♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Better late than never 27week bumpdate…


And scan went perfect. Baby is 24th percentile exactly same as last scan so growing right on track! She’s a whopping 2lbs 5oz already. Every scan shes face first snuggles into the placenta with her hands up around/covering her face. So cute - hope it means shes a little snuggler. Tech had a tough time getting a decent 3d because of it but heres a couple. You can see her nose looks squished bc she is literally smashed into the uterine wall/placenta lol On the upside baby is finally head down! Shes been either breech or transverse this whole time - but I actually felt her flip a few days ago and tech said she is way down there wedged between my cervix and low placenta (which I have to have rechecked around 32 weeks - but if it wasnt far enough away she couldnt be down there so I think Im good for another vaginal delivery)

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Its so quiet in here. Oct/Nov are starting to have their babies! Eeeek! But they were talking a bit about previous labors so thought it would be fun to share.

First: contractions woke me at 4am. 9am while making breakfast I felt a little pop and had a small amount if wetness. (I was 2 days before my due date so had been wearing pads just in case) Called my OB to tell them I think my waters broke and I had been having on/off contractions. Nurse told me I peed myself and call on Monday. (This was a friday) Had inconsistent contractions until around 9/10pm. Then got hit with double contractions every 2 min. Left for the hospital at 11:30pm. Get on the expressway and see a drunk driver weaving across all 4 lanes of traffic. Called police. Safely get passed him and on our way. Got half way there (30 min ride) and came to a dead stop on the expressway. A cars battery had blown up and fell out - it and the car 1/4 mile down the road were both on fire. Fiiinally got past that and made it to the hospital. I was about 3cm dilated. They transferred me to the room around 3am. At 4:30am I asked hubby to call the nurse bc I couldnt handle the pain anymore. The nurse scoffed at me saying I would probably only be like 4cm if that. I was 7-8cm so she rushed to get the epidural going and I was gbs+ so needed the antibiotics. By 6am i started pushing and DD was born 7:19am 1 day early.

Second: had inconsistent contractions for 2 full days. Went out to eat with hubby and a friend and of course contractions picked up during. Got home, got ready but still inconsistent so hymned and hawed for a while before deciding to go to the hospital at 11:30pm. Was 6cm when arriving. Didnt progress for a few hours so they refused my epidural because I was 38w6d and not “full term” and said they would probably send me home. This was around 3am and I was so exhausted from 2 days of labor. The nurse saw my panic and said to walk around the maternity ward for an hour and we’ll see if that helps. They hooked me up to the monitor, I walked down 1 hall and like the movies my waters broke all over the floor - right outside a patients room. Had to waddle back - nurse said “oh I guess you were right you are in labor” they gave me the epidural and 5 min later I said I needed to push. They again didnt believe me and then checked and I was 10 cm (yes went from 6-10cm in about 20 min) DS was born before epidural could take full effect 10 min later.

I have lupus and fibromyalgia so deal with pain constantly - both labors the nurses didnt believe I was in true labor because I wasnt screaming. I internalize my pain and get quiet. So ladies - scream it out for the nurses to believe you :rofl:

hoping this labor/delivery is less eventful lol
Love the labour stories! Rach!

Here’s mine..
1st baby: had on and off niggling contractions day before she was born and back ache. Nothing major. Woke in the night uncomfortable and regular contractions (refused to believe I was in labour) they weren’t too painful. Eventually they got stronger. Rang my partner he was working a few hours away in London so he has to drive home… his car broke down on the way back and his phone died so I couldn’t get in contact with him. He eventually arrived back at about 10am. 11am I said I needed to go to hospital. Got checked was 5-6cm dilated. Had some gas and air and some diamorphine. Got the urge to push not long after. Active labour from 4cm-born was about 4 hours so pretty fast for first baby. Minimal blood loss and no tears!

second baby: I was so fed up as first was born before due date. Day before due date baby still wasn’t here. Had been on and off contracting for weeks. Got a membrane sweep that day and fed up it didn’t work. Went to bed and woke up at about 3am with back ache and diarrhoea. Couldn’t get comfortable. Started pacing and realised I was contracting. Ten mins later waters broke. Ten mins after that. Baby out born on the bathroom floor. Approx 20-30min labour! Very eventful!

Planned home birth this time!
I've been reading through the sept/Oct/Nov threads and enjoying seeing all the babies, really makes me want mine now! I mean, I know not now, he's too little, but...now ha. Today is a i'm done with being pregnant' day.

