♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

So exciting @Suggerhoney can't wait to see your bundle of joy. The weekend is soooo close!! :D

I'm literally counting down the days hon hehe.
Wish I had a time to go in but won't know that until the day. I have to wait for them to phone me with a time. All I got is the date for now.
Just hope they won't be too busy so I can hopefully go in nice and early.
I've been told the earliest they can call me is 8am so will have to be up early. Dought i will get much sleep.
Just hope and pray I'm not left waiting all day for the call.
I really want a early morning slot to get things going and I don't want to be labouring all night.
But it all depends on how busy they are.

I keep praying there not gonna be busy at all on Friday night or Saturday.

Can't believe its v day tomorrow for me! Time certainly seems to be flying.

I had my 24 week check up over the weekend which led to me being admitted as my blood pressure was averaging out at 170/100 so they have increased my medication to 3 times a day and I'm off work for a week to make sure I'm on the correct dosage and also taking my bp readings 3 times a day as well. Back to hospital on Saturday for another check and review with consultant.
Can't believe its v day tomorrow for me! Time certainly seems to be flying.

I had my 24 week check up over the weekend which led to me being admitted as my blood pressure was averaging out at 170/100 so they have increased my medication to 3 times a day and I'm off work for a week to make sure I'm on the correct dosage and also taking my bp readings 3 times a day as well. Back to hospital on Saturday for another check and review with consultant.

Really hope the meds help hon. Good luck at ure appointment on Saturday.
Hope everyone had a good weekend, especially if you're in the UK with the bank holiday!

I had a bit of a panic last night, I went up to bed around 9ish and OH came upstairs to say night and rubbed bump as he often does. I made the remark that baby hadn't really moved as much as normal in the evening, as I sat watching TV he usually lets me know he's along with me lol. But nothing last night. Anyway, we'd been out and travelling as well so didn't think too much of it as I had felt him move that day and it's not unlike him to sometimes be quieter in the evening although maybe not this quiet.
Anyway, come 4am I woke up, couldn't feel anything, laying on my side/sort of on front - I usually get told off with some kicks if I lay on my side like that as he clearly doesn't like to be squashed lol. But there was nothing, changed sides, even lay for a couple of mins on front fully, nothing. Got up, walked down to the loo, then downstairs as OH was still up, still nothing. Panicking big time as coupled with not feeling him in the evening I was thinking the worst. Had a cold drink, walked back upstairs and sat up in bed..nothing. As a last resort, I started playing some music to bump, OH is a big rock fan so we've got the rockabye baby collections on the go so started playing that and after a couple of songs he was having a wriggle. Thank god. I was getting ready to call the emergency maternity number.

Still 15 weeks until I'm due and already this child is causing me worry!

Sorry. Had to vent that all out, he's also wide awake today!
@xxmyheartxx I hope they can get your blood pressure under control and you’re feeling okay.

@aymz1983 I also get a little panicky if I don’t feel baby move at the regular time. I think they used to be facing out and I’d feel a lot of kicks and jabs, but recently I think they’ve been in towards my spine and I feel less intense wriggles. I’ve also started getting kicks up above my belly button so the places I’m feeling movement are changing and are not always as obvious as before. I guess as baby grows and moves around their movements will change, but it’s scary sometimes for sure!
Sorry u had a scare hon. Maybe he was having a good sleep and a growth spurt.
Yes, he probably was having a good sleep, I hope it's a sign of things to come! There's always something to worry about isn't there. Thank you though :)
@xxmyheartxx oh my how scary. Hope the extra meds can keep it regulated and baby can bake a but longer!

@aymz1983 my little has been extra quiet the last few days too. I keep poking at my belly to get movement lol. She’s probably so annoyed with me lol. We’re close due dates so wondering if week 25 is a growth spurt week. Little stinkers already causing us such worry and they aren't even out yet!

@Suggerhoney look forward to your baby updates! Will continue to stalk sept/oct groups :)
I'm literally counting down the days hon hehe.
Wish I had a time to go in but won't know that until the day. I have to wait for them to phone me with a time. All I got is the date for now.
Just hope they won't be too busy so I can hopefully go in nice and early.
I've been told the earliest they can call me is 8am so will have to be up early. Dought i will get much sleep.
Just hope and pray I'm not left waiting all day for the call.
I really want a early morning slot to get things going and I don't want to be labouring all night.
But it all depends on how busy they are.

I keep praying there not gonna be busy at all on Friday night or Saturday.


