Sorry this wasn't it for you WhiteOrchid. As much as it sucks going on to the next cycle, at least there is always the sense of a new beginning. I try to let go of the disappointment and draw on the hope that comes with starting over. It's easier to say than do, but I'll be thinking of you and keeping my fingers X'd.
I really don't know what's going on with me at this point. I was feeling really hopeful, but today has really knocked the wind out of me.
My cycles are so all over the place it's hard to know what to expect and when, but this month I really took my temping and charting seriously. I've been keeping track of CM too, and trying to just be really aware of what is going on in my body. With long cycles I wasn't sure when I should expect ovulation, so I figured I'd just get as much BD'ing as possible from mid month until I saw a good temp shift or got AF. We didn't get to be as active as I was hoping this weekend with hubby working crazy shifts and having a 3 year old sometimes it happens this way. We BD'd on cycle day 12 in the afternoon, and that was it for this weekend. Not optimal, I would have liked more days. I wasn't really expecting to O this soon anyway, but when I put my temp into Fertility Friend today it pinpointed ovulation on CD 11. I did notice wet or watery CM on CD 11 and 12 and eggwhite CM on CD 13, which lines up pretty nicely with temps. On CD 13 I noticed a bit of a pink tinge to CM. I figured if FF was right we likely missed the egg, but there was still a glimmer of hope somehow we got it. I figured this was a relatively normal cycle at least, and that maybe next month would be THE month.
Today is cycle day 14, I checked my CM when I woke up and there wasn't really much of anything to even find, not remarkably wet or sticky, kind of seems to be shifting back to creamy. Then, when I checked later in the afternoon I noticed BRIGHT RED, FRESH bleeding. Not just a spot or a tinge in my CM, but a small gush of RED blood. It scared me. I checked it a little bit ago (a few hours after i first noticed) and there was some pink on the TP, I put on a pad to see what I can catch.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on now. It's so frustrating. I know that OV bleeding can happen, but this is definitely more than spotting and it's not pink or brown. I am just so frustrated at this moment.