1 ww!


mummy of 5!
Mar 28, 2008
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oooooo i'm now in my 1ww and my boobies are showing signs of life !:rofl:
but thats about it...............:rofl:
just waiting for my ic hpts to pop thru the letterbox,then i can drive myself stupid for another week!:dohh:
HI my Af, going from my last two cycles if due either tomorrow or thurs. Whe are you testing hun? Do you have any symptoms apart from sore @@s? xxxx
I'll be in the 1ww in a couple of days! I'll be testing Monday at the soonest. So Can I join you here? I'd really like to have someone to talk to during this anxious time. I was a poas addict and this time I am very determined not to start testing until 12 dpo. I had gotten a BFP @ 9 dpo in June and AF showed 4 days late on July 5th and then I got another BFP @ 11 dpo and af showed 1 day late. So I don't want to see a BFP to early and have her show up again!
Of course you can join us! Any symptoms yet? xxx
Hey tink, you would be so proud of me, 10dpo today and I havnt indulged my POAS addiction, yippie. I did break down and order some IC on Sunday night so I'm like you, hoping the mailman brings them tomorrow but figuring that might be too soon to expect them, so probably more like Thur or Fri which will make me 12-13dpo so an excellent time to start testing! Got my BFP last time (MC) at 10dpo and felt the egg implant for sure on 9dpo.

Yesterday, 9dpo, I had cramps all afternoon and night and have had some today so REALLY hoping that my eggie implanting!!!! Can't wait for my test, trying REAL hard not to go to the store and spend too much money on FRER!

Good luck to everyone!
Of course you can join us! Any symptoms yet? xxx

Nothing! I did have swollen bbs till today, but nothing at all. What about you?

Hey tink, you would be so proud of me, 10dpo today and I havnt indulged my POAS addiction, yippie. I did break down and order some IC on Sunday night so I'm like you, hoping the mailman brings them tomorrow but figuring that might be too soon to expect them, so probably more like Thur or Fri which will make me 12-13dpo so an excellent time to start testing! Got my BFP last time (MC) at 10dpo and felt the egg implant for sure on 9dpo.

Yesterday, 9dpo, I had cramps all afternoon and night and have had some today so REALLY hoping that my eggie implanting!!!! Can't wait for my test, trying REAL hard not to go to the store and spend too much money on FRER!

Good luck to everyone!

WTG! I'm hoping to keep from testing till I'm 12 dpo. Your temps look great and you have what looks like a triphasic chart. Which most of the charts that have that are on pg ladies charts. So gl to you and I hope you get a :bfp: !
Had sore boobies since ovulation, funny taste in mouth last night but nothing else. Don't think it's my month anyway xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi PP,Simone,JJF.
I'm TESTING already!you think i would have learnt my lesson by now but i cant help myself!!!!
I do have increase in cm but thats about it............
oh and i feel a bit crampy..................
and a bit tired....................
:hissy:right!...stop it now!:hissy:

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