♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

I'll have to have a think about my birth stories lol! seem like such a long time ago, Beau is 9 in Jan and Tess is 8 in April!!

The big 3 - 0 weeks today woo. The final countdown!! I feel like this last bit is going to go soooooooo slow!!
@Teafor2 how did you get on today at doctor?

Had 28 week growth scan today, all is well with little man, estimated 2lbs 10oz, 49th percentile. He's not head down but not quite transverse...more diagonal I suppose lol. Legs right up over his head for most of the scan, can't be comfy!
Consultant appointment followed, she said I don't need to take aspirin as advised by midwife, but I do need to be on blood thinners, so I now have to inject myself daily until the point I go into labour. Because of higher risk with weight etc, she said it's possible they will want to discuss early induction around 37/38 weeks but as I've had 3 normal births before they might just let me go all the way. I should know more when I'm seen either at 32 or 36 weeks.
And she's ordered me a chest X ray for cough, probably just exacerbated by squished lungs thanks to baby but wants to rule out anything bad so hopefully that will be ok.

Picture of little man, best one I've had in all the scans and yet all I can do is focus on his leg because it looks like a ghost lol.

I'll have to have a think about my birth stories lol! seem like such a long time ago, Beau is 9 in Jan and Tess is 8 in April!!

The big 3 - 0 weeks today woo. The final countdown!! I feel like this last bit is going to go soooooooo slow!!
Hello from 34 weeks, where I can tell you your assessment is correct, it will go slow :tease:Lol
@Teafor2 how did you get on today at doctor?

Had 28 week growth scan today, all is well with little man, estimated 2lbs 10oz, 49th percentile. He's not head down but not quite transverse...more diagonal I suppose lol. Legs right up over his head for most of the scan, can't be comfy!
Consultant appointment followed, she said I don't need to take aspirin as advised by midwife, but I do need to be on blood thinners, so I now have to inject myself daily until the point I go into labour. Because of higher risk with weight etc, she said it's possible they will want to discuss early induction around 37/38 weeks but as I've had 3 normal births before they might just let me go all the way. I should know more when I'm seen either at 32 or 36 weeks.
And she's ordered me a chest X ray for cough, probably just exacerbated by squished lungs thanks to baby but wants to rule out anything bad so hopefully that will be ok.

Picture of little man, best one I've had in all the scans and yet all I can do is focus on his leg because it looks like a ghost lol.

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Spooky little foot!!! Lol!! Such a cute little face though!!
Hello from 34 weeks, where I can tell you your assessment is correct, it will go slow :tease:Lol

Oh gees don't tell me that lol!!
At least the next two weeks should go quickly, school holidays from tomorrow afternoon for two weeks.
Can't believe we only have one more term of school left until Christmas holidays. Going to be fun having a newborn and a 7 and 8yo all home for 7 weeks!
Oh gees don't tell me that lol!!
At least the next two weeks should go quickly, school holidays from tomorrow afternoon for two weeks.
Can't believe we only have one more term of school left until Christmas holidays. Going to be fun having a newborn and a 7 and 8yo all home for 7 weeks!
Lovely timing!!
@aymz1983 I am feeling much better and the cough is mostly just in the mornings so I held out on going to the doctor for now. If it doesn’t go away in a week or so I’ll give them a call.

I had a bit of a scare with braxton hicks last night. It was quite late and dh and I dtd. About 20 minutes later, while trying to fall asleep, I started to have braxton hicks contractions. Totally painless, but I could feel they were happening. I counted them and once I got up to 5 I started to become worried. After 7 I checked the time and I’d only been in bed for 30 minutes and had 7 contractions! I went to the kitchen, had a couple glasses of water, and laid down on the couch. I used a contraction timer to keep an eye on them and they were lasting about a minute and coming every 3 minutes on average. I could tell they were getting less intense as time went on though. An hour after they started they finally stopped, but I was ready to call the emergency number for pregnant women here. I only held off because it was 2 am and I really didn’t feel like going into the hospital if I didn’t need to.

