♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Although saying that I've been feeling lots of pressure down below and his movements have been very low down so now I'm thinking he's moved...although whether a decent position or not remains to be seen!
Although saying that I've been feeling lots of pressure down below and his movements have been very low down so now I'm thinking he's moved...although whether a decent position or not remains to be seen!

mine is very low down too my movement. They said today she’s sat right curled into my pelvis low down. I wasn’t sure if it was wind or not haha!
Oh hon u poor thing. I hope u feel better soon. Sickness bugs are just the worst. And having one in pregnancy must be hurendous bless you.
Thank you. I'm definitely very ready for baby now. Some of the womon have had there babies in our September group and it makes me really Eager to have mine now.
This pregnancy has been plagued with anxiety and worry and I just want him safe in my arms.

Oh gosh I really wish it had flown but for me it's dragged. Feel like I've been pregnant for so so long now.
Suppose it hasn't helped with all the worry..
Bleeding at 6 and 15 weeks and high risk results for down syndrome at my 12 weeks NT combined screening.
Thankfully my anomaly scan and all my growth scans have shown a healthy baby. But I was still worried. Having the 30 weeks 4d scan was worrying but again showed a healthy baby.
But I don't think my anxiety will settle until he is here and safe in my arms.
It feels like time is just standing still.

It's so weird tho becuase when I come on here and see everyone having 20 weeks scans and hitting V day it's crazy it only feels like yesterday u were all posting about ure BFPs. All ure pregnancies have flown..

Wish I felt like that about my own lol.
Hopefully I will be going in 2 weeks on Friday or Saturday. Really hoping it won't be any later than that.

Hope ure headaches have settled now hon.


So glad ure anomaly scan went well hon. Half way woohoo.
@Suggerhoney It’s so crazy that you are so close to delivering! I feel like it was just a couple a weeks ago we were in the ttc boards together!

Sorry it seems like a lot of people have been feeling down lately. I’ve also been very snappy with dh and then always end up crying afterwards and feeling so bad about it. He’s been a good sport about it at least.
@Suggerhoney It’s so crazy that you are so close to delivering! I feel like it was just a couple a weeks ago we were in the ttc boards together!

Sorry it seems like a lot of people have been feeling down lately. I’ve also been very snappy with dh and then always end up crying afterwards and feeling so bad about it. He’s been a good sport about it at least.

Ahhhhh u guys were a tower of strength in the ttc threads. I guess looking Back to then it doesn't seem that long ago.
But I'm definitely done now. More than done.
No sleep again all night I just can't get comfortable at all.
Very bad pelvis and hips and spd.
And for some reason my my groan is Killing me.
Baby moves so much so that doesn't help with sleep either but I love feeling him so can't complain about that.

The next 2 weeks and so many days can't come quick enough lol..

I've been quite snappy too. My husband sleeps like a baby every night and I'm up tossing and turning and peeing about a million times and not sleeping.
Just grrrrr.

Sorry to rant ladies.
Being pregnant is a amazing blessing but these last weeks are sooooo hard.
@Suggerhoney 3rd tri is brutal for sleep. Especially the last few weeks. Makes us absolutely ready to deal with labour, delivery, and sleepless nights of the newborn days. You have had it rough going for a long while here so I know you're ready!! I can't wait to get this baby out of me in 10ish weeks (obviously when the baby will be healthy and not wishing for earlier - just going to grin and bear it till then). Counting down the days till 37 weeks when I start to take all my labour prep things and a sweep around 38.5 weeks.

When do you ladies start with the raspberry leaf tea? Is it all third tri or just the last few weeks? I can't remember.
@Suggerhoney 3rd tri is brutal for sleep. Especially the last few weeks. Makes us absolutely ready to deal with labour, delivery, and sleepless nights of the newborn days. You have had it rough going for a long while here so I know you're ready!! I can't wait to get this baby out of me in 10ish weeks (obviously when the baby will be healthy and not wishing for earlier - just going to grin and bear it till then). Counting down the days till 37 weeks when I start to take all my labour prep things and a sweep around 38.5 weeks.

When do you ladies start with the raspberry leaf tea? Is it all third tri or just the last few weeks? I can't remember.

