♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Sorry its not what u wanted and I did read the sneek peak can be wrong and has been wrong.
But boy or girl I'm sure ure be happy. U won't even care by the time it's born. .

My symptoms wud come and go but generally got worse around 9 weeks but still some days were worse than others.


Sounds very similar to what I had at 6 and almost 15 weeks. Red blood but watery in consistency. I had no cramps with the 6 weeks bleed but I did have cramps with the 15 weeks one.

Pop a pad on and keep an eye on it hon. I found mine was mainly when wiping but it did make it to my underwear and looked like AF at first.
Only wud last about half hour to a hour then wud get lighter and turn pink when wiping then back to clear.

Hopefully it stops and is just something like what I have a cervical erosion.
If u are worried I wud seek medical help.

Praying all is ok
I’ve had a bit of bleeding again today at 6 weeks and 5 days. I noticed it when I went to the toilet this morning. It was like watery dark red/brown on the paper. I’ve had no cramping so I hope it’s okay. I took the medication they gave me last week against contractions and hoping it will help if something is going on. Last time I assumed the bleeding was from a long bike ride but this time I don’t know. All I did yesterday was go grocery shopping and dh carried all the heavy things.

I am so sorry about the bleeding starting back up again! Big hugs to you! I hope that it stops soon and that everything will be okay! XOXO
When I checked my bedsheets later there was a bit of blood on them from bleeding before I woke up. The bleeding stopped, but the past hour or two I have been a bit crampy and just had pink on the paper again after using the toilet. I’m trying to calm myself down by looking at the statistics for a miscarriage at this point in my pregnancy, and on that online calculator I’m below 10%, but I’m worried with the cramping. I’m also still very nauseas so I’m hoping that’s a good sign...
When I checked my bedsheets later there was a bit of blood on them from bleeding before I woke up. The bleeding stopped, but the past hour or two I have been a bit crampy and just had pink on the paper again after using the toilet. I’m trying to calm myself down by looking at the statistics for a miscarriage at this point in my pregnancy, and on that online calculator I’m below 10%, but I’m worried with the cramping. I’m also still very nauseas so I’m hoping that’s a good sign...
Ugh that sucks that you’re bleeding a bit. The beginning is such a stressful time. But lots of women bleed so I would try not to worry. Maybe you really do need to just rest, like no grocery shoppping or anything for a while?
Ugh that sucks that you’re bleeding a bit. The beginning is such a stressful time. But lots of women bleed so I would try not to worry. Maybe you really do need to just rest, like no grocery shoppping or anything for a while?
Yeah I am wondering the same thing. It seems to have stopped again for now and it never picked up. There is just a bit of pink/brown on my underwear. I’ll just stick to lying around the apartment like before. It sucks because it makes my nausea so much better when I can get outside and take a walk, but maybe even that is too much right now.
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Yeah I am wondering the same thing. It seems to have stopped again for now and it never picked up. There is just a bit of pink/brown on my underwear. I’ll just stick to lying around the apartment like before. It sucks because it makes my nausea so much better when I can get outside and take a walk, but maybe even that is too much right now.
I’m on the other side of nausea finally now... it’s a long challenging first tri if you can’t get the fresh air that helps... but it won’t last forever!! It feels like it will tho when you’re in the thick of it. Sending all my hugs your way because I know how awful it is xx
@Suggerhoney thanks. Theyre supposed to be pretty accurate but either way I’ll deal with it lol. I had pretty bad gender disappointment with my dd - took a couple months to get excited. This time its like I knew even though this pregnancy is closer to my sons - I just had a feeling I wouldnt get another boy. Im not overly disappointed this time - just mildly bummed. More bummed theres such a huge age gap between my dd and this one. Oh well I know it’ll all work out :)

@Teafor2 so sorry about the bleeding again. You may just have a very sensitive cervix so any motion might cause some issue. Have you tried asking your OB their recommendation? Drink lots of fluid and binge watch some shows for now :)
@Rach87 I was at the er last week for the bleeding and they put me on some medication to prevent muscle spasms, magnesium, and put me on sick leave until I see my ob next week. I’m only supposed to take the medication for muscle spasms when I have cramping, but I haven’t really had any between the bleeding last week and the bleeding today. So far today’s bleeding seems to follow the same pattern as last week’s, so hopefully it will just stop like before. I also live on the 5th floor of a building with no elevator, so I’m sure going up and down the stairs doesn’t help.

