
Welcome Priscilla! I'm right there with you hating the waiting. And it's the same for me...if my husband said we could try right now I would be really tempted but I do think October is probably better for us. He holds the ball in his court tho (lol) bc he is the realist and thinks about everything and so it'll come down to him saying yes. He's already said yes to October so I'm gonna say October 1st no matter where we are at we are trying! Things happen in life and we will never be 100% ready!
Emmy I really wish I had a good suggestion on things to do but I honestly am in the same exact boat. I'm SO impatient. I want the house RIGHT NOW but we don't have enough in our savings yet and the waiting is killing me :(. Ugh!

I'm really glad that I'm able to share my frustrations with yall tho bc like it's been said...my husband is tired of hearing about it! Lol
Today I was in the chemist and I totally had a moment where I wanted to buy the OPK stuff instead of the BC I was there to get!

But I need to get the polyps dealt with first, fingers crossed for an April surgery date! Just for fun...or because I'm crazy, who knows.....I calculated when I would actually stop taking my BC, I came up with two dates 6th January 2016 or 2nd February 2016.....Hubby says Feb, I say Jan, that would give me one 'normal' cycle at home before we head overseas....this means I will schedule my pre-TTC blood tests in July! A mere 4 months away....

Does anyone else have pre-TTC goals they'd like to accomplish? I'd love to see what we're all aiming for while we WTT.

I have a 40 before 30 list, I am turning 28 at the end of this year, so obviously I don't want ALL of these ticked off before we TTC, but ticking some big ones off would be fantastic!

See my list and updates here:


The main ones are:
  • Finish Master's
  • Finish stitching my wedding sampler
  • Go to Germany/Austria/Switzerland (this is our TTC trip)
  • Visit my sister in the UK

I'd also like to be about 10kgs lighter than I am now....currently working on it! We'll see how I go.

I am super impatient to TTC though....but Feb 2016 makes the most sense for us...I am also glad there are quite a few on here who are also WTT for #1 :flower:

Texting my husband as he started work before me and ge out of the blue says that we probably won't be ready to try in June but it won't be much later. Tell me something I don't know!
First of all, thank you to all the ladies that wrote back to me. It really does help to not feel so alone. :)

xstitcher87- Thank you so much for commenting. I ended up going to talk to DH after your post, since I knew knowing that there will be some month it will happen no matter what is what I need. I didn't quite get that, there are certain things he told me that have to be in place otherwise it is really irresponsible to have a baby. So these three things have to happen by Jan to start TTC: 1- house, 2- DH has to be at his job for at least 3 months, and 3- we are on track to save at least 15k by my third trimester. Which again although it feels like it isn't happening, we are on track for this right now. The thing I worked with him on Sat with is the base line so if we at least have these things by March we can start TTC: 1- house or long term living arrangement, 2- DH still needs to be in his job for 3 months and 3- 1 month of income to account for the time he'll lose after babies born plus whatever is not covered by insurance. Depending on which house/townhouse we buy will matter A LOT. And when and what my wage is once I get another job. He also agreed to talk with me in Dec to see if we are somewhere of the middle between ideal and base if we can still start in Jan. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, BUT it is the best I am going to get it. And logically I do know he is right.... just hormones and that achy feeling I have inside that makes me feel empty with no baby. Stupid biological clock. Yes!!! I hope all of us get pregnant on our first tries lol that would certainly help I think!!

Affairchild- It truly is, it is so freaking hard. And the buying market here OMG. We went to an open house last weekend that technically we could get now on DH's self employed salary. It went on the market Sat morning and there were 60 showings that DAY. They were going over offers today. So we went home did some research and that is how it has been for the last year! Showing on Saturday and by Monday the posting is removed and the house is sold a month later. This is going to be insane! So when we are ready we have to have be preapproved and have all the paperwork. And the reality is as soon as DH has been at his job for a month we can do that and start making offers. So the house is happening. It's just so frustrating that I dont know when and we have been wanting this for over a year now. Omg I totally agree with you, I dont think it will ever feel real once we do. Plus maybe it is just me, but I am split between really wanting it right now, and knowing we are not ready yet. It's a weird feeling lol. Do you know what I am talking about?
Is the house your biggest variable? Do you already know which OB will be yours? What are you doing to prep for TTC/pregnancy??
Hi Priscilla! Welcome, happy to see so many of you! I know those DH's are so annoying, especially when you know they have good points lol. Both of our men seem to be really set on savings. And the reality is it will all work out for everyone of us, we just don't have any more details than that. :p Haha I am so glad you mentioned that! I think that is a big reason I don't feel ready. I'm not big on pain so the idea of labor and birth, terrify me. Is it weird that I feel less anxious about a C section??? I am also freaked about morning sickness and some other pregnancy related things. Are you scared of anything else? or just the birth? Have you had a pre conception check-up yet? You can get them at anytime, I am planning on mine for July. 6 months before I want to start and enough time to work on my fear of the doctor. Something else I have to get over before baby time. I am sorry your date is flexible as well. I totally understand feeling like it's their way out, I made mine promise that isn't what he is doing. I don't think it is but it just sucks when you have to wait for something you want so badly.

