♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Congrats on v-day! @Tasha36089

@xxmyheartxx how scary, hope the meds help and keep baby safe and snug until full term. Neither of my babes would use a swing, but both LOVED the fischer price Rock N Play - which I think is discontinued bc I cant find one anywhere! So so sad I sold mine thinking we were done with babies. My son actually used that as his bassinet bc he refused to be laid flat on his back - would just cry and scream. As for soothers both kids preferred Mam paci’s. And I used Dr Brown bottles. Dd nursed and bottlefed pumped milk. Son refused any bottle until I had to wean him for my own sanity and he had no choice.

@Reiko_ctu hows everything?? Cant believe you're so close to single digit weeks left!

Sitting over here on day 6 of a cold. Thankfully its not been too horrific but the cough has set in and is a bit unpleasant. Of course now both littles are sick and my ds is just miserable with congestion and runny nose, dd has a sore throat but not as laid out. V-day on Saturday so trying to just keep looking forward!
What is everyone's gtt policies/protocols in the different countries? My OB acts like its the end of the world I want to refuse it like I dont have a choice. Um yep, yep I do. I havent had it in either previous pregnancy, so far labs and urine have all been perfect. I eat well (minimal sugar/carbs and solid amount of protein diet) Ive only gaines 7 lbs, measuring right on track, baby is barely at 50th percentile - and I have growth scans every 3 weeks so will know if she’s measuring large. I have zero risk factors and honestly its such a stress and hassle to get it done Im not doing it this time, especially since I already have extra appts for my lupus and cant bring my kids to anything. Ugh, vent over. I hate how they act like Im their property and I just have to go along with whatever they want and I have no opinion or choice. No Ma’am, Im paying you for a service.
Random question - is anyone else freaked out by the anatomy scans, especially when they do 4D. I just had my 16 week scan, and couldn’t look at the screen for some parts of it. I love seeing some parts, but others (like the 4D scan on the spine) had me covering my eyes and blanching a bit.

haha they do look like alien monsters in the 4D scans when they have zero body fat. And some regular scans of the face straight on always reminds me of the terminator :rofl:
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@Rach87 honestly I’m miserable. I have really low blood pressure and can barely do anything from the exhaustion of it. But I’m sure I won’t be able to keep this baby in past 39 weeks so at least I’m down to 10 weeks left XD

as for the GTT, I’ve had GD 4 times and also have 0 risk factors. I’m a tiny white girl with no family history and I exercise and eat healthy. But I still get it every pregnancy. So I always encourage mamas to get it because it can really happen to anyone. It’s too bad the test isn’t more accessible to be honest, it’s a pretty terrible test and takes so long and yeah, what are you supposed to do with your kids during that time??? Sheesh. However I think you’re totally right about your OB, if you’re making an informed decision than it really is your choice. Doctors in the US really haven’t caught up to patient-centred care at all - it’s all about insurance coverage standards. Perhaps you could suggest instead, on your third trimester blood work (like when they check your iron etc) you can do it first thing in the morning and ask for a fasting glucose to be added onto the req as a compromise? The fasting is really the best indicator of whether you’ll develop GD or not based on studies.
@Reiko_ctu yea I usually have a tendency to be hypoglycemic, so not overly worried about my sugars being high or uncontrolled. They called yesterday and the nurse left a message saying I can either do the 1 hr or 3 hr gtt, or just test 4x a day. Like, um what?! No. I wont. My fasting glucose is always perfect if not low. (Pregnant and non pregnant) I asked if they could do a hga1c and they didnt even acknowledge it. Just straight to me testing 4x a day. Oy. Sadly its ALL about insurance coverage and how much money they can make. Every time I go to my OB’s and with each pregnancy theres something new and fancy in their office - so they're clearly over testing everyone and making bank.

sorry about the low bp. I also have a major history of that - like 90’s/60’s average. It sucks and really is exhausting. Ive always had to have a higher than normal salt intake to help offset it - try not to get too crazy in pregnancy or I’ll bloat like a balloon in this heat LOL. Ive been using the liquid IV packets the last year and they really help keep my bp at a decent level. Not sure how restricted you are but maybe try those? They do contain a bit of sugar but its the sugar/sodium ratio that helps it absorb better into your system - not sure if that makes a difference for you. Hope you get relief soon!

thanks for your input!
@Reiko_ctu yea I usually have a tendency to be hypoglycemic, so not overly worried about my sugars being high or uncontrolled. They called yesterday and the nurse left a message saying I can either do the 1 hr or 3 hr gtt, or just test 4x a day. Like, um what?! No. I wont. My fasting glucose is always perfect if not low. (Pregnant and non pregnant) I asked if they could do a hga1c and they didnt even acknowledge it. Just straight to me testing 4x a day. Oy. Sadly its ALL about insurance coverage and how much money they can make. Every time I go to my OB’s and with each pregnancy theres something new and fancy in their office - so they're clearly over testing everyone and making bank.