@Reiko_ctu Ugh the nausea is literally the worst. I haven’t thrown up yet (although today I was very close), but I’m just nauseas all day. Eating is such a chore and nothing sounds good. You’re right that when it’s bad it seems like it will never end. Thanks for the words of encouragement, it really does help!
@Suggerhoney thanks. Theyre supposed to be pretty accurate but either way I’ll deal with it lol. I had pretty bad gender disappointment with my dd - took a couple months to get excited. This time its like I knew even though this pregnancy is closer to my sons - I just had a feeling I wouldnt get another boy. Im not overly disappointed this time - just mildly bummed. More bummed theres such a huge age gap between my dd and this one. Oh well I know it’ll all work out :)

@Teafor2 so sorry about the bleeding again. You may just have a very sensitive cervix so any motion might cause some issue. Have you tried asking your OB their recommendation? Drink lots of fluid and binge watch some shows for now :)
I wouldn’t be too bummed about the age gap. It won’t be what you imagined but it’ll be very special. And you’ll have a helper!! My SIL had a surprised baby when her kids were 4,6,8... they honestly have the sweetest relationship now despite the larger age gap! Very protective older siblings! Just prepare yourself for something different :)
So I’ve been thinking about what could possibly be irritating my cervix in the evening to cause bleeding today as we haven’t dtd since I had bleeding last week and I’m not doing any sports at the moment. Now I’m wondering if inserting my progesterone each night irritates my cervix and could be causing the spotting.

Will u be finding out for sure when ure 16 weeks hon? I think once u know for sure it will give u time to get used to it and to bond with ure baby.
I'm not gonna lie I was hoping for a boy this time. At the start of my pregnancy I really thought I was having a girl because I had one episode of feeling sick when smelling fried food.
With our 8 year old dd I cudnt stand the smell of fried food it made me gag.
I also did the baking soda genda test and I did it with my son at 10 weeks and it fizzed like beer and gave me a boy result and it was right.

But this one I did it 3 times and got a girl result.

But when my symptoms kicked in and once I started craving stuff I just new I was having a boy.
Even so when we went for our gender scan I started having doughts but as soon as we see that Penis my heart lepped and I actually cheered haha.
Don't get me wrong I wud of been happy with a girl too as my main concern was a healthy baby.
But our 8 Yr old is a right little diva and I'm not sure I cud of handled another girl lmao.
I do love it that boys seem to stay babies for alot longer than girls.
And I love it how cuddly boys are and how they are usually mummy boys.
Love our dd to bits but she is hard work lol.

When we had Tommy there was a 7 year age gap between him and our dd. It was like being pregnant for the very first time again because of the age gap. But they get on great. She loves playing with him it's so nice.
U will be fine hon.


I'm wondering if u do have a erosion hon it sounds so familiar to me.
I hated the first trimester.
Tbh it's never a trimester I love because my first baby I lost at almost 11 weeks after seeing it on a scan with a heartbeat.
So the first trimester for me is always such a anxious time.
I've never had bleeding in pregnancy b4 unless it was a loss.

So when I had it at 6 weeks with this one I really thought it was all over.
Everyone on here kept telling me it cud be a uratated cervix but with history I just thought the worst.
I rang my GP in tears on the day I started bleeding and they managed to get me in for a scan in the emergency early pregnancy unit for the next day.
Like u the bleeding stopped but I was still worried.
But went for a scan and there was beanie and a healthy HB.
I felt relieved but after a few days the anxiety came back.

I had on off spotting right up untill week 8 or 9. I had another early scan at 8+1 weeks and again it showed a gummy bear this time with a healthy HB.
No reasons cud be found for the spotting or bleeding at that point.
Once I hit 14 weeks and 2nd tri I felt so happy.
And them bam 14+5 weeks i woke up bleeding.
I spent the day in A&E waiting to be seen.
Sat in that waiting room was horrible.
I sat there googling what happens when u have a miscarriage at almost 15 weeks and it scared me to death.
But the bleeding stopped.
By the time I was moved to the early pregnancy unit and was Finally seen by a doctor, the bleeding had completely stopped.