Emmysocks- Omg I feel you hun! I do not know how to be patient at all. I feel like maybe just having one thing in place (like DH's job) would help, but I am not sure it would. And honestly, I think I would be ok waiting if I knew for certain when things would happen. Like DH gets a great job in May, We close on the house in July, and we get pregnant in January. Wouldn't it be sooo wonderful if life worked like that? I totally think it is about the destination and not the journey. I have always been like that, I HATE the unknown and unpredictability of it all it causes so much anxiety for me. I am a planner and I love it when things go to plan. I'm so proud of you for finding good things to do in the meantime! I wish I was better at that. Some of the things I am doing is trying to focus on getting more water, getting better at cleaning/taking care of the house, (the SAHW thing, since that is part of the SAHM thing.) I really really want to get into an exercise routine just having been able to yet. DH and I eat out maybe once a month, and besides getting in more fruit and veggies ( easier said than done haha) we eat pretty good home cooked meals. I was on a Pinterest craze for a while, but it only seemed to make it worse for me being surrounded by everything I can't have yet. What are you doing to stay active and eat well? I would love some suggestions!

Afairchild5- I am so with you!!! Once DH gets a job and we get a house, that is like 60% of the reasons why we are waiting right there!! Plus you can focus on the house. With our market as I said before, I think the buying process will keep my mind quite busy. Plus then once you are in the house you can decorate and make it a real home!!! I don't know about you, but buying a house with enough room for kids and knowing that is the place I will eventually bring my baby home to, would be so helpful for my sanity lol. Haha Oh I am so with you. DH is very dependent on the day and how much. Sometimes we agree on like a time limit, like for the next 20 mins I can talk about TTC and baby stuff and then I have to drop it for the day/week whatever he needs. It seems to work better in small doses with him and the last thing I want to do is bug him enough where he doesn't want to start! I am so thankful for the friends in my life and you ladies that I can talk to about this!

Xstitcher87- I think it is so great that you are waiting until you recover from surgery! Just think about it like you are already going to be a great Mom. Honestly, I think we all will be since we are getting prepared and trying to make it to the best possible situations for our future LOs. :) I will keep my fingers crossed that you will have that over with in April! Woohoo! I am going off in Dec (my periods come at the end of the month, so I won't put a new ring in after my Nov period) so I have a full month as well to figure out what my cycle is off BC since I have not seen that in over a decade lol. I want things to be on point for January. Oh yay!!! So we will be getting the TTC blood tests the same month! Do you know what they are all checking for?? and what that appt entails?? are you also going for a regular physical as well??
My personal goals are:
1- Getting hydrated
2- having more fruits and veggies
3- a regular exercise routine,
4- a part time job I don't hate,
5-getting over my fears of vomit/blood/doctors,
6- managing my GAD by myself
7- being in good shape. Regardless on what the number on the scale is ( I am already in a normal weight range, and I like the idea of losing a few pounds, but I don't thing it matters as much as getting healthy.)
8- finding a hobby I love
Slowly working on all of them, but having a hard time figuring out what steps to take to get there. What are you getting your masters in??
I'd like to join in too! We don't have a definitive date to start yet but my husband and I are both clearing up some health issues before we are ready to TTC on our first. We don't have a specific date but I'm guessing we'll be ready around December or so, FX.

Me: I have PCOS (which I'm trying to manage with better diet and more exercise after I found I couldn't tolerate metformin), hypothyroid (trying to get my levels right), chronic UTI's (seeing a urologist soon), back issues (seeing a chiropractor soon for this too.) In general I just want to lose about 20-30 pounds and feel better. My energy level is so low and I can't imagine keeping up with a baby on top of just general life stuff. Oh and I forgot about the dental stuff (no surprise there haha). I have some cavities that need to be filled and I need my wisdom teeth removed. Might as well get that done before he start trying. Ugh. :-/

Him: He has severe back problems with a herniated disc and chronic back pain. He needs to lose some weight too but can't really exercise so he needs to see about a medical intervention to help him lose weight. He also has ADHD which he's on medication for but he needs help with his sleep cycle because it's really off. He's a full time student and can barely keep up with his classes so adding a baby is going to be difficult. That's why we want to figure all that out first.

