift as I've been having some mood swings; I guess that's normal. Mostly though, I've overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness. Life is good, and my family is complete.
I have absolutely loved getting to know you all, even though I'm more of a silent stalker, and I love seeing all the updates and baby pics. I wish you all luck and happiness going forward with your little ones and any future babies you have.

What date was Aaron born then? He’s absolutely gorgeous. I hope you manage to avoid covid on top of the section recovery. I hear you on the getting around ok bit - I feel like I am too now but I have to remind myself not to do daft things like hoover and end up setting myself back
What date was Aaron born then? He’s absolutely gorgeous. I hope you manage to avoid covid on top of the section recovery. I hear you on the getting around ok bit - I feel like I am too now but I have to remind myself not to do daft things like hoover and end up setting myself back
He was born on the 20th. I thought I was going to get by without getting Covid, but I work up this morning achy and feverish. #-oOf course. At least we're all in together now, lol.
Does anyone have experience with weighted feeds? Today the home nurse came to check on baby and I and we got conflicting information about her weight gain. On the one hand they want to see her gain back her birth weight by 2 weeks. She has surpassed her birth weight so that’s great. On the other hand they want her to gain 25-30 g a day and she has only been gaining 20 on average.

The nurse left me a scale to do weighted feeds and has suggested I pump after feeding her to increase my milk supply since we are already feeding as often as possible. We are exclusively breast feeding and I’m feeding on demand which is basically every hour, maximum two hours. I feel like everything is fine, but now I’m thrown off by the slow weight gain. All her other markers for feeding are fine. Plenty of wet and dirty diapers and she’s not overly sleepy.
Sometimes I feel “medical professionals” cause more harm than good with their expected numbers and whatnot. Maybe shes just a little bitty. Like you said - enough wet diapers and steady growth should be indication enough shes fine. My nurse with my first told me to pump after every feed which caused a huge over supply, causing forceful letdowns, extreme DMER, choking, taking a huge amount of air which meant tons of gas and excess spit up. Basically a big ole unnecessary nightmare. She was growing perfectly fine. (My body has a tendency to oversupply normally - so my case may be extreme)

Basically what Im trying to say is listen to your gut - if you think shes good, dont let the nurse panic you. If I remember right youre quite petite? Then your baby will most likely follow suit. As long as its steady theres nothing to worry about
@Rach87 so interesting you got DMER when breastfeeding. I had it with my dd and I cousins find anything on it, drove me nuts. Wonder if it’s connected to lupus, probably is feels like so much is!

love reading your baby and birth updates, keep them coming! S

Harley was 7lb 3oz at birth but by day 6 he had dropped to 6lb 5oz. They made Me feel like I wasn't feeding him enough and made me feel so guilty.
I was feeding him (formula as I'm not able to BF because of medication I'm on)
Anyway I was feeding him on demand which was every 3 to 4 hours.
They wanted him to be fed every 3 hours and at leat 30ml.
But he just wasn't a very hungry baby.
I was doing all I cud and the medical professionals just made me feel like a shitty mum.

Anyway we did feed him every 3 hours and he was back to his birth weight at almost 3 weeks old.

He is 5 months old now and should be on 6 to 7oz but we've only just moved him up to 5oz.
He's just not a very hungry baby.

Don't u let them get u down hon.
Sounds like ure baby is doing really well.
Hi all! Here's some pictures of my precious Aaron Anderson!
View attachment 1105709View attachment 1105710
Everything went as planned. It's so different and calm knowing ahead of time you're going in for a c-section. Little man was 7 lbs, 4 oz and 19 inches long, bigger than the heaviest of my other 2 by a full pound. I was only in the hospital for one night due to Covid numbers. Speaking of which, yesterday my daughter tested postive for Covid, and it was assumed at the clinic that my dh has it too due to symptoms. DS and I also are starting to show symptoms. So pretty much the whole family. Not awesome timing, but in a way it's been nice for dh to get more time off work and my older ones to spend time with the new addition.
Aaron eats well (cluster feeding in the evening if though he's on formula,) and he sleeps sometimes, lol, although his preference is to do so in someone's arms. Has anyone had experience with warmies? There little stuffed animals that can be heated up so baby has some warmth beside them. I'm thinking about looking into it.
Five days post surgery, and I think I'm getting around pretty well, although the recovery pain kind of sneaks up on me, and I have to remind myself to take it easy. I think my hormones are starting to shift as I've been having some mood swings; I guess that's normal. Mostly though, I've overwhelmed with joy and gratefulness. Life is good, and my family is complete.
I have absolutely loved getting to know you all, even though I'm more of a silent stalker, and I love seeing all the updates and baby pics. I wish you all luck and happiness going forward with your little ones and any future babies you have.