I’ve read that braxton hicks after sex are normal, but I wasn’t sure if that falls in the normal range or not. Has anyone else had a similar experience?
I feel like I need a big long moan today. I am suffering massively with pregnancy insomnia. Fall asleep fine wake up at approx 2-4am and that’s it for the day I am sooooooo exhausted!!!!!!!!! I don’t remember this with my other two. Cry.
moan over!
@aymz1983 I am feeling much better and the cough is mostly just in the mornings so I held out on going to the doctor for now. If it doesn’t go away in a week or so I’ll give them a call.

I had a bit of a scare with braxton hicks last night. It was quite late and dh and I dtd. About 20 minutes later, while trying to fall asleep, I started to have braxton hicks contractions. Totally painless, but I could feel they were happening. I counted them and once I got up to 5 I started to become worried. After 7 I checked the time and I’d only been in bed for 30 minutes and had 7 contractions! I went to the kitchen, had a couple glasses of water, and laid down on the couch. I used a contraction timer to keep an eye on them and they were lasting about a minute and coming every 3 minutes on average. I could tell they were getting less intense as time went on though. An hour after they started they finally stopped, but I was ready to call the emergency number for pregnant women here. I only held off because it was 2 am and I really didn’t feel like going into the hospital if I didn’t need to.

I’ve read that braxton hicks after sex are normal, but I wasn’t sure if that falls in the normal range or not. Has anyone else had a similar experience?

yes! It is really scary but I’m exactly the same. I have a very irritable uterus. If my bladder is full even a bit I will have braxton hicks pretty regularly. If I have sex/ orgasm I can have them for hourssssss! Always been the same in my last 2 pregnancies as well. You did the right thing monitoring them. If you’re ever not sure just go in and get checked to be on the safe side xx
Sympathise with the insomnia, you've just described my sleep patterns at the moment. I was dying my hair at 5am the other day lol. I usually find though that if I get up and have a cup of tea and read in the quiet, within about half an hour I'm ready to climb into bed and go back to sleep. Whereas if I just lay there trying to sleep I can lay awake for hours.

I also have Braxton Hicks that are painless but I've not noticed any pattern as to when they come or not. Although I have noticed them more so there's an increase but I haven't been noting when or timing (not that they are close together anyway really). So long as you are keeping an eye on then I'm sure it is all fine, especially if no pain
yes! It is really scary but I’m exactly the same. I have a very irritable uterus. If my bladder is full even a bit I will have braxton hicks pretty regularly. If I have sex/ orgasm I can have them for hourssssss! Always been the same in my last 2 pregnancies as well. You did the right thing monitoring them. If you’re ever not sure just go in and get checked to be on the safe side xx
Thanks! It makes me feel better that I’m not the only one and that obviously you and your babies have been fine. I also get them when my bladder is full or sometimes after emptying my bladder. I’ve only have probably 15 maximum today, so about one an hour and I did have a busy day, so it seems to all be okay now.
@Teafor2 irritable uterus over here too. I got the flu really bad around 20 weeks with my son and im assuming from all the hacking I started getting them all day every day the entire rest of that pregnancy. This time I literally started feeling them around 9ish weeks. They werent too often but the last month or so I get them all the time. Full bladder? BH. Empty bladder? BH. Walk up stairs? BH. Get off couch? BH. Cough? BH. Eat? BH. Give my daughter some side eye? BH.
Theyre totally fine unless accompanied by pain or bleeding, etc. Just extra annoying.
@Teafor2 irritable uterus over here too. I got the flu really bad around 20 weeks with my son and im assuming from all the hacking I started getting them all day every day the entire rest of that pregnancy. This time I literally started feeling them around 9ish weeks. They werent too often but the last month or so I get them all the time. Full bladder? BH. Empty bladder? BH. Walk up stairs? BH. Get off couch? BH. Cough? BH. Eat? BH. Give my daughter some side eye? BH.
Theyre totally fine unless accompanied by pain or bleeding, etc. Just extra annoying.
Yeah I get them quite a lot throughout the day for similar reasons. This is my first pregnancy that has gone longer than 6 weeks and I felt my first one at 12 weeks, so maybe I am just prone to them. It’s encouraging to hear about other women that are the same!
I had an extra appointment today after all the contractions I had on Friday. All looks good and my cervix length is normal. No concerns about preterm labor. The doctor said semen has prostaglandins in it which can cause the contractions and that dh should keep it out of my vagina from now on.
Sadly the baby has passed away. I went into my 26 week OBGYN appointment last week on Monday and the DR couldn't find a heart beat or see any movement. I went to maternal fetal medicine the next day just to confirm everything. My family and I are heart broken and in shock. Everything was just fine with the baby, and than in the blink of an eye, it wasn't anymore. I most likely won't be on here for a while, just because I am grieving the loss. I have a c-section scheduled soon. I am sad and not sure how to process all of this. I need some time. I don't have the heart to tell my 2 daughters just yet, they are both so excited about having a baby sister. My son has special needs and I don't think he understands the pregnancy. but i have told all of my family and friends.