I thought being as I was almost 15 weeks they wud of scanned me but they didn't.
They listened to babies HB on a doppler which was good.
Then the doctor did a internal and that was when the erosion was discovered.
I had heard about erosions on here but I still did some research and learnt that they are very very common in pregnancy.
Basicly inside the cervix is loads of little blood vessels, but sometimes in pregnancy with the changing hormones one or more of the blood vessels can start to move to the outside.
I only had one but u can have more.
It doesn't cause any harm to the pregnancy or the baby but any pressure can iritate it and make it bleed.
We had dtd the day b4 and I think maybe dh was a tiny bit rough and that's what irritated it.

I really hope ure bleeding is just down to something like this.
It's good the bleeding has stopped hon.
I think still having symptoms is a good sign too.

Is there anyway u cud push for a scan just to put ure mind at rest a bit.
Congratulations @Rach87 on team pink, sorry it's not what you wanted but I'm sure pink will grow on you!!

I'm so sorry the bleeding has returned @Teafor2 everything crossed for you that it settles down. Maybe it is from the progesterone.

Two more days till my 12 week scan, it cannot come quick enough!
Eeeek so close to 2nd tri @Skye75 !!

@Suggerhoney yes I’ll be confirming gender with a scan

thanks ladies, I’ll be totally fine just always wanted to be a fully boy mom - now Im only 1 outta 3. Lol :shrug:

@Teafor2 5th floor walk up and suppositories sound like a recipe for irritation. Hope you’ll be able to find some balance between rest and activity that will keep the bleeding at bay.
@Skye75 thats great! One less day of worry. Weird though they would have a tech that cant do a certain gestational age ultrasound?

I was so wrapped up in finding out its most likely another little lady that I totally forgot my booking in appt/scan is on Wednesday! So excited. I will say finding out gender early somehow has relieved anxiety and now I dont feel as anxious/stressed for my next scans. No idea why as gender has no bearing on health of baby but I feel calmer now. Must be weird pregnancy hormones. :tease:Lol
I’ve had another bleed this evening. Sat down to use the toilet and a couple blood clots fell into the toilet. Since then I’ve had dark pink when wiping but only a bit on my underwear. I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow. If it picks up or I start cramping I’ll go back to the er.
I’ve had another bleed this evening. Sat down to use the toilet and a couple blood clots fell into the toilet. Since then I’ve had dark pink when wiping but only a bit on my underwear. I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow. If it picks up or I start cramping I’ll go back to the er.
Ugh I’m so sorry. I wonder if the clots were just dried up from last bleed... things can take a while to work their way out. Have you tested since you’ve been bleeding?
Ugh I’m so sorry. I wonder if the clots were just dried up from last bleed... things can take a while to work their way out. Have you tested since you’ve been bleeding?
After the first bleed I had an ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat. That was one week ago. They told me to come back to the er if the bleeding increases or if I have a lot of pain, otherwise I should just wait for my first appointment which is on the 24th. Yesterday and today were similar to the first time I had bleeding. Each time it’s a gush followed by a bit of spotting for a couple hours and then it stops.

I’m still VERY nauseas all day and still have tender breasts and sensitive nipples.
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After the first bleed I had an ultrasound and we saw the heartbeat. That was one week ago. They told me to come back to the er if the bleeding increases or if I have a lot of pain, otherwise I should just wait for my first appointment which is on the 24th. Yesterday and today were similar to the first time I had bleeding. Each time it’s a gush followed by a bit of spotting for a couple hours and then it stops.

I’m still VERY nauseas all day and still have tender breasts and sensitive nipples.

Is it not worth going back to the ER anyway or maybe seeing if you can get a private scan, I'm just thinking of ways to reassure you so you don't have to wait a week still until your appointment? I'm sure it's all ok and as someone else said, clots could be dried from last bleed. Still having symptoms is a good sign :)

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