In addition to all that, we really want to save a little money and I'm banking some vacation and sick time so that we're ready! Can't wait to be feeling healthier and start doing the baby dance! :happydance:

I know my DH isn't purposely pushing back dates but it just feels like things won't be good enough! We wrote a big list yesterday afternoon about primary goals we need before TTC and secondary things we'd like but it doesn't matter. There's so many argh!
DH said Sept-Oct should be good. Aug if we get ahead but I doubt we will be!

Glad you agree! I haven't had a check. I didn't even think of that. What does it test for? I am scared of morning sickness too as I hate vomiting! Yuck. The pain and feeling sick is terrifying. As well as a C Section. Sounds scary. Or an epidural. I'm a needle phobic!
Aww Becca21 that is so exciting! We'll have to keep each other updated on our tests! I know my doctor wants to give me my immunisations for whooping cough, chicken pox and any others I need updating on (so probably tetanus). I am not sure what kind of blood work, but I am expecting her to check my hormone levels, vitamin levels, cholesterol etc, a basic health check really. I am going to ask her to check my blood type too, as I don't know what it is. She might check for my Rh Status and Antibodies?

Where are you in the world? I am in Australia :flower: and I am assuming you aren't based on your spelling of mum/mom :hugs: I wonder if the tests etc are different depending on where we all live and what doctor we go to. For example, unless you have complications, almost no one in Australia sees an Obstetrician, we go to our General Practitioners and Midwives for appointments. But I know in other countries, people see Obstetricians more often.

I am not really scared of the doctors, I used to be. But I have been so often over the last couple of years and have such a lovely Dr that I don't mind so much now. My Dr is fantastic, she explains everything in a way non-medical people can understand, she always goes through everything thoroughly, explains WHY she's ordering tests, gives a list of possibilities, but always reassures me that she thinks it is the least serious and encourages me to ask questions. She's also the first Dr who has done a pap smear where I haven't felt like throwing up afterwards...she must be magic! I still am afraid of throwing up for some reason, but I figure that, if it happens, it happens and there is nothing you can do about it, and I'll probably feel too excited about the baby to worry about it much. I am not necessarily afraid of pain, but I don't like it much. I plan to discuss pain relief with my Dr, if/when I am actually pregnant. Epidural is an option I would consider.

I have definitely decided to ditch the BC after my active tablets run out in December (by my calculations, New Years Eve)! I am literally so excited that I can't seem to concentrate on anything else and everything I do, I tell myself, I'm doing it for the baby....I don't know if that helps or makes it worse! LOL

I love your comment about being a good mum, we're all planning and hoping and getting things set up to give our LOs the best starts possible!

My Master's is in Policing/Counter Terrorism, it complements my undergraduate degree which is in Law. I am a public servant writing policy, so not directly related to my work :coffee: but interesting all the same.

I have too many hobbies! I play Piano, Clarinet, I do cross-stitching and puzzles, I read a lot (both for uni and for pleasure), I want to study German language and I love playing board games. Cross-stitching, Piano and Reading are my main ones though.

:hugs: to everyone waiting on dates or impatiently waiting for your dates to roll around! We'll all get there, let's just go 1 day at a time :flower:
stitcher- i love the idea of getting things done before you turn 30. I really am wanting to get a hobby but it just seems like i don't have time for anything!