Thanks hon. So true.
Hopefully these last weeks will fly for you too hon.
I think my groan pain and inner thigh pain is SPD because my pubic bone kills.
Feel like a zombie with no sleep.
Babies movements today are really outchy he's stretching and feels so so low. Can't stop peeing so wondering if he is engaged. Will find out tomorrow.
The way he is moving tho I'm surprised my waters haven't broke. Outchy outch lol
Ahhhhh u guys were a tower of strength in the ttc threads. I guess looking Back to then it doesn't seem that long ago.
But I'm definitely done now. More than done.
No sleep again all night I just can't get comfortable at all.
Very bad pelvis and hips and spd.
And for some reason my my groan is Killing me.
Baby moves so much so that doesn't help with sleep either but I love feeling him so can't complain about that.

The next 2 weeks and so many days can't come quick enough lol..

I've been quite snappy too. My husband sleeps like a baby every night and I'm up tossing and turning and peeing about a million times and not sleeping.
Just grrrrr.

Sorry to rant ladies.
Being pregnant is a amazing blessing but these last weeks are sooooo hard.
Ugh that sounds miserable... but it’s exciting you are so close! To think in 2 weeks time we’ll be hearing all about baby :dance:

I’ve had a couple nights were baby was low down on my bladder and I constantly felt like I had to pee. There’s still plenty of room in there for them to move around though, so I put my knees on the couch, arms on the ground, and did a sort of half headstand. It moved baby up and off my bladder and then I got to feel loads of rolling and kicking for the next half hour. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be once they’re in your bladder but with nowhere to go.
Ugh that sounds miserable... but it’s exciting you are so close! To think in 2 weeks time we’ll be hearing all about baby :dance:

I’ve had a couple nights were baby was low down on my bladder and I constantly felt like I had to pee. There’s still plenty of room in there for them to move around though, so I put my knees on the couch, arms on the ground, and did a sort of half headstand. It moved baby up and off my bladder and then I got to feel loads of rolling and kicking for the next half hour. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be once they’re in your bladder but with nowhere to go.

Haha that's such a good idea.
I've had it a few times from about 23 24 weeks but he wud move away after a day or two.
But now he's right down there.
I feel a bit more comfortable now and ended up falling asleep on my sofa. Midwife tomorrow so will know where about he is little monkey haha.
I will be posting all about the brith in the September due date group and also the October due date group.
Ugh that sounds miserable... but it’s exciting you are so close! To think in 2 weeks time we’ll be hearing all about baby :dance:

I’ve had a couple nights were baby was low down on my bladder and I constantly felt like I had to pee. There’s still plenty of room in there for them to move around though, so I put my knees on the couch, arms on the ground, and did a sort of half headstand. It moved baby up and off my bladder and then I got to feel loads of rolling and kicking for the next half hour. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be once they’re in your bladder but with nowhere to go.
A lot of peeing all night long that’s for sure!
My baby loves to kick my cervix for an hour at midnight! Getting me ready for another night owl I think!
Has anyone bought any exciting baby things yet? I’ve only bought sleep suits and vests in gender neutral so far and one pack of nappies. Sorted for new born and up to one month sizes need to make a start on some 0-3 but don’t want to go over board as will want to get some pink or blue when they arrive.
I know what pram/ co sleeper and Moses basket I want but we are limited in space as waiting to move to a four bed at some point next year so thinking of holding off until maybe when I’m 32 ish weeks before buying them! can’t believe it’s V day on Saturday….

I always set myself little milestones in pregnancy I don’t know if anyone else does? My next is 24 weeks then 28 then 30 etc etc …
@Reiko_ctu I think when I was last pregnant many moons ago raspberry leaf tea was from around 32 weeks? Don't quote me though ha. but I'm sure it was just for the last few weeks in third tri. Maybe someone more recently experienced can help though!
My baby loves to kick my cervix for an hour at midnight! Getting me ready for another night owl I think!
Has anyone bought any exciting baby things yet? I’ve only bought sleep suits and vests in gender neutral so far and one pack of nappies. Sorted for new born and up to one month sizes need to make a start on some 0-3 but don’t want to go over board as will want to get some pink or blue when they arrive.
I know what pram/ co sleeper and Moses basket I want but we are limited in space as waiting to move to a four bed at some point next year so thinking of holding off until maybe when I’m 32 ish weeks before buying them! can’t believe it’s V day on Saturday….

I always set myself little milestones in pregnancy I don’t know if anyone else does? My next is 24 weeks then 28 then 30 etc etc …

I set myself milestones too.
24 then 28 then 30 32 and no 35 which is what I am on Saturday. There great to set I think.
Every mile stone is a little cerbration.