Love to read the labour stories! With DS1 I was due to be induced on the Friday at 41+4 but 9pm the night before I started having contractions on my own. I then spent most of Friday in bed at the hospital, they didn't need to induce as I was already 2-3 when I went in anyway, and he was finally born Saturday early morning! About 34 hours from first contraction.
DD1 I don't remember much weirdly. I know I was having some contractions in the afternoon and by tea time we'd called MIL to get DS as they were getting bad. Got to hospital, can't remember how many cm I was but was encouraged not to have epidural as she would be out quicker. I took the epidural ha. She was born early morning too, about 17 hours from first contraction at 41 weeks exactly.
DS2 I woke up about 1am, contractions were strong but I could breathe through. They tailed off for a while mid morning and I had a sleep but then came back and by 4pm I was all but screaming. Got to hospital, 8-9cm (I was so chuffed to get that far with nothing but paracetamol 6 hours earlier!) then they broke my waters and I went down to 7cm. Had epidural, and he popped out half an hour before his due date lol. Think he was about 22 hours from first contraction.

And now I'm excited to see what this little man does!
Hi ladies

Sorry I don't come on as much now.
But I had baby on 5th September.
I was supposed to be induced on 4th but they were crazy busy with womon going into labour and emergencies that I had to wait to the next day to be induced.

Induction started off awful because the pessery made me hyper stimulate and the pain was the worst pain I've ever felt and was constant with contractions thrown in there as well.
They put the pessery in and within minutes I was in agony.
They had to remove the pessery and it took a good 2 hours for things to settle down.
I was given a epidural and they broke my waters.
By 5pm on Sunday 5th I was 4cm and he was born at 10:18pm.
He was 7lb 3oz. But he dropped to 6lb 5oz.
We stayed in hospital for 5 days and it was horrible not seeing the kids and only seeing my DH for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. He was the only visitor I was aloud because of covid but he cudnt stay with me long because he had to get back for Tommy and picking our 2 older ones up from school.
We came home last Friday.

Harley-Oliver is almost 2 weeks old now and weighs 6lb 14oz.
He's so teeny.

Me and DH are gonna try for one more baby in about a year or so.
I know I'm not young and I turn 42 in December but we have decided to give it one last try.
I will be coming up to or will be 43 but according to all the midwifes lots of womon are having babies in there 40s and even mid 40s now.
But I won't leave it any later than 43.

So may be floating around the testing threads again In the not to far future.
I would be typing all day with all my labour stories :haha:


Dd1 started off naturally at 40+4needed drip to help as contractions wasn't strong enough, ended up with forceps delivery as was stuck

Dd2 diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 39 weeks, was induced, didn't need pessary as they broke my waters, she arrived 53 mins later.

Ds1 was induced at 41+2, needed 1 pessary and then had waters broken, needed drip, delivered 9 hours after pessary

Ds2 was induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure and his growth had stopped, 2 pessaries, waited a day as labour was full, waters broken drip, 3 hours of active labour, 2.5 litre pph and 2 blood transfusions

Ds3 was induced at 38 weeks again due to high blood pressure, didn't need pessary, waters broken, drip and active labour for 5 hours

Birth weights have ranged from 6lb 15 to 10lb

I was advised by consultant yesterday to finish work, my readings are significantly higher when working/worked and they are more than likely going to increase my dosage of labetalol in the next couple of weeks if it doesn't drop with me not working, currently around 140/150 over 85/90 at home and they want it lower, would hate to know what it would be without the medication.
Got a growth scan Tuesday, consultant Wednesday and back at day assessment on Friday.
Had the spainish inquisition from gp receptionist to why I need a sick note so I'm hoping that will be ready for Tuesday, just dreading telling work and letting everyone down as we are so short at the moment and extremely busy.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Ps its exciting that sept/oct babies are being born! Our babies will soon be here x
DD1 - labour induced at 37 weeks due to antiphospholipid syndrome. Had the pessary Friday morning, did nothing. Had gel Saturday morning, started contractions but was only 1cm. By Saturday night around 8pm, I’d only made it to 2cm but was struggling with pain. Went for a walk, pain got worse. Got examined again around 9pm - 4cm waters bulging. Took me to delivery to break my waters. Nothing happened so 4 hours later started me on pitocin drip. Contractions really ramped up. Pain was intense. I had pethidene and went to sleep. At my next exam, I was 9cm. Almost there. Well all of a sudden, emergency buzzer was going, everyone ran into my room, was told I had severe eclampsia and baby was in distress. I needed an EMCS under general anaesthetic. I signed the form and she was born at 37+4 via EMCS. We were both fine after delivery.