i work an hour away from home...i have to leave in the mornings at 6:15 am & i don't get home until about 6:20 pm and by that time i'm wiped out and don't want to do anything..including cooking...so i've been seriously unhealthy, bored, and even a little depressed. my husband is a police officer and he works 3 pm to 11 pm & has sundays & mondays off. so during the week whenever i get up in the morning to go to work he's sleeping and when he gets home from work i'm sleeping. i see him on sundays (our one day off which just happened recently) & for about 3 hours on monday since i work until 6:20. it's been REALLY hard on me to hardly ever get to see my husband. i just feel like i'm in such a funk and the ONLY thing keeping my head above water is thinking of getting a house and having a baby. he told me when i have a baby to just get a part time job closer to home which i'm dying to do! the only reason i'm staying at this job right now is b/c the pay is so great & it's in insurance verification which will look great on my resume. he doesn't get paid great being a police officer so i feel like with my job and all the hours i work that there's no way we will get a house without it. i swear right now my life is just worrying & working & thinking too much. i called in today bc i feel like i'm making myself sick to my stomach with stress. and i only started this job late january so i feel like they're gonna let me go for calling in so soon to getting the job...(did i mention i worry too much?) glad i have a place to get all this off of my chest though. i feel like my husband tells me one thing just to get me to shut up and then pushes things back even further without discussing it with me and it gets me SO upset. like we probably wont be looking for houses now until may or so and i know that's not too far but it feels like forever for someone that wants it all RIGHT NOW! lol.

i definitely do need to lose some weight and be healthier and i really love the idea of going to my woman doctor and getting tests done to see where i am at! i'm not in love with my gynecologist but my cousin said when she had her two babies they were amazing and to try and stick it out with them. my cousin did make me really happy the other day b/c people are always giving me such unwanted advice when it comes to having kids like..."oh you're still young, i would wait" and just little things like that but my cousin told me "having kids is the best thing i've ever done and i would never discourage someone that is ready for that" i was like FINALLY thank you!!

anyways sorry i'm in such a discouraging mood today ladies...but it really does help to have yall to talk it out with. hope everyones day is better then mine!
oh & i'm sorry if i didn't answer everyones direct questions...i'm on my husbands computer and it is SO slow and barely lets me scroll up!! lol!!
Becca - Thanks :D I do think it's important to do something with the wait and i've got a couple of targets. My goals for the wait are :
1. buy a house
2. decorate
3. organise and go on trip to Sweden to see friends
4. save some money (i think i'd like around £4000 before ttc and continue saving while trying/ pregnant)

BUT because i feel like these aren't goals i can actively work towards all the time - i am also working on healthy goals: eating more fruit and veg (not aiming to lose weight), doing some yoga/ pilates and making sure i do some non-baby related things like horse riding and seeing friends :D

i try to do some stuff unrelated to babies in order avoid being too obsessed...

I totally get the whole worrying about pregnancy and labour. i'm sure it's because it's just the unknown and we never know how we're going to cope until we try.

Afairchild - i know how you feel about all that 'useful' advice people hand out about being young and how we probably should wait a bit. People always ask me whether i have any more ambitions as if having a family isn't a good enough ambition!!
Afairchild5 - My husband is becoming a police officer too! He is currently in training. But Australian police seem to get better pay than their counterparts in other countries. He is also on a rotating roster which means he gets quite a bit of time off between his shifts sometimes.

Once I'm 30, I figured I'd do a 50 before 40 list! I'd roll anything I didn't do in my 40 before 30 list over and come up with some new things. Gives me something to focus on.

I totally agree too, it is nice to find people who encourage you rather than say "oh you've got plenty of time" or "wouldn't you like to travel more"!

That's why I am on here! LOL
Babysquash- Nice to meet you! I think it is so great that you are making sure you are in your best health before you TTC. I really feel that since we are all spending so much time and effort into making the perfect situation to bring our LO’s into the world; we are all already great Moms! ☺ DH and I will not be trying until at least Jan 2016. I totally hear you on the low energy thing, I’m not sure how I can handle it either but I am hoping by exercising, getting more sleep, and being hydrated I will be all set. The dental stuff surprisingly is really important for TTC and pregnancy. So way to go to get that out of the way before!! In my experience, the wisdom teeth thing was pretty awful and I can’t imagine dealing with that on top of anything else. I had four impacted and complications in recovery most fare much better than I did. I believe all of this will come together and it will work out, and it will be perfect when it does. Until then we will all be waiting together. ☺

