STILL NO SIGN!!!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH Im going crackers here!!! will be 5 days tomorrow.
Really want theto come now
Maybe it's sympathy for my 8 days late. Give it 3 more days and thewill fly.
I was greatly amused at my brain/body connection during this past month. I thought I should be becausewas 8 days late, but it took the doctor telling me
to really let my brain/body to give it up.
DH was actually getting excited. I told him if that was the case, then maybe we should start trying right away, and he still said "no"
Thats soooo unfair!!! Going to re-test on friday if still no show then make an appointment to see docs if nothing by monday!!
Hi Girls,
Had the worst night last night... Didn't get to sleep until gone 4am. I think I must have cried myself to sleep. Still no sign of AF, which is really getting me down.... I didn't realise quite how disappointed I was with theuntil I had time to think about it all. Was missing my angel so much too......
Sorry to be so negative, just wishingwould turn up, then maybe my hormones would settle and I wouldn't be quite so emotional.
Porkpie - I really thought I had it all under control. I feel so angry with my body for doing this to meThanks for listening chickadee
So I couldn't resist testing again!! And guess what another BIG FAT. So Ive promised myself that Im defo not going to do anymore. Please send me
dust!!! I promise its the only time I'll ask for it!!
DING DONG THEis here!!!!!
SO SO SO SO HAPPY RELIEVED EXCITED!!! :congrats: Bit gutted but now I might be able to sleep tonight!!!
Just wondering do you have shares ins!!