Here they generally give you a time. But for some reason seem to like inducing in the evening lol!! both times I've been induced it has been at 5pm ugh.
Fingers and toes crossed for you that it is an early phone call!! :) not long to go now. Can't wait till it's my turn lol!! at least another 10 weeks for me hehe.

@aymz1983 they love giving us a scare don't they! I get very nervous if I realise I haven't felt him for awhile. Glad everything turned out okay.

27 weeks today! At 3rd tri or almost there depending where you look lol!
Lots of pressure already down there, the BH have officially started a couple of days ago and the oh so lovely random middle of the night leg cramps.
@Rach87 ooh never thought it could be a growth spurt, I never thought it could happen whilst pregnant for some reason!

@Skye75 dress is beautiful, next weekend will be here so quick. Happy 3rd tri!
Oooooow I love the dress hon its so pretty and u look lovely in it.
Oh gosh I hope they don't induce me at 5pm lol.
Can't be doing all night labour haha.
Hubby thinks it will be Saturday morning so hopefully he is right.

@Rach87 haha yep get stalking hehe.
I had a growth scan today and he's 7lb 1oz. Dh predicted 7lb 2 or 3 at birth I predicted bigger.
I feel like I'm the size of a house but people I meet and get talking to say I have a very neat bump.
A lady in the lift at the hospital today told me all her daughter who is also pregnant and looks exactly the same as me. And when she asked how far i was and I said 36+4 weeks she cudnt believe it because he daughter isn't due until November.
So I don't know maybe isn't as big as what I think.
@Skye75 Beautiful dress!!

we are back at school this week and I am complete exhausted. When I get home all I can do is eat and sleep and then wake up to eat and then go back to sleep. Today my director asked if I’m sure I’m not having twins because my belly has popped so much!
Hey girls, I am finally trying to find the time to sit down and do an update on our group thread! Life has been so busy lately! Everything is going good with the baby. The last time I had an ultrasound was at 19 weeks and baby is healthy measuring right at 19 weeks, on schedule. I am going to include those pictures with this post.

The only negative was that my BP has been really high. I eventually went to my OBGYN and ended up having to go to the hospital to the triage to get my BP down. They took my blood and a urine sample to make sure everything was okay. My BW was normal, my urine only had a trace amount of protein in it. Eventually my BP came down and I am now on BP medications. I was at the hospital late in the evening and I didn't get home until 10pm. I was exhausted but thankful I didn't have to stay the night at the hospital. I was still pretty scared and my anxiety wasn't helping out my BP at all!

I am worried about the risks to the baby being on the medication, but my BP was so high that I really don't have a choice. The meds I am on are pretty low risk to the baby and used on pregnant women very frequently. I have been speed walking a minimum of 3 days a week or more and I have cut my salt intake way down, but it is still not enough! I had high BP and pre eclampsia by the end of my pregnany with my DD, but I made it to 37 weeks by c-section and my DD was just fine, a little over 5 lbs and didn't have any NICU stay. I am hoping to have that same scenario with this pregnancy also. I am so glad I will be 24 weeks soon, that makes me feel a little bit better.

My next appointment is my 24 week growth scan with maternal fetal medicine and i have an OBGYN visit after that. My DR. wanted me to do the glucose test, but I asked to opt out of it and he wants me to check my blood sugar at home 4 times a day,and than give them the results. I'm fine with this alternative because I am not a fanof the glucose test. Wish me luck. That comes up in about 2 weeks.

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Can't believe its v day tomorrow for me! Time certainly seems to be flying.

I had my 24 week check up over the weekend which led to me being admitted as my blood pressure was averaging out at 170/100 so they have increased my medication to 3 times a day and I'm off work for a week to make sure I'm on the correct dosage and also taking my bp readings 3 times a day as well. Back to hospital on Saturday for another check and review with consultant.

I'm so sorry about your BP being so high! I hope that the medications increased dosage helps you out and it comes down! BIg hugs to you! XOXO

I am in the same boat as you though with the high BP and I am on medications now! It's pretty stressful though worrying about your BP and the baby! I am praying for us both that we can make it to full term and keep our BP's under control!

If you don't mind me asking what medication are you on? I am on Procardia aka Nifedipine.
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Hope everyone had a good weekend, especially if you're in the UK with the bank holiday!