Cilla- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to imply he was at all. I was just saying that was one thing that popped into my head with my DH and I had to explicitly have him tell me that is NOT what he is doing or wants to do. Omg I totally get you there. We have our list as well, and while there has been progress there is still so much and it feels like we will never get there either. Yeah! I was thrilled you had the guts to say you were afraid of labor and that was one of the reasons you were ok waiting. I don’t think that is brought up a whole lot since we all just want this so much. Yup the morning sickness is honestly one of my biggest hurdles. I hear some women get lucky and never throw up or throw up like twice the whole time. Some though are super sick and that can last the whole pregnancy. There is no way to know which way I will go on that. Plus my GAD always makes me think that the worst case scenario will happen to me so I struggle with that. My therapist will be working with me on my vomitphobia so that it isn’t quite a big deal to me. Lol yeah I don’t do well with pain either… I am not sure how exactly I will cope with that. I think maybe it’s the control or planning I can do with a C section but that scares me less than natural, go figure. I also already had major surgery so surgery is less of an unknown to me, and this time it ends with a baby!! Oh!! And same with the epidural, I am sooo with you on the needle thing- big reason why I avoid doctors. We are like twins! So its called the conception checkup and it should be totally free. But you go to your OB with your Dh (preferably) they talk about your medical history, all the family history and determine what you are at risk for so that you can fix it before you TTC or they know what to keep an eye on during your pregnancy. A regular pelvic exam would be part of the appointment. They also do a panel of blood tests to make sure your body is all set for TTC or again seeing if there is something that needs to be fixed beforehand. I don’t mean this lightly by the way, I am quite scared of this appointment so much so though that I cannot even try to do it before July as I need to work with my therapist to figure out how to get through the testing and waiting for the results. But going to doctors regularly and getting my blood drawn is a big part of what you have to deal with during pregnancy for the baby’s sake. So I am basically not letting myself “get to” TTC until I have handled this appointment and accepted that there will be many more. It is just so hugely helpful to understand to know you aren’t alone, I sincerely hope you and I can get through our phobias together and come out as awesome pregnant ladies. ☺
Xstitcher87- Absolutely! Actually I am hoping you might go first as I am terrified lol. I have needle phobias and doctor phobias, etc. I am waiting until July just so I can focus on getting through this appointment for four months prior. Thank you for the description! I forgot the shots were a part of it too. Geez, how much can you fit into one appointment? :p Yes I agree with all of them, I just hope they don't have to take too much blood from me. I believe the RH factor will be an issue for us, as I am A- and DH is A+ so that means more shots for me. Honestly, it might be a little bit after July because I need to find a new OB first. That is a whole other project that is on hold until we know what DH's insurance is and where we will be living.

That is so funny that you caught that from my "Mom." I am in the USA, Colorado to be more specific. I have been here about 18 years now and DH is a native. We really like it here. How is Australia? Are you a native? I have never been actually, not a huge plane fan lol. From what I have seen the tests seem pretty standard, there might be some slight deviation but I imagine it is really close. Wow! I had no idea. That is not how things are done here lol. We have midwifes here too, but mainly you have to see an OB especially if you want to deliver in a hospital. In CO at least, the midwifes are not well connected to the hospitals which is not a headache you went deal with going through contractions. From the people I know, it is uncommon to have a usual primary you see. Why don't you see an OB? Are the midwifes and generals just that good? Because in that case I am jealous.

Omg your doctor sounds amazing! Maybe I could even be ok with yours lol. You don't have to talk about it, but why have you had to go so much? Are you ok, like all better now?? I'm sorry you felt that way after the paps, but I am so glad that you don't feel that way anymore. The weird thing for me is the annual well women's exam is the only one I have kept up with over the years and the one I get the least nervous about... I guess that is good? I am impressed. I wish I had your attitude about vomiting. After almost a year of working on my GAD I am not there. I can convince myself it is ok by telling myself all the reasons that I won't vomit. I am hoping that if I know why I am vomiting (pregnancy vs. stomach flu) I won't be so anxious about it and like you said maybe too happy too care! One can hope! Good call. There are a lot of options for pain relief too. Depending on where you go there is laughing gas, IV meds, and epidurals. I had a spinal fusion almost a decade ago, so the epidural is a bit more complicated. I was just recently told that it should work for delivery but that given where my fusion is it won't help with the contractions. Not sure how I feel about that haha. It's possible a planned C section is my best option, so hopefully I have an OB willing to talk to me about it.

Woohoo so we are on track for that at the same time too! I will be off my BC in Dec as well :) Had decided DH and I will be NTNP in Dec, but things changed and I told DH I will still be off it so if we aren't NTNP we will have to use condoms for a month. Not ideal, but doable for a little while. Omg yay! New Year's Eve!? What a beautiful way to start the new year!! I totally understand you there, everything I do right now I make myself do it for the baby. I hope I just don't completely lose my mind by next year.

I think it is really true. The best advice I have ever gotten is "the women that worry if they are/will be a bad mom, are already great ones. If I don't remember anything else or get stuck in the noise of my head- I want to remember that every day. I have to think for all of us all of this planning and preparation will pay off for us and our LO's.