sorry about the low bp. I also have a major history of that - like 90’s/60’s average. It sucks and really is exhausting. Ive always had to have a higher than normal salt intake to help offset it - try not to get too crazy in pregnancy or I’ll bloat like a balloon in this heat LOL. Ive been using the liquid IV packets the last year and they really help keep my bp at a decent level. Not sure how restricted you are but maybe try those? They do contain a bit of sugar but its the sugar/sodium ratio that helps it absorb better into your system - not sure if that makes a difference for you. Hope you get relief soon!

thanks for your input!
Ugh that’s so frustrating and annoying that they won’t try and compromise with you. Like testing 4x a day for the rest of your pregnancy is ridiculous without an actual diagnosis. That’s not a good alternative. The 1 hour test seems the most reasonable option but I know you don’t want to do it at all so it’s not a great option either.

I wonder if working so hard to control my blood sugars is actually making my BP lower, if the sugar and sodium
Work together for absorption and that’s why it’s so low? I’m pretty restrictive with my carbs to keep my levels under control. I just really don’t want to go on insulin!!
@xxmyheartxx So sorry to hear that you’re dealing with that. I hope that the medication does it’s job and you’re able to handle it well throughout the rest of your pregnancy.

@Rach87 They don’t always do the test for gestational diabetes here unless something funny comes up on your blood work, urine test, or you have a history of it. You can request to have it done, but it’s not standard if you’re low risk.

@Reiko_ctu I also tend towards low blood pressure, even when not pregnant. I’ve had a lot of dizzy spells and fainted once in this pregnancy, so now I try to be on top of eating and drinking every 2 hours or so. I also go for something with electrolytes if I have not had as much water as I’d like by early afternoon. I am still finding it hard to drink sometimes because my nausea has hung around. Also, not sure if this is blood pressure related, but keeping cool has seriously helped the dizziness. If it’s really hot I literally just sit next to a fan turned on high.
Thank you ladies, the consultant is happy for me to do my bp checks at home as I work for the trust, have to do them 3 times a week and if they hit 155/95, get swelling, headache gets worse etc will have to go back to triage, currently around 140/85 with the medication I'm on,
I need to start looking at things to buy baby, I normally do 1 big shop once I hit 28-30 weeks but we need everything again x
Oh gosh hon that is high bless u. I've only ever had pre eclampsia once and that was with my now 8 year old daughter.
I strated getting really swollen around 28 weeks and I was diognosed at 32 weeks with High blood pressure and protein in my wee. Had blood in my wee too which was scary. My wee turned pink. But that only happened a few times.
Really hope the tablets manage to keep ure BP lower and baby can stay put untill full term.

Yes hon I'm all packed now. Just a few little last minute bits to pack on induction day or day b4..
I packed about 2 weeks ago and so glad I did.
It's all in the spare room out the way so I haven't got to look at it lol.

Happy V day hon.
Don't worry we didn't start buying untill 27 weeks. Got it all now.
Just need a bouncer but baby will be in moses basket most of the time.
Wud love a mummaroo but there so expensive.
@Reiko_ctu, oh no, sorry about the low blood sugar. I have low blood sugar at times as well, and can only imagine how hard it’d be to deal with it constantly! Hope the next 10 weeks pass quickly!

@xxmyheartxx so sorry about the high blood pressure. I don’t have much experience with it but it sounds like a lot to deal with. Good luck!

@Rach87 I hear u and have had to do the testing both last pregnancy and this one (not yet). It really really sucks that you have to do this against your wishes, and I totally feel like doctors recommend stuff based on insurance coverage, sigh. I hope you can convince your doctor to not do the gtt.

@Suggerhoney yay! Hope you have a smooth delivery soon!
Where I am (UK but also east lancs health care) you have the GTT if your BMI is over 30 (which mine is). Due to covid they are trying to avoid the delightful orange drink. Instead they are doing periodic random blood glucose tests before 26 weeks (they need 3, ive had 2 already which are fine) and then a fasting glucose blood test. If all come back ok no orange goo. If not, you do the 3 hour test thing.