I don't know what I am going to do next. I have four frozen embryos left, but I am going to take a year to heal and get healthy again, get my BP back under control, loose the weight I have gained.

I know I have missed a lot on this thread because of what just happened, but I wish all of you ladies the very best. I hope that all of you girls have happy and healthy babies, and quick recoveries. Congrats on any births that I have missed. XOXO
Sadly the baby has passed away. I went into my 26 week OBGYN appointment last week on Monday and the DR couldn't find a heart beat or see any movement. I went to maternal fetal medicine the next day just to confirm everything. My family and I are heart broken and in shock. Everything was just fine with the baby, and than in the blink of an eye, it wasn't anymore. I most likely won't be on here for a while, just because I am grieving the loss. I have a c-section scheduled soon. I am sad and not sure how to process all of this. I need some time. I don't have the heart to tell my 2 daughters just yet, they are both so excited about having a baby sister. My son has special needs and I don't think he understands the pregnancy. but i have told all of my family and friends.

I don't know what I am going to do next. I have four frozen embryos left, but I am going to take a year to heal and get healthy again, get my BP back under control, loose the weight I have gained.

I know I have missed a lot on this thread because of what just happened, but I wish all of you ladies the very best. I hope that all of you girls have happy and healthy babies, and quick recoveries. Congrats on any births that I have missed. XOXO

omg i am so sorry. I don’t even know what to say to you! Im utterly heartbroken and devastated for you and all your family. How cruel! I am so so sorry
Sadly the baby has passed away. I went into my 26 week OBGYN appointment last week on Monday and the DR couldn't find a heart beat or see any movement. I went to maternal fetal medicine the next day just to confirm everything. My family and I are heart broken and in shock. Everything was just fine with the baby, and than in the blink of an eye, it wasn't anymore. I most likely won't be on here for a while, just because I am grieving the loss. I have a c-section scheduled soon. I am sad and not sure how to process all of this. I need some time. I don't have the heart to tell my 2 daughters just yet, they are both so excited about having a baby sister. My son has special needs and I don't think he understands the pregnancy. but i have told all of my family and friends.

I don't know what I am going to do next. I have four frozen embryos left, but I am going to take a year to heal and get healthy again, get my BP back under control, loose the weight I have gained.

I know I have missed a lot on this thread because of what just happened, but I wish all of you ladies the very best. I hope that all of you girls have happy and healthy babies, and quick recoveries. Congrats on any births that I have missed. XOXO

I am so sorry for your loss of your baby girl. Sending you and your family love and prayers xxx
@wannabeprego I’m so sorry and in complete shock to hear this. I can’t even imagine what you and your family must be feeling right now. I’m sending you so much love <3
Sadly the baby has passed away. I went into my 26 week OBGYN appointment last week on Monday and the DR couldn't find a heart beat or see any movement. I went to maternal fetal medicine the next day just to confirm everything. My family and I are heart broken and in shock. Everything was just fine with the baby, and than in the blink of an eye, it wasn't anymore. I most likely won't be on here for a while, just because I am grieving the loss. I have a c-section scheduled soon. I am sad and not sure how to process all of this. I need some time. I don't have the heart to tell my 2 daughters just yet, they are both so excited about having a baby sister. My son has special needs and I don't think he understands the pregnancy. but i have told all of my family and friends.

I don't know what I am going to do next. I have four frozen embryos left, but I am going to take a year to heal and get healthy again, get my BP back under control, loose the weight I have gained.

I know I have missed a lot on this thread because of what just happened, but I wish all of you ladies the very best. I hope that all of you girls have happy and healthy babies, and quick recoveries. Congrats on any births that I have missed. XOXO
Words just aren’t enough… I am so so incredibly sorry!

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