Wow that is incredible! What a degree to have! I have to admit I don't know what a public servant writing policy is lol. So what exactly do you do?? So what are you hoping to do when you get your Master's??

So many talents, you are quite well rounded my dear. :) How did you get into cross stitching?? are you in a band? I used to play the flute in like middle school and will always be a choir girl at heart. DH and I love puzzles, but he get's a little obsessive about it so we have to do it in small doses. Are you studying German now? I think it will be beneficial to learn Spanish, since bilingual here is big. But I have actually always been interested in ASL. I might look into that, once I get my next job ( income goes to baby savings.) What do you like to read?? and what is uni? Oh DH and I love games! We wish we lived closer to our friends to have like weekly game nights. We are really hoping to have that in the neighborhood once we buy the house.

I love you mentioned one day at a time! I actually have a necklace that says just that, I wear on my bad anxiety days. It does seem the only semi sane way to get through the waiting and unknown we are all going through. Oh god, I am so sorry about your book my insomnia has been rough lately. I hope you don't mind.
Well, Becca21, I plan on going to my pre-TTC check up somewhere between the 5 - 15 July at this stage, happy to post on here exactly what my dr did and talked about etc and what tests they ordered or did.

I have had to go so much because during a fairly routine visit for a urinary tract infection, my GP discovered I had mildly high blood pressure, very out of the ordinary for a then 26 year old. She did a lot of investigating, blood tests, urine tests, a 24 BP monitor and a kidney ultrasound. Turns out there is no cause, therefore, it is most likely genetic (my dad and grandmother both had/have it too). So I am on meds for that which require a 6 month monitoring for my kidneys. Thankfully I am on such a low dose that it hasn't had any affect so far (except the one it was supposed to have, which is lower my BP).

THEN in December last year, I had an abnormal period, so I went to get checked out, after 5 lots of blood tests and both an external and internal ultrasound, they believe I have polyps, so I am off to a specialist OB/GYN in April for an appointment, hopefully schedule the hysteroscopy + dilation and curettage/polyp removal in April too.

SO I've been a lot :p

My Dr won't take the blood though, she'll get the nurse at her practice to do the shots for me after I see her, and I'll have to go to the pathologists office (with my referral) for the blood tests.

Then once all the tests have come back (usually within 3-7 days depending) then I'll see my Dr again to discuss the results.

I feel so lucky to have found such a nice Dr and the nurse at the practice is really nice too.

Midwives are pretty much all you see here, unless there is a complication. Our medical training standards are really good, so to be a midwife, you have to have trained fully as a nurse as well. We also see our Dr (or General Practitioner) at the same time. My GP as we call them, has done a medical degree and some of them (mine included) has done a course in obstetrics and gynecology for GPs, so less than a specialist, but enough to be able to deal with straightforward things. The GP is kind of the gateway, they deal with simple stuff and initial diagnoses and then forward you on to a specialist when needed.

We have birthing centres attached to the hospitals in my state. It is great, you have all the labouring things, like beanbags and baths etc and you can bring music and candles etc, but if any complications arise you're right next door to a full hospital! Kind of like a compromise between a home birth and a hospital one I suppose.

Public Servant is the same as America's civil service? Basically a government employee. My department takes government decisions and writes the documents that actually implement it. Like the rules around social welfare payments or workplace safety. Hope that explains it! I basically do a lot of writing and re-writing, interpreting laws etc.

I am definitely a bit of a jack of all trades, but not super great at any of them. Cross-stitching I got into because my mum taught me when I was a child. I find it really relaxing!

I studied German a little at University (uni) (I guess similar to college?) but I plan to do a refresher course later this year. I love to read classics, legal/crime thrillers and a bit of fantasy. I also read a great deal of non-fiction, I'm currently reading a book that deals with the idea of original sin and how it has influenced the modern world.

:happydance: one day at a time is definitely difficult! But I set myself a goal for each day. I try to keep it to 1 or 2 so they are achievable. Today's goals were "go to ballet class" and "talk to my boss about my performance agreement"....both done! Yay!

I was born in Australia, I love my country. I love exploring other places too, but I love coming home. I also live more in the country, rather than on the coast (although, still in a city). I love bushwalking (hiking) and the fact I can walk a mile up the road and can see kangaroos hanging out in the fields. It is nice and warm here, although where I live can get a little chilly, but it has never snowed since I've lived here!


The poem I linked above, pretty much describes it for me :thumbup:

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