I don't think u can have RLT untill 37 weeks. That's what the rules were years ago but all cud of changed now.
I only ever had it with my second but I ended up with a very irritated uterus from it. And went over due.
So I don't bother with it anymore.
My baby loves to kick my cervix for an hour at midnight! Getting me ready for another night owl I think!
Has anyone bought any exciting baby things yet? I’ve only bought sleep suits and vests in gender neutral so far and one pack of nappies. Sorted for new born and up to one month sizes need to make a start on some 0-3 but don’t want to go over board as will want to get some pink or blue when they arrive.
I know what pram/ co sleeper and Moses basket I want but we are limited in space as waiting to move to a four bed at some point next year so thinking of holding off until maybe when I’m 32 ish weeks before buying them! can’t believe it’s V day on Saturday….

I always set myself little milestones in pregnancy I don’t know if anyone else does? My next is 24 weeks then 28 then 30 etc etc …

I totally set myself milestones too, 25 (which I am today) 28, 30, 34, 37 I reckon haha!!

I am totally nesting like a mad women today, I've just realised the change table isn't going to fit where i'd planned so I'm stressing aboout that lol!! damn small house argh
I ended up in triage last night due a headache not shifting with paracetamol and my blood pressure readings was between 150/160 over 95/101 no protein in urine thankfully, so now on labetalol which has helped already and back in later today for a check up, normally once I'm on medication I have twice a week check ups, so will find that out later on I guess. Its never started this early, its normally 30ish weeks and when I've had pre eclampsia its normally 36/37 weeks.
Can't believe some of you have hit v day already,it seems to be going super fast! X
V day for me today! I’m feeling a bit like I need a kick up the bum to start getting things though. I’ve started a baby wish list on Amazon so I can keep track of what I need to get. I’ve still not ordered pushchair but will do in the next week. The bundle it comes with has a next to me sort of crib so I’m going to use that in the bedroom so I’m looking for something for baby to sleep
in downstairs. What do you all use? Also any recommendations on swings/ soothers?
V day for me today! I’m feeling a bit like I need a kick up the bum to start getting things though. I’ve started a baby wish list on Amazon so I can keep track of what I need to get. I’ve still not ordered pushchair but will do in the next week. The bundle it comes with has a next to me sort of crib so I’m going to use that in the bedroom so I’m looking for something for baby to sleep
in downstairs. What do you all use? Also any recommendations on swings/ soothers?
I am the same looking for a little spot for baby to lay in the living room. We have usually used a baby bouncer, like 4moms or Fischer price type, but my last baby loved the swing so we borrowed a grace swing from a friend. But she doesn’t have that anymore. Torn between the swing and a bouncer cause I don’t want both. For soothers I don’t think you can wrong with any type, either baby will take one or not. Only my 1st would take one. But I use the avent green ones, they give them out in the hospital here.
I ended up in triage last night due a headache not shifting with paracetamol and my blood pressure readings was between 150/160 over 95/101 no protein in urine thankfully, so now on labetalol which has helped already and back in later today for a check up, normally once I'm on medication I have twice a week check ups, so will find that out later on I guess. Its never started this early, its normally 30ish weeks and when I've had pre eclampsia its normally 36/37 weeks.
Can't believe some of you have hit v day already,it seems to be going super fast! X
Gosh sorry you’re dealing with that already. Things just start earlier in later pregnancies I guess. I’ve had my GD since 22 weeks as well which is a long time to navigate it. Hope you can manage it well enough with meds to keep baby inside until term xx
Thanks hon. So true.
Hopefully these last weeks will fly for you too hon.
I think my groan pain and inner thigh pain is SPD because my pubic bone kills.
Feel like a zombie with no sleep.
Babies movements today are really outchy he's stretching and feels so so low. Can't stop peeing so wondering if he is engaged. Will find out tomorrow.
The way he is moving tho I'm surprised my waters haven't broke. Outchy outch lol
Oh man, Im so sorry to hear! Pregnancy really takes it out of us, doesn’t it! Are you all packed now?
Random question - is anyone else freaked out by the anatomy scans, especially when they do 4D. I just had my 16 week scan, and couldn’t look at the screen for some parts of it. I love seeing some parts, but others (like the 4D scan on the spine) had me covering my eyes and blanching a bit.

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