many previous pregnancy I was the same start weight but Pennines Acute Trust apparently CBA with checking me for GD. I definitely didn’t have it, my start weight and end weight for my pregnancy were both 88.3kg and I had a happy chunky 8lb3 baby girl. Even this time I’ve only gained 1.8kg so far so I’m hoping that’s a good sign
What is everyone's gtt policies/protocols in the different countries? My OB acts like its the end of the world I want to refuse it like I dont have a choice. Um yep, yep I do. I havent had it in either previous pregnancy, so far labs and urine have all been perfect. I eat well (minimal sugar/carbs and solid amount of protein diet) Ive only gaines 7 lbs, measuring right on track, baby is barely at 50th percentile - and I have growth scans every 3 weeks so will know if she’s measuring large. I have zero risk factors and honestly its such a stress and hassle to get it done Im not doing it this time, especially since I already have extra appts for my lupus and cant bring my kids to anything. Ugh, vent over. I hate how they act like Im their property and I just have to go along with whatever they want and I have no opinion or choice. No Ma’am, Im paying you for a service.

I’ve got to have the GTT next week because my bmi is over 30. I’ve never had it with any of my others so don’t really know what to expect the midwife just said to expect to be there about 3 hours and drink an horrible drink. Hopefully it’s all ok. I’ve actually lost 5kg since booking, I’m really struggling with my appetite still.

Thank you ladies, the consultant is happy for me to do my bp checks at home as I work for the trust, have to do them 3 times a week and if they hit 155/95, get swelling, headache gets worse etc will have to go back to triage, currently around 140/85 with the medication I'm on,
I need to start looking at things to buy baby, I normally do 1 big shop once I hit 28-30 weeks but we need everything again x

Glad everything is ok, hopefully all stays stable .

Oh gosh hon that is high bless u. I've only ever had pre eclampsia once and that was with my now 8 year old daughter.
I strated getting really swollen around 28 weeks and I was diognosed at 32 weeks with High blood pressure and protein in my wee. Had blood in my wee too which was scary. My wee turned pink. But that only happened a few times.
Really hope the tablets manage to keep ure BP lower and baby can stay put untill full term.

Yes hon I'm all packed now. Just a few little last minute bits to pack on induction day or day b4..
I packed about 2 weeks ago and so glad I did.
It's all in the spare room out the way so I haven't got to look at it lol.

Happy V day hon.
Don't worry we didn't start buying untill 27 weeks. Got it all now.
Just need a bouncer but baby will be in moses basket most of the time.
Wud love a mummaroo but there so expensive.

Would love the mummaroo but can’t justify spending that much.
Where I am (UK but also east lancs health care) you have the GTT if your BMI is over 30 (which mine is). Due to covid they are trying to avoid the delightful orange drink. Instead they are doing periodic random blood glucose tests before 26 weeks (they need 3, ive had 2 already which are fine) and then a fasting glucose blood test. If all come back ok no orange goo. If not, you do the 3 hour test thing.

many previous pregnancy I was the same start weight but Pennines Acute Trust apparently CBA with checking me for GD. I definitely didn’t have it, my start weight and end weight for my pregnancy were both 88.3kg and I had a happy chunky 8lb3 baby girl. Even this time I’ve only gained 1.8kg so far so I’m hoping that’s a good sign
That seems like a good way to screen. I’ve been to the lab for regular bloodwork 3 times already between my first tri bloodwork, a blood type they forgot to include, and my third tri bloodwork! I’d rather have had a glucose included each time than do the 2 hour test we do here. I wonder what the research is on testing that way rather. Because of Covid we couldn’t wait in the lab, we had to wait in our vehicle so I cleaned out all my kids junk out of the van while I waited XD
That seems like a good way to screen. I’ve been to the lab for regular bloodwork 3 times already between my first tri bloodwork, a blood type they forgot to include, and my third tri bloodwork! I’d rather have had a glucose included each time than do the 2 hour test we do here. I wonder what the research is on testing that way rather. Because of Covid we couldn’t wait in the lab, we had to wait in our vehicle so I cleaned out all my kids junk out of the van while I waited XD

She said it’s not quite as accurate as doing the full test, especially as they do it “blind” ie don’t tell you when you’ll have it, don’t ask what or when you’ve eaten. She did say though that it’s very rare for someone with GD to have three random glucose tests within the normal range AND a normal fasting. If any of them are out then it’s onto the 3 hour thingy to double check
@Suggerhoney, sorry you're so uncomfortable! It almost seems unfair for sleep to be so hard to come by the last few weeks of pregancy considering the newborn hell that lies ahead! (Jk, it's not hell, but is it hard!)
@Tasha36089 , I've started an amazon wishlist too. I did it initally to get the free amazon gift box, how now I've edited it just to include the things I need. I've not really bought anything yet, as I have a friend on her last baby who kindly said she'd give me some of her gear, so I'm gratefully waiting to see what that includes.
I know I want to buy something for co-sleeping but I'm not sure if I want to a bassinet that goes right by the bed and opens up to it or one of those baby loungers meant for co-sleeping.
@Rach87 , with my doctor, the glucose test is not an option. (I'm dreading it.) I think it's neat how other healthcare systems consider patient choice and eligibility. In the US, it feels like a lot is out of our hands; like many doctors won't allow vbacs; it's hard to find one that will. Not that I would be a good candidate for that anyway considering my cervix doesn't think it needs to dilate ever :haha:, but I've known many women who have delivered successfully after previous c-sections.

