My 16 yo DD doesn't want to get a job or help around the house.
We told her we would support her totally while she was studying but after receiving messages from several different teachers about her slacking off at school it seems she doesn't want to study either.
We stopped all money to her. If she does nothing she gets nothing. That's how life is. She told us one of her friends gets £70 a month off parents and this girl will get full EMA so the parents can't be on a great income. This girl seems to be paying for our daughter to go out so us not giving her money is not bothering her much.
We think DD might be entitled to EMA but we're reluctant to apply as it goes straight to the child and I think that will give her even less reason to do anything. Easy money!
Who knows what the answer is? I did think about charging her a nominal rent and putting it into savings for her. I like the idea she learns to pay her way and if she ever makes it to uni she would have a lump sum to help her out with books and fees.
She will only get the EMA if she attends college all week and isn't late to lessons.
If she is late once or misses one lesson she doesn't get the money for that whole week. She won't get so much taken off if she's late or misses a lesson she just doesn't get any full stop!