DD2 - had been having RFM from 29 weeks, showed slow growth but still on the 20th percentile. I was having regular CTGs every day but things seemed to be fine. Went in one morning at 33 weeks for my usual monitoring, midwife came over and said the consultant is coming to see you. I said everything okay and she said your BP is a little high. Consultant arrived from home and said we need to deliver your baby via C-Section, expecting her to say in a few weeks and she said no, right now. The slow growth is due to pre-eclampsia and it has now become severe. The scary thing was, I FELT FINE. Baby girl delivered at 33 weeks. 4 week NICU stay and we went home

DD3 - we shall see what happens! As it stands it’s a planned section at 37 weeks (11th Dec) but I’ve just spent 2 night in hospital due to onset of Pre-E so we shall see how far we make it. All is well for now though.
@Suggerhoney Congratulations on your baby boy! Glad to hear you and him are doing well <3

Love reading all the labor stories! This is my first so I have no experience. Just keeping my mind open and hoping for the best. If I’ve learned anything in our ttc journey it’s that you don’t have much control.

I’ve managed to catch the cold my kids at school have been passing around. Headache, sore throat, runny nose, and a bit achy. I’ve taken my temperature but no fever. I did wake up quite sweaty this morning so I’m wondering if I had a low grade temperature over the night.
Its so quiet in here. Oct/Nov are starting to have their babies! Eeeek! But they were talking a bit about previous labors so thought it would be fun to share.

First: contractions woke me at 4am. 9am while making breakfast I felt a little pop and had a small amount if wetness. (I was 2 days before my due date so had been wearing pads just in case) Called my OB to tell them I think my waters broke and I had been having on/off contractions. Nurse told me I peed myself and call on Monday. (This was a friday) Had inconsistent contractions until around 9/10pm. Then got hit with double contractions every 2 min. Left for the hospital at 11:30pm. Get on the expressway and see a drunk driver weaving across all 4 lanes of traffic. Called police. Safely get passed him and on our way. Got half way there (30 min ride) and came to a dead stop on the expressway. A cars battery had blown up and fell out - it and the car 1/4 mile down the road were both on fire. Fiiinally got past that and made it to the hospital. I was about 3cm dilated. They transferred me to the room around 3am. At 4:30am I asked hubby to call the nurse bc I couldnt handle the pain anymore. The nurse scoffed at me saying I would probably only be like 4cm if that. I was 7-8cm so she rushed to get the epidural going and I was gbs+ so needed the antibiotics. By 6am i started pushing and DD was born 7:19am 1 day early.

Second: had inconsistent contractions for 2 full days. Went out to eat with hubby and a friend and of course contractions picked up during. Got home, got ready but still inconsistent so hymned and hawed for a while before deciding to go to the hospital at 11:30pm. Was 6cm when arriving. Didnt progress for a few hours so they refused my epidural because I was 38w6d and not “full term” and said they would probably send me home. This was around 3am and I was so exhausted from 2 days of labor. The nurse saw my panic and said to walk around the maternity ward for an hour and we’ll see if that helps. They hooked me up to the monitor, I walked down 1 hall and like the movies my waters broke all over the floor - right outside a patients room. Had to waddle back - nurse said “oh I guess you were right you are in labor” they gave me the epidural and 5 min later I said I needed to push. They again didnt believe me and then checked and I was 10 cm (yes went from 6-10cm in about 20 min) DS was born before epidural could take full effect 10 min later.