I had a bit of a panic last night, I went up to bed around 9ish and OH came upstairs to say night and rubbed bump as he often does. I made the remark that baby hadn't really moved as much as normal in the evening, as I sat watching TV he usually lets me know he's along with me lol. But nothing last night. Anyway, we'd been out and travelling as well so didn't think too much of it as I had felt him move that day and it's not unlike him to sometimes be quieter in the evening although maybe not this quiet.
Anyway, come 4am I woke up, couldn't feel anything, laying on my side/sort of on front - I usually get told off with some kicks if I lay on my side like that as he clearly doesn't like to be squashed lol. But there was nothing, changed sides, even lay for a couple of mins on front fully, nothing. Got up, walked down to the loo, then downstairs as OH was still up, still nothing. Panicking big time as coupled with not feeling him in the evening I was thinking the worst. Had a cold drink, walked back upstairs and sat up in bed..nothing. As a last resort, I started playing some music to bump, OH is a big rock fan so we've got the rockabye baby collections on the go so started playing that and after a couple of songs he was having a wriggle. Thank god. I was getting ready to call the emergency maternity number.

Still 15 weeks until I'm due and already this child is causing me worry!

Sorry. Had to vent that all out, he's also wide awake today!

I am so sorry about the scare with the baby's movements. How far along are you now hun? They say you can't really count kicks until you are 28 weeks. Until than the movements may not be consistent. The same thing happens to me sometimes though. the baby will be super active and than all of the sudden I can't feel any movement, and it freaks me out! I think it is because the baby is changing positions though, and we can't feel as much in certain positions. I do have an at home doppler that I will get out if i get too freaked out though, but I can totally relate to how you feel! I am glad that the baby started moving more again for you to give you peace of mind! It is so stressful being pregnant! We just got to hang in there though hun! Time is going by so fast! Baby will be here before we know it!
I am so sorry about the scare with the baby's movements. How far along are you now hun? They say you can't really count kicks until you are 28 weeks. Until than the movements may not be consistent. The same thing happens to me sometimes though. the baby will be super active and than all of the sudden I can't feel any movement, and it freaks me out! I think it is because the baby is changing positions though, and we can't feel as much in certain positions. I do have an at home doppler that I will get out if i get too freaked out though, but I can totally relate to how you feel! I am glad that the baby started moving more again for you to give you peace of mind! It is so stressful being pregnant! We just got to hang in there though hun! Time is going by so fast! Baby will be here before we know it!

I'm 25 weeks today, so not far off 28 weeks. He does have a pattern already, just took himself out of it that evening!
Sorry about BP, I'm also on meds for high BP, I'm on Labetalol 200mg a day. Although last time I had it checked it was in the normal.rsnge so who knows. At midwife next Friday so hopefully still be good then.
I've got growth scan on 22nd followed by consultant so be interesting to see how things are then. They have forgotten to make me my glucose test and I'm in two minds whether to chase them! I've never had an issue with GD before and I'm not showing any signs atm. I know that's not to say it won't happen but we shall see.

15 weeks go go though, not sure if I can cope until then, insomnia and spd got me good so far!
I'm 25 weeks today, so not far off 28 weeks. He does have a pattern already, just took himself out of it that evening!
Sorry about BP, I'm also on meds for high BP, I'm on Labetalol 200mg a day. Although last time I had it checked it was in the normal.rsnge so who knows. At midwife next Friday so hopefully still be good then.
I've got growth scan on 22nd followed by consultant so be interesting to see how things are then. They have forgotten to make me my glucose test and I'm in two minds whether to chase them! I've never had an issue with GD before and I'm not showing any signs atm. I know that's not to say it won't happen but we shall see.

15 weeks go go though, not sure if I can cope until then, insomnia and spd got me good so far!

Thanks hun! I was on labetalol and Procardia after my pregnancy for my DD after she arrived. My BP wouldn't come down so I went home from the hospital on BP meds. I did eventually loose lots of weight, got back into shape running/spin biking and I was able to get off of the meds again. However here I am once again, i have gained some of the weight back that I lost, 4 years older and my BP got up high earlier on me this time, and I am on meds during the pregnancy, not just after I have given birth like last time.

I'm right there in the same boat as you also with the insomnia! I'm already very uncomfortable and my tummy looks like I am 9 months already! LOL! At night I sleep propped up on a million pillows and the only way I can get comfortable is to sleep elevated up on my back, i try to lay on my left side but that is never very comfortable for long! The last couple of times I was pregnant, I don't remember being this uncomfortable this early on! I was only really uncomfortable at the end! LOL! Ugghh! That is what being in my early 40's must be doing to me! LOL!
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