Oh No! Sorry Rachael. Hi HO though loving the PMA from you about having a November baby! I have conceive plus for this cycle too and i'm kind of looking forward to it - Katie do you like it? Is it sticky and stuff?
Hi Katie
Great Temp rise looks like you have ovulated! and covered it by the looks of your chart so good luck!! i have everything crossed that you get your BFP this month and not need to follow up on the docs appointments!! xx
Welllll i'm really hoping beyond hope for this cycle...
We move in to the house at the end of February and I now have 3 interviews from all my efforts plus I want to quit smoking... So if this month is a for me I will be having a break til May - it sucks because obviously you guys know that TTC is a hard mind frame to get out of isn't it? I think it's for the best though, we currently live with his parents and TTC is hard work so I did know that we would come to a cut off or at least I would! So I secretly have everything crossed for me this cycle. If it's a no I want to settle in the house and hopefully at least one job will come good so I can settle there too and also not have a baby conceived when i'm a right royal b**ch because i've quit! Sorry for the life story, thought i'd let you know! I'll still be here though and routing for your winter babies... Technically this month is the last month for me that I will have a baby in 2011 boooooo! But if you remember I did say that I didn't really want a December baby!
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