Awwww he is lush hon. Congratulations
Thanks @Rach87 and @Suggerhoney I did a weighted feed the other day and she had 50ml of milk which is exactly what they recommend based on how often she eats. Dh and I are both slim and have both struggled in the past to put on weight. I wouldn’t be surprised if she is just on a slower growth curve. I also spoke with my dad’s girlfriend who is a paediatrician and she said that 20g weight gain a day is completely fine. I feel like it’s the same as when they told me I must be eating too much fruit because her abdominal circumference was measuring so big, then when she was born she was just big overall (which is exactly what I told them I expected based on babies born in my family).
He was born on the 20th. I thought I was going to get by without getting Covid, but I work up this morning achy and feverish. #-oOf course. At least we're all in together now, lol.
Him and my Nell are birthday twins
Does anybody else’s baby headbutt their boobs at the end of a feeding? I feel like when the flow of the milk slows down she gets frustrated and starts head butting and rooting again. It also only happens when her feeds are close together (say 1.5 hours or less). I feed her whenever she wants so it’s not like I’m scheduling close feeds.
@Teafor2 yes I think they're trying to stimulate more milk. My babies usually only do it when they're cluster feeding trying to build up the supply for a growth spurt.
@Teafor2 yes I think they're trying to stimulate more milk. My babies usually only do it when they're cluster feeding trying to build up the supply for a growth spurt.
Yeah she does it a lot when cluster feeding or before I switch her to the other side on a regular feed. I have to always check if there’s more milk before I switch her because she’ll start head butting me, but if I give my boobs a squeeze I’ll shoot milk across the room haha so I know there’s still milk there.
Even tho H has always been formula fed (not through choice) he used to headbutt my boobs and root alot when he was newborn. He stopped doing it around 3 months old.
I unfortunately cudnt breast feed because of all the meds I'm on. I really wanted to as well.
When my milk came In I felt so Sad.
Even tho H has always been formula fed (not through choice) he used to headbutt my boobs and root alot when he was newborn. He stopped doing it around 3 months old.
I unfortunately cudnt breast feed because of all the meds I'm on. I really wanted to as well.
When my milk came In I felt so Sad.
I’m sorry you couldn’t breastfeed when you wanted to... even though I do believe that formula can keep baby just as healthy as breastmilk I think I would also be very sad if I couldn’t breastfeed.
Is anyone else’s baby rolling onto their side during sleep? I put her on her back, but she keeps rolling onto her right side. I know it increases the risk of SIDS which I have been maybe a little over concerned about being a first time mom.
I think this is the longest I’ve gone without coming on here since i started ttc this one. Anyway, Sadie is 8 weeks old already! She smiles up a storm, coo’s and chit chats. She loves her big bro and sis so much! Shes rolled from tummy to back a few times. Cant wait to see her sweet little personality keep growing. Its funny I kept hearing how going from 2 to 3 kids was the worst and hardest. Its actually been the easiest transition out of all 3!

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I found the transition from 2 to 3 much easier than 1 to 2 also. I’m gutted at just how fast time is going! 2 months old next week! I can’t have anymore babies now and I think it’s hitting me how fast it all goes :(

I hope everyone is well x
I found the transition from 2 to 3 much easier than 1 to 2 also. I’m gutted at just how fast time is going! 2 months old next week! I can’t have anymore babies now and I think it’s hitting me how fast it all goes :(

I hope everyone is well x

I am very much feeling the hit of not being able to have anymore babies!

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