I have lupus and fibromyalgia so deal with pain constantly - both labors the nurses didnt believe I was in true labor because I wasnt screaming. I internalize my pain and get quiet. So ladies - scream it out for the nurses to believe you :rofl:

hoping this labor/delivery is less eventful lol
That is really just so stupid the way they treated you. I honestly don’t get labour and delivery nurses at all. They’ve got to be the stupidest of the bunch. How many times have they seen a mom have a baby in the hallway/parking lot/right when they arrive that they feel justified to doubt when a woman is in labour? It honestly takes absolutely nothing for them to trust you, do a cervical check and treat you with kindness. No one comes to the hospital if they’re not truly in pain. My sister was an L&D nurse for years before transferring to Pediatric ER and one of the reasons was just they’re so lazy. I’ve had such bad experiences at the hospital with LD nurses. In my birth plan for this one I have said the nurses shouldn’t be involved unless asked by me or my midwife. I don’t even want them touching my baby afterwards they’re probably ready to spring on them with formula and needless newborn interventions.
DD1 - labour induced at 37 weeks due to antiphospholipid syndrome. Had the pessary Friday morning, did nothing. Had gel Saturday morning, started contractions but was only 1cm. By Saturday night around 8pm, I’d only made it to 2cm but was struggling with pain. Went for a walk, pain got worse. Got examined again around 9pm - 4cm waters bulging. Took me to delivery to break my waters. Nothing happened so 4 hours later started me on pitocin drip. Contractions really ramped up. Pain was intense. I had pethidene and went to sleep. At my next exam, I was 9cm. Almost there. Well all of a sudden, emergency buzzer was going, everyone ran into my room, was told I had severe eclampsia and baby was in distress. I needed an EMCS under general anaesthetic. I signed the form and she was born at 37+4 via EMCS. We were both fine after delivery.

DD2 - had been having RFM from 29 weeks, showed slow growth but still on the 20th percentile. I was having regular CTGs every day but things seemed to be fine. Went in one morning at 33 weeks for my usual monitoring, midwife came over and said the consultant is coming to see you. I said everything okay and she said your BP is a little high. Consultant arrived from home and said we need to deliver your baby via C-Section, expecting her to say in a few weeks and she said no, right now. The slow growth is due to pre-eclampsia and it has now become severe. The scary thing was, I FELT FINE. Baby girl delivered at 33 weeks. 4 week NICU stay and we went home

DD3 - we shall see what happens! As it stands it’s a planned section at 37 weeks (11th Dec) but I’ve just spent 2 night in hospital due to onset of Pre-E so we shall see how far we make it. All is well for now though.
My sister just had her first via section at 32 weeks because of PRe-E. I’m sorry, that really sucks. They’re doing ok but it’s tough not to be able to bring baby home. I hope you can make it close to term and avoid an nicu stay xx
Congrats @sugarhoney!
1st Baby: I went in to be induced close to my due date. They put misoprostol on my cervix. My contractions started soon after, however my cervix didn't dilate, and the baby's heart was starting to drop with each contraction. The nurse also said that based on the pattern on contractions, back to back, that it usually indicated labor wasn't going to work; that there wouldn't be enough room. (I guess I don't have birthing hips, :haha:) They decided to go ahead and do a c-section a few hours later.
2nd Baby: I wanted a v-bac, but when I went into labor (through self-inducing tricks), after a few hours, I hadn't dilated at all, and they wanted to put a monitor in to track stress on my section scar, but couldn't. So c-section it was.
This one will be a scheduled, repeat c-section, but it's good to be aware of the plan and be safe.

I hope everyone's doing well! I had my anatomy scan Thursday; my kids were there, it was so much fun. My son said "it looks like a squid." Lol
My sister just had her first via section at 32 weeks because of PRe-E. I’m sorry, that really sucks. They’re doing ok but it’s tough not to be able to bring baby home. I hope you can make it close to term and avoid an nicu stay xx

yes it’s definitely tough having a NIcU baby. If I was at the hospital with her, I felt guilty on my 1 year old at home, and if I was home with her; I felt guilty on the baby. Tough times, hopefully with this baby I can make it until 36/37 weeks and even if intervention was needed hopefully it wouldn’t be too long!

tell your sister that those little prem babies are stronger than you think! And become very independent little humans. X
yes it’s definitely tough having a NIcU baby. If I was at the hospital with her, I felt guilty on my 1 year old at home, and if I was home with her; I felt guilty on the baby. Tough times, hopefully with this baby I can make it until 36/37 weeks and even if intervention was needed hopefully it wouldn’t be too long!

tell your sister that those little prem babies are stronger than you think! And become very independent little humans. X
She’s disappointed because she had set a goal to be going home by 35 weeks gestation but that’s only a few days and baby still can’t fully eat on her own. But I told her a lot can happen in a week and a few days, and I also read that 32 week babies average going home at 36 weeks. Hopefully she can head home not too long.

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