I had a regular appointment with ob yesterday, and all was well. It was nice hearing little man's heartbeat, since I haven't felt to many movements lately; I think he moved. I can't wait for the anatomy scan in 4 weeks. (no 4D for me since insurance doesn't cover it)

Last week my family traveled to pick up a Boston terrier puppy. He is precious but onery. (We orginially purchased him in the time period after my failed IUI, when we were getting over the fact of no baby, lol, how funny life works out.) I'm hoping we get a routine going with him well before baby comes, but it will be challenging.

Hope everyone is doing well!
@Suggerhoney, sorry you're so uncomfortable! It almost seems unfair for sleep to be so hard to come by the last few weeks of pregancy considering the newborn hell that lies ahead! (Jk, it's not hell, but is it hard!)
@Tasha36089 , I've started an amazon wishlist too. I did it initally to get the free amazon gift box, how now I've edited it just to include the things I need. I've not really bought anything yet, as I have a friend on her last baby who kindly said she'd give me some of her gear, so I'm gratefully waiting to see what that includes.
I know I want to buy something for co-sleeping but I'm not sure if I want to a bassinet that goes right by the bed and opens up to it or one of those baby loungers meant for co-sleeping.
@Rach87 , with my doctor, the glucose test is not an option. (I'm dreading it.) I think it's neat how other healthcare systems consider patient choice and eligibility. In the US, it feels like a lot is out of our hands; like many doctors won't allow vbacs; it's hard to find one that will. Not that I would be a good candidate for that anyway considering my cervix doesn't think it needs to dilate ever :haha:, but I've known many women who have delivered successfully after previous c-sections.

I had a regular appointment with ob yesterday, and all was well. It was nice hearing little man's heartbeat, since I haven't felt to many movements lately; I think he moved. I can't wait for the anatomy scan in 4 weeks. (no 4D for me since insurance doesn't cover it)

Last week my family traveled to pick up a Boston terrier puppy. He is precious but onery. (We orginially purchased him in the time period after my failed IUI, when we were getting over the fact of no baby, lol, how funny life works out.) I'm hoping we get a routine going with him well before baby comes, but it will be challenging.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Haha I know exactly what u mean don't worry haha. The new born bit is very hard and not sleeping now sucks. Spent another night awake last night.
It's becoming a regular thing now.

I had to have the GTT because my pregnancy is high risk so I had to have it.
Passed it thankfully.
Here in the UK they do it over 2 hours.

Tbh I didn't find the orange drink that bad at all.

Am I weird haha.
V-day today!! Cant believe I'm already so close to third trimester!

thanks everyone for your input. Its interesting how different the policies are in different areas.

heres my 24 week bump! I think Im aging drastically each week :rofl: This has been a tough one as me and the littles all caught a nasty summer cold. Ugh. Thankfully near the end of it but its been over a week and Im toast.
Ugh ladies I’m sorry I need to vent because I’m feeling in a bit of a panic.

I was up in the mountains today with dh and some friends. We stopped for some homemade ice cream which was made with local milk. When I started eating my ice cream I felt like it tasted sour, but my smell and taste have been so off from the pregnancy I didn’t say anything at first. Then dh mentioned that his also had a very famry sour smell as well. A friend said it was probably just because the milk was local. I sent dh back to make sure the milk was pasteurised (it was), and threw out the rest of my ice cream cone, but I’m still a bit panicked that there may have been some nasty bacteria though and I’ll end up with some sort of nasty food poisoning.

The stand is very popular and I’m sure the ice cream had to be very fresh as this area is so busy in August and there are only two ice cream stands in that area. I’m usually not this paranoid about these things, especially since I only had enough ice cream to equate a single swig of milk, but being pregnant has made me so worried about eating food that’s off!
@Teafor2 i wouldnt worry too much. The placenta is an excellent barrier for most bacteria. Especially if you had a very small amount. Its tough not to panic over every breath though when youre preggy :)
Officially 99 days until my due date... single digit count down eeek.
19 days until I get married.. 17 days until my 28 week 3/4D scan yippeee. Can't wait to see bub, can't believe I haven't had an ultrasound since 19 weeks!!

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